高中英语 unit 3 celebration section grammar课件 北师大版必修

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1、Section Grammar,探究语法精要,课时语法专练,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1Tom has joined a book club and (ask) to write a book report. 答案: has been asked 2When he knew he (fool) already,he was very angry. 答案: had been fooled 3The paint (clean) when the accident happened. 答案: was being cleaned,4The next Olympic Games (hold) in Ri

2、o de Janeiro in 2016. 答案: will be held 5When it (heat),it will turn into water. 答案: is heated 6In my opinion,the dish (taste) very good. 答案: tastes 7This coat (dry) easily. 答案: dries,8Your article (read) smoothly. 答案: reads 9His books (sell) well,so they (sell) out soon. 答案: sell;are sold 10In the l

3、ast few years thousands of films (produce) all over the world. 答案: have been produced,.单句改错 1A heavy traffic accident was happened to him yesterday. _ 答案: 去掉was 2If you want to be a successful football player,all these bad habits must be got rid. _ 答案: 在rid后加of,3I think his idea is sounded great. _

4、答案: is sounded改为sounds 4He is knowing to have published three novels at such an early age. _ 答案: knowing改为known 5.Fortunately the great fire was gone out by the firefighters at last. _ 答案: gone改为put,6When I got to the market,the price of mutton had been risen again. _ 答案: 去掉been 7The man calling him

5、self a reporter was turned out to be a cheat. _ 答案: 去掉was 8Owing to his hard work,his dream has been come true. _ 答案: 去掉been,9His new book will be come out next month. _ 答案: 去掉be 10We should try our best to save natural resources in case they are run out one day. _ 答案: 去掉are,课时语法专练,答案: can 答案: cant,

6、3Shall I tell Tony about it? No,you .Ive told him already. 答案: dont have to 4You drive into a street with a “No Entry” sign. 答案: mustnt 5Mum,can I go to Charlies birthday party tonight? Yes,you can,but you return home before 10 oclock. 答案: must,6I didnt tell my parents that I would leave home. You h

7、ave when you left home since you are living with them. 答案: ought to 7We ought to help each other in our work, we? 答案: oughtnt,.翻译句子 1这本书你可以借一个月,之后必须按时归还。 _ 答案: You can keep the book for a month.After that you must return it on time. 2你不用买礼物,但是如果你想买也可以。 _ 答案: You dont have to buy a gift,but you can if you want to.,3丽莎在这儿住的时间还不长,她不可能认识很多人。 _ 答案: Lisa hasnt lived here for long.She cant know many people. 4你非要吃晚饭的时候说那么多话吗? _ 答案: Must you talk so much over dinner? 5谁可能拿走了我的字典呢? _ 答案: Who could have taken away my dictionary?,谢谢观看!,



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