七年级英语下册 unit 10 id like some noodles section a(grammar focus3c)导学案 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、我带领班子成员及全体职工,积极参加县委、政府和农牧局组织的政治理论学习,同时认真学习业务知识,全面提高了自身素质,增强职工工作积极性,杜绝了纪律松散Unit 10 Id like some noodles.第二课时 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c )学习目标:1、重点单词meat (n.)肉2、重点词组 would like to do sth.想做某事3、重点句式(1)-What kind of noodles would you like? 你想要哪种面条?-Id like beef noodles.我想要牛肉面。(2) -What size would you l

2、ike? 你想要多大号碗?-Id like a large bowl, please.我想要大碗的。(3) -Would you like a large bowl? 你想来份大碗的吗?-Yes, please.好的。(4)-Is there any meat in the tomato and egg soup? 在西红柿鸡蛋汤里有肉吗? -No, there isnt any. / No, theres no meat. 没有。(5)May I have your order? 你现在可以点菜了吗?重点难点: 1.点菜所用句型;2.询问尺寸大小的句型。3. 可数名词与不可数名词导学设计:1

3、. Id like beef noodles with carrots.【归纳】with是 ,常见的用法有:(1)意为“带着,有”。 例如: Do you know that girl with long hair?你认识长头发的那个女孩吗?(2)表示伴随,意为“和一起”。 例如:He always goes to school with her. 他总是和她一起去上学。(3)表示手段或方法,意为“用”。He is writing with a pen.他正用一支钢笔写作。(4)take/ bring/ have sth. with sb. 意为“某人随身带着某物”。例如:He often b

4、rings a book with him.他经常随身带一本书。2. Id like tomato and egg noodles. 我想要西红柿鸡蛋面。tomato and egg noodles中,tomato and egg是 ,修饰noodles。可数名词作定语时,通常用单数。【注意】当man和woman作定语修饰名词复数时,man或woman也要相应地用复数形式。例如:two men teachers 两名男教师, ten women doctors 十名女医生3. large、big与great large、big与great都有“大”的意思,它们的区别见下表:large意为“ ”

5、,用来指体积、容积、面积及范围大、数量多,其反义词是small。big意为“大的”,侧重于表示一个物体的体积,即“块头、重量”;还可以表示“伟大、重要”等。其反义词是little或small。great意为“巨大的、伟大的”,表示数量多、体积大外,还可以指抽象的事物或精神方面的东西。例如:China is a large and beautiful country. 中国是一个幅员辽阔而又美丽的国家。He has a large family. 他有一个大家庭。He made great progress. 他取得了巨大进步。He is a big man.他是一个大人物。【提示】口语中big

6、与large可以换用,big比较口语化,large比较正式。指人时一般用big不用large。知识巩固:.单项选择1. -What size of shoes would you like?-Id like _ ones.A. black B. blue C. a medium D. large 2.-_? -Yes, Id like some coffee.A. What can you do B. How are you C. May you help me D. Can I help you3. -Would you like some milk?- .A. Yes, please. B

7、. Yes, I do. C. No, I dont. D. Yes, Id.4.Why dont you the pandas first?A. to see B. seeing C. see D. sees5. -Would you like another cake?-_. I am full(饱的).A. Yes, please B. No, thank you C. Nothing D. Id like6.-_ noodles would you like?-Big, please.A. What kind of B. What size bowl of C. How much D.

8、 How many. 根据汉语意思,完成句子1让我们打电话订一份大碗的面条吧。Lets make a phone to order _ _ _ _ _.2我想吃羊肉和土豆面条。Id like _ and _ noodles.3. 请递给我一些西红柿和牛肉。Please pass me _ _ and _.4. 我能喝一碗牛肉汤吗?Can I have _ _ _ beef soup?5. 你想要多大号码的鞋子?_ _ shoes would you like?. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. He would like some _ (noodle).2. He has two _ (pota

9、to) and some _(beef) for breakfast.3. Id like _ (chicken) and (tomato) noodles.4.- -What kind of noodles would you (like)?-Id like _ (have) a small bowl of noodles, please.5. Do you like _ (eat) some bananas?6.-What (size) do you have?-We have large, medium and small bowls.参考答案导学设计1. 介词 2. 定语 3. 大的;巨大的 知识巩固. 1-6DDACBB. 1. a big bowl of noodles 2. mutton, tomato 3. some tomatoes, beef 4. a bowl of 5. What size. 1. noodles 2. potatoes, beef 3. chicken, tomato 4. like, to have 5. to eat 6. size经过专家组及技术指导员的共同努力,科技入户工作取得了很大的成绩,促进了小麦 产量的大幅提升,农民种粮收益明显提高,得到了广大群众的一致赞许和社会各界的广泛好评。


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