教材文本 unit 2 reading, speaking and writing

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《教材文本 unit 2 reading, speaking and writing》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教材文本 unit 2 reading, speaking and writing(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Working the landReading, speaking and writing1 Read this passage and pay attention to the pauses when reading long sentences. You are a producer of “green food”一your food is free of chemical fertilizers and is grown away from industrial areas and dirty water supplies. It is certain to be heal

2、thy and safe for peoples health. You want to sell your “green food”,but the problem is letting people know about your food and how good it is. It is also more expensive than other food which is not so safe. You know, however, that every weekend many people leave the cities and go to the country side

3、 to buy food like yours. 2 Have a conversation in pairs. with one student as the farmer and the other as the customer. The farmer is persuading the customer to buy hisher “green food”. You need to Its better to This is good value because. The advantages are Its mope expensive but Youll taste the dif

4、ference when Id preferbecause I dont likebecause If I have a choice III choose Whats the advantage of? Id rather Its a great pity thatFARMER: Good morningWould you like some organic carrots this morning?CUSTOMER:Hmm Theyre a little expensiveWhat is the advantage of?First write down four or five more

5、 reasons below to encourage more people to buy your food. Then design your own poster advertising the safety and importance of eating “green food”. Sample dialogue:F=Farmer C=CustomerF:Good morning! Would you like some organic carrots this morning?C:HmmTheyre a little expensive! What is the advantag

6、e of?F:The advantage of these vegetables is that they are green food so theyre safe to eat and good for your family. C:But whats the advantage of having green food? I know all vegetables are good for you and those down the road look green too. And I can buy them at half the price there. F:Well. let

7、me explain. Id rather feed my family on green food than other vegetables because they are grown without chemical fertilizers. C:But the price is too expensive! Id prefer to buy good food if I can afford it. F:This is good value for money because youll have healthier children. They wont have to go to

8、 the doctor so often and you wont have to take time off work. In the long run youll be benefit. C:Certainly Id 1ike to buy what is safe and healthy. Perhaps Ill try some of your vegetables and if they are as good as you say,Ill be back next week!4 This is another occasion for students to use the inf

9、ormation they have collected in the Speaking exercise to help them with the writing. First get the students to organize their ideas into three or four sentences. Then shorten these sentences so they become phrases. An example of this might be:Our green food is grown by using organic fertilizer and c

10、lean water and it grows in pure air This can be shortened to:green food grown organically in pure surroundings. Before you begin writing get the students to practise making short phrases from longer sentences. Give them one or two long sentences on the board and ask for the shortest suggestions. For

11、 example:1 If you want to be healthier and fitter you should eat “green food”. (It can be shortened to:Eat “green food” to become healthy and fit). 2 I find the taste of “green food” more delicious than ordinary vegetables and fruit. (This can be shortened to:Green food tastes more delicious). Then

12、students are ready to begin their poster. Sample writing:Main headingThis examples that you sell green food. Reasons to buy: 1(one reason) 2(one reason) 3(one reason) 4(one reason) Why it is good value. BUY THE BEST VEGETABLES HEREWe sell only green food in this farm shop:The best choice at the best prices!Green food is safe and healthy for you and all the family. 1 no chemical fertilizers2 grown in clean air3 grown with clean water4 no pesticides to poison your familyEating green food is an important step on the road to staying fit and healthy!


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