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1、定语从句,1.想去博物馆参观的人请在这里签名。 2. 可惜我想买的那套住房暂不出售。 3. 在战争中失去左腿的英雄受到很好的照顾。 4.这是过去两年里他看的唯一一部影片。 5. 他们见面时谈起了能够想起的人和事。,定语从句,Those who want to visit the museum, please sign your name here. It s a pity that the apartment /flat (which/that) I would like to buy is not for sale for the time being. The hero whose lef

2、t leg was left in the war was taken good care of. This is the only film (that) she has seen in the past/last two years. When they met, they talked of the people and things (that)they could remember.,定语从句,她是我们当中唯一懂法语的人. 你记得昨天给我们作报告的那个教授吗? 你可不可以带我去鲁迅住过的房子呢? 我已忘记我们初次见面的日子. 这就是我们去年住过的房子吗?,定语从句,She is th

3、e only one who knows French among us. Do you remember the professor who gave us a report yesterday? Could you take me to the house where Lu Xun once lived? I have already forgotten the day when we first met each other. Is this house the one we lived in last year?,定语从句,人生就像一条大河,时而宁静时而疯狂。 这么多年来,唯一令我不能

4、忘怀的就是家乡的那条河。 我躺在床上,回想起了曾经给过我帮助的人们。 你还记得你加入我们俱乐部的那一天么? 太阳给地球温暖,这对于人类很重要。,定语从句,The life is just like a river, there are moments when it is quiet, and there are moments when it is crazy. For all these years, the only thing that I cant forget is the river in my hometown. I lay in bed, and I recalled the

5、 people who had helped me. Do you still remember the day when=on which you joined our club. The sun warms the earth, which is important to human beings,定语从句,最终,那小偷把偷来的所有东西都交给了警察。 我们的生命依靠着我们从中获得食物的土地。 他不大可能找到十年前吃过晚餐的那个小饭馆了。 我们班有40名学生,其中三分之二是女生。 正如预期的那样,飞船成功地进入太空。,定语从句,At last, the thief handed all th

6、e things that he stole to the policeman Our lives depend on the land where /from which we get our food. Its impossible for him to find the restaurant in which=where he had dinner 10 years ago. There are 40 students in our class , two thirds of whom are girls. As was expected, the space ship went up

7、into space successfully.,定语从句,我这里说的朋友,是指那些你几乎可以把一切与之分享的人。 在我们工厂里,许多人对这项新发明很感兴趣。 我们驾驶的飞机几乎每一个部件都有一些国籍标志。 没有吃过苦的人不知道什么是甜。 他那富有感染力的笑声打破了沉寂。,定语从句,Im talking about a friend who you can share almost everything with. In our factory, there are many people who are much interested in the new invention. We used a plane of which almost every part carried some indication of national identity. He who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet. His laughter, which was infectious, broke the silence.,



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