德伯家的苔丝 presentation

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《德伯家的苔丝 presentation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《德伯家的苔丝 presentation(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Tess of the DUrbervilles,Thomas Hardy (1840-1928),17112303 顾蓉 17112307 蒋爱家 17112312 吴晶,Contents,The Author Analysis on Characters Main Idea Plot of the Text Analysis on the Text,Thomas Hardy (18401928),Thomas Hardy,Life Works Theme & Style Position & Evaluation,Life,Thomas Hardy was an English nove

2、list, short writer and poet. He was a Victorian poet. He used his writings to elaborate his own pessimistic view of life.,Life,1840 was born in Dorsetshire 1848 attended Julia Martins school 1856 was apprenticed(当学徒) to a local architect 1862 was sent to London 1867 wrote poetry and novels 1874 marr

3、ied Emma Ravenna 1910 was awarded the Order of Merit 1914 married Florence Dugale 1928 died,Works,1867 The Poor Man and The Lady 1871 Desperate Remedies 1872 Under the Greenwood Tree 1873 A Pair of Blue Eyes 1874 Far From the Madding Crowd 1878 The Return of the Native 1886 The Mayor of Casterbridge

4、 1887 The Woodlanders 1891 Tess of the D Urebevilles 1895 Jude the Obscure,Works,Short Stories 1888 Wessex Tales 1894 Lifes Little Ironies Poetry 19041908 The Dynasts,Works,His novels were published in serial forms in magazines and popular in both England and America. However, despite the praise Har

5、dys fiction received, many critics also found his works too shocking, especially Tess of the DUrbervilles and Jude the Obscure. The outcry against Jude was so great that Hardy decided to stop writing novels and return to his first great love, poetry.,Theme & Style,Theme fatalism and pessimism -mans

6、life controlled by hostile, cruel, mysterious fate -a pessmistic vein runs throughout his novels sympathy for the peasants,Theme & Style,Style Naturalism previous Romantic Enlightenment periods of literature a naturalistic tendency architectural structure personification and symbolism,Theme & Style,

7、Naturalism in the nineteenth century a product of post-Darwinian biology a literary movement as accurately as possible without artificial distortions Romantic during the first third of the nineteenth century artistic philosophy reliance upon emotion and natural passions unique nature of the individu

8、al,Position & Evaluation,His poetry marks the transition from the Victorian Age to the modernist movement of the 20th century.,Analysis on Characters,Tess Durbeyfield Alec dUrberville Angel Clare,Tess Durbeyfield,Intelligent, strikingly attractive, deep moral sensitivity, passionate intensity a myth

9、ic heroine St. Teresa of Avila(圣女大德兰) Theresa “Daughter of Nature” in Chapter 18 “Artemis” and “Demeter” in Chapter 20,Tess Durbeyfield,a mythical incarnation of womanhood her eyes are “neither black nor blue nor grey nor violet; rather all these shades together,” like “an almost standard woman.” a

10、“standard” story,Tess Durbeyfield,the changing role of the agricultural workers in England in the late nineteenth century financial constraints aristocracy in Tesss blood not quite up to the level of Alecs or Angels a symbol of unclear and unstable notions of class,Alec dUrberville,the nemesis and d

11、ownfall of Tesss life Alexander the Great Alexander Stoke-dUrbervillethe split character of his family divided duplicitous,Alec dUrberville,diabolical 残忍的,恶魔的 The first part of his surname conjures associations with fiery energies, as in the stoking of a furnace or the flames of hell. He seduces her

12、 as the serpent in Genesis seduced Eve. Alec does not try to hide his bad qualities.,“ “I suppose I am a bad fellowa damn bad fellow. I was born bad, and I have lived bad, and I shall die bad, in all probability.“,Alec dUrberville,He represents a larger moral principle rather than a real individual

13、man. Like Satan, Alec symbolizes the base forces of life that drive a person away from moral perfection and greatness.,Angel Clare,a freethinking son born into the family of a provincial parson a rebellious striving toward a personal vision of goodness secularist 现世主义者,世俗主义者 work for the “honor and

14、glory of man” a typical young nineteenth-century progressive He rejects the values handed to him, and sets off in search of his own.,Angel Clare,Angel is not quite of this world, but floats above it in a transcendent sphere of his own. his love for Tess may be abstract “Daughter of Nature“ or “Demet

15、er“ Angels ideals of human purity are too elevated to be applied to actual people.,It is not the angel who guides the human in this novel, but the human who instructs the angel, although at the cost of her own life.,Main Idea,Tess comes from a farmers family, the Durbeyfields. She has lived a poor b

16、ut peaceful life. they are descended from the DUrbervilles. the girl comes in contact with the Stoke, DUrbervilles. There she meets Alec DUrbervilles, who shows off the estate and always seduces her. Being humiliated and resolute, Tess returns home, and gives birth to a baby who dies soon Tess has to leave home and goes to work as a dairymaid at a distant farm, where she meets Angel Claire. They fall in love, but Angel abandon her.,Main idea,Alec D



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