高中英语 unit 13 people section lesson 4课时作业 北师大版必修

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1、在学生就要走出校门的时候,班级工作仍要坚持德育先行,继续重视对学生进行爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、行为规范等的教育,认真落实学校、学工处的各项工作要求Unit 13 People Section Lesson 4.单句语法填空1John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work _(finish),he gladly accepted it.答案:finished2She picked_Japanese when she was in Japan.Now she can speak it freely.答案:up3Where did

2、you meet the famous actress?It was in the supermarket_we went shopping last Sunday.答案:that4He told me that he couldnt help _(repair) my car at that time,because he was too busy then.答案:to repair5My mother always gets a bit_(anxiety) if we dont arrive when we say we will.答案:anxious.单词拼写1If youre worr

3、ied about your health,share your_(焦虑) with your doctor.答案:anxieties2We would be_(感激的) for any information you can give us.答案:grateful3The boy_(扫视) through/over/down the book and decided to buy it.答案:glanced4Im_(过敏) to smoke.It makes me sick and gives me a headache.答案:allergic5They stood there,_(怒视)

4、at each other.答案:glaring6Sometimes I feel_(内疚) about doing nothing at home.答案:guilty7Just press this_(按钮) to start the computer.答案:button8I have $5,000 in my_(账户)答案:account9No matter who points out our_(缺点),we will correct them.答案:shortcomings10Tom and his brother are so much_(想像的) that they even co

5、nfuse their mother.答案:alike.完成句子1你越用功,你进步就越大。_you work,_you will make.答案:The harder;the greater progress2她惊喜交加,禁不住放声大哭起来。Between astonishment and joy,she_.答案:couldnt help bursting into tears3已经确定刘易斯的下场拳击比赛将对阵布鲁诺。_Lewiss next fight will be against Bruno.答案:It has been confirmed that4我第一次去杭州就被那美丽的风景吸引

6、住了。_,I was struck by the beautiful scene.答案:The first time I went to Hangzhou5他浏览了一下报纸上的大标题,然后就放下了。He _the newspaper headlines and then put it down.答案:glanced at.完形填空Janine Shepherd has long run after uncommon dreams.While her hometown of Sydney is a place of surf and sun,Janine discovered her love

7、for_1_.A champion athlete,she was_2_ to win her countrys first medal in the unlikely sport of crosscountry skiing.She said she wanted to show the world that an Australian could_3_and be the best at winter sports.But that_4_dream ended during a bike ride.Janines bicycle was hit by a truck.The_5_broke

8、 her back and neck in four places and nearly killed her.Having been in_6_for five months,she survived several operations,but could no longer feel her legs and feet.A new dream helped her_7_slowly,a goal that seemed silly.“It was a(n)_8_thing.Ive never wanted to fly in my life,but I just_9_and I thou

9、ght,Thats it,I cant_10_,but I might be able to fly.”Just six weeks after she left the hospital and still wearing a body cast (石膏绷带),Janine _11_her first flying lesson.“I got some funny_12_from other people,” she says._13_,she controlled the planes pedals (踏板) without being able to feel her feet.She_

10、14_upper (上面的) leg strength and plenty of concentration.Even with her_15_limitations,Janine wanted more than a pilots license;she became a flight instructor.Flying,she says,is_16_:“I love the feeling of being able to do whatever I want to do.Just_17_in the clouds.”Doctors said she would probably nev

11、er walk or have children,_18_,determined to prove them wrong,Janine accomplished both.Today she has two daughters and a son.The woman who set out to_19_her country at the Olympics has instead set a great example to all Australians by showing the_20_of a champion.语篇解读澳洲女运动员Janine Shepherd的腿脚因车祸失去知觉,但

12、她没有向命运屈服,自强不息,最终当上了一名飞行员。1A.sportsBsnowCnatureDtours解析:While her hometown of Sydney is a place of surf and sun与下文的win her countrys first medal in the unlikely sport of crosscountry skiing形成对比。此处是说Janine虽然生活在悉尼这样一个海滨城市,但她却喜欢上了雪。答案:B2A.determinedBdelightedCsurprisedDsupposed解析:根据Janine说的话She said she

13、wanted to show the world that an Australian could.and be the best at winter sports可知,她“决心(determined)”为祖国在越野滑雪这个比赛项目上赢得第一枚奖牌。答案:A3A.runBrideCskiDfly解析:根据上文的win her countrys first medal in the unlikely sport of crosscountry skiing可知,Janine想通过自己的努力向世界证明澳洲人能够滑雪,在冬季运动项目上也可以有非凡的表现。答案:C4A.strangeBunusualC

14、badDsimple解析:根据上文的uncommon dreams,unlikely sport可知,Janine想在越野滑雪这个项目上夺取奖牌,这个梦想是非同寻常的。答案:B5A.accidentBcyclistCadventureDdriver解析:根据Janines bicycle was hit by a truck可知,Janine出了车祸。答案:A6A.officeBschoolCpowerDhospital解析:根据后面的she survived several operations可知,她住了五个月的院。答案:D7A.changeBdevelopCrecoverDrise解析:根据下文Janine的所作所为可知,此处应该是说一个新的梦想让她的身体“逐渐恢复(recover)”。答案:C8A.ordinaryBcrazyCgoodDsmall解析:Janine下肢没有知觉,但她想要当飞行员。这听起来简直是一个“疯狂的(crazy)”想法。前面的silly也是提示。答案:B9A.gave upBstood upCgot upDlooked up解析:Janine想要飞向蓝天,故她应该是“仰望(looked up)”天空,突发奇想。答



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