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1、Unit 5 Travelling abroad,-2-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,【识记阅读单词】 1.visa n. 签证 2.idiom n. 习语;成语 3.numb adj. 麻木的;失去知觉的 4.autonomous adj. 自主的;自治的;独立的 5.enterprise n. 事业;事业心 6.seminar n. (专题)研讨会 7.videophone n. 可视电话 8.rugby n. (英式)橄榄球 9.minibus n. 小型公共汽车 10.optional adj. 可选择的;随意的,-3-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.

2、语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,11.cage n. 鸟笼;兽槛 12.drill vi.代用品 vt.用代替,-4-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,6.academic adj.学校的;学术的 7.essay n.文章;散文 8.tutor n.导师;助教;家庭教师 9.draft n.草稿;草案 vt.草拟;起草 10.occupy vt.占用;占领;占据 11.bachelor n.获学士学位的人;未婚男子 12.routine n.常规;日常事务 adj.通常的;例行的 13.bark vi.(指狗等)吠叫;咆哮 n.犬吠声;树皮 14.ba

3、ttery n.电池(组);电瓶;炮台 15.destination n.目的地 16.inn n.客栈 17.tomb n.坟墓,-5-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,【拓展核心单词】 1.lecture n.演讲;讲课lecturer n.演讲者;讲师 2.qualify vt.要求,-6-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,7. acknowledge vt.承认;确认;答谢 acknowledgement n.答谢;致谢;鸣谢 8.contradict vt.反驳;驳斥contradiction n.反驳;矛盾cont

4、radictory adj.相矛盾的;相抵触的 9.occupy vt.占用;占据;占领occupation n.工作;职业;占领 10.apology n.道歉;谢罪apologize v.道歉;谢罪 11.abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的abundantly adv.丰富地;充裕地abundance n.大量;充足 12. govern vt.州长,-7-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,1.“n.+able”构成的高频形容词荟萃 comfortcomfortable 舒适的 reasonreasonable 合情合理的 honourhonoura

5、ble 可敬的;光荣的 reachreachable 可获得的;可达成的 desiredesirable 值得要的;理想的 favourfavourable 赞成的;有利的,-8-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,2.与“旅游”相关的髙频词汇集锦 guide n.向导;导游 route n.路线 travel agency 旅行社 destination n.目的地 tourist attraction 旅游景点 a place of interest 风景;名胜 schedule n.时刻表 accommodation n.住处;膳宿,-9-,.单词,.短语

6、,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,3.routine常见搭配 break the routine 打破常规 follow the routine 墨守成规 daily routine 日常工作,每天的例行公事 routine duties 日常职责 routine procedure 常规程序 routine test 定期测验,-10-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,4.“代替;替换”家族 substitute B with/by A用A代替B substitute A for B用A代替B replace sth./sb.代替某物/某人

7、 in place of sth./sb.代替某物/某人 take the place of sth./sb.代替某物/某人 5.表示“适应”的短语小结 agree with适合;与一致 fit in相适应;相融合 fit in with与相适应 adjust (oneself) to适应 adapt (oneself) to适应(新情况),-11-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,【识记】 1.bachelors degree 学士学位 2.travel agent 旅行代办人;旅行代理人 3.keep it up 保持优秀成绩;继续干下去 4.out of

8、 the question 不可能 【默写】 1.相适应;相融合 fit in 2.忙着做;忙于某事物 be occupied with 3.(迁入新居;更换工作后)安顿下来 settle in 4.就而言 as far as one is concerned 5.日复一日 day in and day out,-12-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,有无the的不同 in prison 蹲监狱 in the prison 在监狱里 out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question 不可能的;不值得讨论的 in church

9、做礼拜 in the church 在教堂里 at table 在吃饭 at the table 在饭桌旁,-13-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,1. How difficult do you think it is to adjust to the customs of another country? 你认为适应另外一个国家的习俗有多难? 考点提炼do you think 意为 “你认为”,常做插入语置于句中,句首以特殊疑问词开头,句子用陈述语序,构成“特殊疑问词+do you think+陈述语序”结构。有类似用法的词还有suppose,believ

10、e,guess,expect,imagine,hope等。 2.It was the first time she had ever left her motherland. 这是她第一次离开她的祖国。 考点提炼“It+be+序数词+time(s)+从句”意为“这是第几次”,从句中的谓语动词常用完成式。这个句式中be动词是is时,从句使用现在完成时;be动词是was时,从句使用过去完成时。it 也可以换成this 或that。,-14-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,1.你认为谁能来参加我们的聚会? Who do you think will come to

11、 our party? 2.这是我第一次和外宾说话。 It is the first time that I have spoken to foreign guests.,-15-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,Six months ago,Xie Lei 1.boarded(board)a plane for London to study for a business qualification.When she came to England,she lived with a host family,2.whose members always hel

12、ped her.At the beginning she had to face 3.such difficulties of daily life as how to use the phone,and 4.how to pay bus fare.Besides,she also had to face difficulties of learning at the university.5.Studying(study)there was quite different from studying in China and she needed some 6.preparation(pre

13、pare)first.She had to get used to a new way of life,which took 7.up all her concentration.It was 8.beneficial(benefit)as well as difficult for her to study in London.She 9. learned (learn)how to satisfy academic requirements of a Western university.Xie Lei also learned that 10.as a student,she shoul

14、d not use other peoples work but try to express her own ideas.,(2)If the steps you take are working,keep it up.(2017全国,七选五) 如果你采取的步骤起作用,那就坚持下去。,-16-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,1.keep it up保持优秀成绩;继续干下去 领悟高考究考法 翻译句子 (1)Well done,and keep it up,Tom! 干得好,汤姆,再接再厉! 联想拓展记考点 (1)keep up 保持;维持;继续(某活动) (2)keep in t

15、ouch with 与保持联系 (3)keep up with 跟上;保持同步水平不落后 (4)keep away(常与from连用)远离,(1)Dad recommended buying(buy)a new one,while Mom insisted on our going back to fetch it.(201711浙江,读后续写) 爸爸建议我再买个新的,而妈妈却坚持我们回家去拿。 (2)This advertisement is made more believable by using recommendations.(2015北京,阅读理解B) 这则广告通过使用推荐的方式令人感到更加可信。 (3)I recommend that everyone (should) buy (buy) the book. 我建议大家都买这本书。,-17-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,2.recommend vt.推荐;建议;介绍;劝告 派生recommendation n.推荐;介绍信;建议;提议 领悟高考究考法 用recommend或者所给单词的适当形式填空,-18-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,联想拓展记考点 (1)recommend sth.to sb.=recommend sb.st


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