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1、Mr. Tians picture,Good morning !,广东顺德教育发展中心 田湘军,Are you ready? Are you happy? If youre happy and you know it, ,Go to school.,Row your boat.,Touch your nose.,go,nose,row boat,o,o_e,oa,ow,no so fold goldfish,hole rose stone explode,bow blow grow throw,soap coal toast road moan,O family,Dig holes. Thro

2、w stones. Eat that toast. Dry that bowl. Blow your nose. Hang that coat up. Fold those clothes up. Dry between your toes. Untie your sisters bows. Hold my hand to cross the road. Her mum moans and moans every day.,Read.,the O family words.,Pay attention to,Do you like moaning? Who likes moaning in y

3、our family? Are you happy if he/she moans at you?,Moan, moan, moan! 唠叨,唠叨,唠叨,What can you see in the picture? What is the girl doing?,What does Mum moan about?,What does Mum moan about?,Discuss with your partners and guess what Mum wants the girl to do or not to do.,Think and answer.,What does the g

4、irl wish? The girl wishes her goldfish was her mum. Why does the girl wish her goldfish was her mum? Because her goldfish never moans at her.,Task Time,Work in pairs or groups and discuss: Why does Mum moan at us? What should we do when Mum moans at us? 小组讨论: 妈妈为什么对我们唠叨呢? 如果妈妈对我们唠叨,我们应该怎么做?,Mum moan

5、s at us because she loves us. She cares about us. We should understand our mum. Grow fast so that our mum will not worry about us.,Are you happy in my English class? Do you want to MOAN at me? Haha, lets ,To do Hang that coat up. Dry that bowl. Come on. Hurry up! Eat that toast. Fold those clothes u

6、p. Blow your nose. Dry between your toes. Hold my hand to cross the road. 10.Go to bed.,Not to do 1. Dont climb that tree. 2. Dont throw stones. 3. Dont dig holes. 4. Dont pick that rose. 5. Dont untie your sisters bows. 6. Dont mix jam with soap and coal. 7. Dont drop that cup. 8. Dont eat that. 9. Dont suck your thumb.,What does Mum moan about?,


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