高中英语 unit 18 beauty section warmup lesson 1language points课时作业 北师大版选修

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1、在学生就要走出校门的时候,班级工作仍要坚持德育先行,继续重视对学生进行爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、行为规范等的教育,认真落实学校、学工处的各项工作要求Unit 18 Beauty Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Language points.语法填空 1.This restaurant is superior_the one we went to last week _service.答案:to;in2If too many of these rare animals are killed,their kind will die_.答案:out3I think that

2、 this film is_a film;it is also a good material for education.答案: more than4The United Kingdom consists _Great Brain and Northern Ireland.答案:of5. My daughter _(use) to like chocolates,but now she likes fruits.答案:used6_(adore) Chinese traditional paintings,Sally has come to China to learn how to pain

3、t.答案:Adoring7He commanded that the students not_(leave) the classroom before he returned.答案:leave8Your passport application form should_ (accompany) by two recent photos when you go to the Passport Office.答案:be accompanied9You can rely on it_he will win the match.答案:that 10. It is still under discus

4、sion_the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.答案:whether 11He committed himself to_(carry)out new health policies.答案:carrying12_impressed the audience most is_the movie had involved many sensitive topics of society.答案:What;that.完成句子1What she says_(与一致) what she does.答案:is co

5、nsistent with2Last night,she _(陪伴我去) the hospital.答案:accompanied me to3She is _(不仅仅是我们的老师) and she is also our friend.答案:more than our teacher4The moths habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly_(灭绝)答案:died out5She _(精通英语)答案:has a good command of English 6She _(教学突出)答案: is superior in teaching7Sh

6、e has _(兴趣广泛)答案: a very wide range of interests 8The manager told us that he wanted to take back_(他说过的话)答案:what he had said.根据汉语提示,完成语段训练我们的英语老师身材苗条,兴趣广泛,精通英语,因此我们都很喜欢她。她总是言行一致,教学出色。一方面,她对我们很友好。上周我生病了,她陪我去医院。另一方面,她对我们很严格,她命令我们要充分利用时间来努力学习。在我看来,她不仅仅是我们的老师,还是我们的朋友。_答案:Our English teacher is very slim,

7、she has a very wide range of interests and has a good command of English,so we all adore her.Not only is what she says always consistent with what she does but also she is superior in teaching.On the one hand,she is very kind to us.Last week,I was ill and she accompanied me to the hospital.On the ot

8、her hand,she is very strict with us.She commands that we should make good use of time to study hard.In my opinion,she is more than our teacher and she is also our friend.完形填空One young person,who was well educated,went for a job as a manager in a big company.The president did the final_1_.He discover

9、ed the youth was_2_and felt satisfied.Then the president asked who paid for his school fees.The youth answered,“My mother did it.She worked as a clothes_3_.”The president requested the youth to_4_his hands.So the youth did.They were smooth.Then he asked,“Have you ever_5_your mother wash the clothes

10、before?” The youth answered,“Never,my mother always wanted me to_6_.”“Go and clean your mothers_7_when you go back today,and then_8_me tomorrow morning,” the president said_9_.The youth felt his chance of getting the job was high,so when he went back,he_10_requested his mother to let him clean her h

11、ands.However,his tears fell_11_he cleaned his mothers hands slowly.It was the first time he had_12_that his mothers hands were so wrinkled (布满皱纹的)After that,the youth didnt say a word and washed all the remaining clothes for his mother_13_.That night,Mother and Son_14_for a very long time,longer tha

12、n any talk before.The next_15_,the youth went to the presidents office.The president noticed the tears in the youths eyes and asked:“Please tell me how you_16_about helping your mother.” The youth said,“Number One,I know now what_17_is.Without my mother,I wouldnt be successful today.Number Two,by he

13、lping my mother,I realize how_18_it is to get something done.Number Three,Ive come to realize the_19_of family relationship.” The president said,“You are_20_.This is what Im looking for to be my manager.”语篇解读一位优秀的青年去面试,董事长对他很满意,但却要求他回家给妈妈洗手。1A.electionBtestCinterviewDcompetition解析:根据文章开头went for a job可知,这里指董事长进行最后的面试(interview)。答案:C2A.strongBexcellentChumorousDcute解析:根据本空后felt s


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