高中英语 unit 23 conflict section warmup lesson 1prereading课时作业 北师大版选修

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1、在学生就要走出校门的时候,班级工作仍要坚持德育先行,继续重视对学生进行爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、行为规范等的教育,认真落实学校、学工处的各项工作要求Unit 23 Conflict Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Pre-reading.完形填空Step awayMy dad died last year.You can probably imagine the frustration (沮丧),the_1_,the unexpected flood of tears that have filled the twelve months since then.With

2、him_2_,I had to be in charge of family issues.It_3_that I had to be the grown up.All through my life my father had_4_been stepping away from me.Not in a neglectful (疏忽的) way,but in a way that kept me_5_.When I took my first baby steps,he would have_6_me.The next time I_7_,he held out his hands and,a

3、s I moved forward,he took a step back and I took another_8_!In the old,cold,public swimming baths I swam towards the deep end,safe in the_9_ that Dad was right in front,backing away from me_10_ I completed that first length.He held the seat of my bicycle until he thought I was_11_.And then,without m

4、e even_12_it,he let go and stepped away.Many times,through my_13_teenage years,Dad would survey my latest disaster and go red in the_14_,then hed walk away and leave me,ashamed and embarrassed,to_15_it or learn from it.When my own children came along he wasnt_16_to tell me how he thought I should_17

5、_them.Then he would shrug and back away with the words,“But its your_18_.”Now,Im a husband,a father,and a grandfather.I was all of that before Dad died.I like to think,in our time together,hed_19_me all he could about being a_20_man like him.From that point on it was all up to me.so he stepped away.

6、语篇解读作者通过自身的经历回顾了父亲在他成长过程中对他性格塑造起决定性影响的事件。1A.confidenceBpatienceCdanger Danger解析:与本空前后的frustration和tears构成并列:父亲的离世让作者感到很不快(anger)。答案:D2A.weak BwoundedCgone Dsick答案:C3A.meant BannouncedCreportedDproved解析:文章首句提示了这里指父亲去世(gone)后,作者要挑起家庭的重担,这意味着(meant)作者需要成熟起来。答案:A4A.once BstillCalways Dalready解析:根据下文内容可知

7、,在作者的一生中,父亲总是(always)退后一步,即:让作者学会独立。答案:C5A.reaching out Bmoving forwardCsetting off Dgetting up解析:父亲这样做是为了放手让作者不断前进(moving forward)。答案:B6A.accepted BinvitedCpushed Dcaught解析:当孩提时的作者迈出人生的第一步时,父亲会接住(caught)作者。答案:D7A.tried BsmiledCstopped Darrived答案:A8A.seat BstepCchanceDtest解析:后来,作者再尝试(tried)时,父亲在作者前面

8、伸出手迎接作者。然后,他退一步,作者走一步(step)。答案:B9A.knowledge BdreamCplan Dpromise解析:在冰冷的游泳池里,作者敢于向前游是因为他知道(knowledge),只要父亲在前方,他就是安全的。答案:A10A.if BbutCasDthough解析:当(as)作者游第一圈时,父亲一直在作者的前面。答案:C11A.free Bcalm Cfull Dready答案:D12A.refusing BrealizingChearing Dgaining解析:作者学习骑自行车时,父亲为他扶着自行车座。当父亲认为作者准备好(ready)时,他就会偷偷地(withou

9、t me even realizing it)放手。答案:B13A.confused BexcitingCwonderful Dunbelievable解析:根据本句中的latest disaster可知,作者在困惑的(confused)青春期做过很多错事。答案:A14A.mind Bhand CfaceDmouth解析:父亲查明原因后会红着脸(face)离开。答案:C15A.prevent BreduceCdoubt Dfix解析:父亲离开后,作者感到非常尴尬和惭愧,然后独自去处理(fix)这些事情或者从中吸取教训。答案:D16A.slow BstupidCnervousDbad答案:A17

10、A.respect BraiseCfeed Dwarn解析:当作者有了自己的孩子后,父亲也会急于(wasnt slow)告诉作者应该怎样抚养(raise)他们。答案:B18A.discovery BmemoryCpreparationDdecision解析:根据本句中的shrug and back away可知,父亲放手让作者自己做决定(decision)怎样教育他们。答案:D19A.awarded BlentCtaught Dpaid解析:根据上文不难看出,父亲教会了(taught)作者很多。答案:C20A.healthy Bgood Cpolite Dstrict解析:通读全文不难得知,作

11、者对父亲的赞美之情溢于言表,故此处good符合语境。答案:B.阅读理解There are different cultural traditions in the 38th District of California communities:Cambodian,Hmong,IndoAmerican,Chamorro,and AfricanAmerican.Individual events focus on each culture.Cambodian people first came to the 38th District when they escaped from being ki

12、lled by the Khmer Rouge during the 1970s.Cambodian traditions are kept alive in the celebration of the Cambodian New Year in April,which features (以为特色) native food,religious events,and traditional Cambodian dances,with their costumes and beautiful movements.The Hmong people,who came to the 38th Dis

13、trict because of the war in Vietnam,celebrate their New Year in December.Wearing colorful costumes,singing native songs and playing native instruments,the Hmong celebrate New Year by performing ceremonies to honor the dead and the spirits of nature.The tradition of the IndoAmericans in the District

14、is kept through their social,professional and political clubs,and by wearing their traditional dress and performing folk dances from India.The Chamorro people,first from the Mariana Islands and Guam in the Pacific,hold an annual cultural fair in Long Beach;central to the Chamorran tradition is respe

15、ct for elders,religious beliefs,storytelling,dancing,canoemaking,and the production of tools.Marking the end of slavery,Juneteenth was first celebrated on June 19 in Galveston,Texas,in 1865.Today AfricanAmericans in Long Beach celebrate the holiday with choir performances,African dances and displays of African art products.Individual events also help to combine many rac


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