《heroes》lesson 2 history makers教案

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1、Unit2 Lesson 3 History Makers 教学设计设计教师:教材版本:北师大版授课时间:40分钟一、学生分析1、高一学生的年龄在15岁左右,且多数学生来自乡镇,学生的素质介于区一级与乡镇学校的学生水平之间,多数拔尖学生都被市一级学校录取。但其优势在于学生较为单纯具有一定的表现欲与成就自豪感。2、98%的高一学生都已在小学或初中学过至少3年的英语,具备了一定的语感、词汇、语法知识,基本上能听懂一些简单的课堂用语及一些小对话;基本上能阅读生词量不超过5%的简易文章;能用一些词汇、句型进行造句,但却不能通顺地表达。3、学习本节课前,学生已经学过有关太空英雄杨利伟的故事了,同时对英雄

2、人物应具备的品质已经有所了解,形成了一个英雄人物基本概念,特别是在学此课前,学生对如何介绍自己心目中的英雄已有所尝试。如:Who is your hero/heroine?Why do you admire him/her?What great achievements or noble qualities does he/she have?What do you think of her/him?学生已接触过描绘英雄人物的一些词语。如:brave/calm/generous/intelligent/romantic/kind/violent/sensitvie。二、教材分析1、本课分析Les

3、son 6 History Makers是Unit 2的第三课时,学习本课的目的就是为了让学生更进一步加深对英雄人物的了解。History Makers(历史的创造者)是另一方面的英雄,并非所有英雄都可能成为History Makers,但所有的History Makers都是英雄,这是编写教材的专家们从历史的角度让学生了解与谈论那些历史伟人,从而激发学生想成为英雄人物。课文所选择的历史创造者(Sun Yat-sen/ Mother Teresa/ Thomas Edison/ Martin Luther King) 都是一些家喻户晓的历史风云人物,一提到他们,学生有话可说,有内容可谈,从而深

4、化了语言的学习与运用。2、课堂教学处3、理 本课是属于听说课,通过引入历史创造者的话题,让学生能够谈论自己熟悉的人物,训练学生的英语听说技能,从而达到提高学生综合运用英语的能力。然而,这一课最大的教学难度是生词太多,要求学生在40分钟内掌握近30个生词是比较困难的。较好的办法是让学生们通过开口,熟读这些单词,认知它们,熟悉它们,并根据上下文猜出其意义就行了。因此,教本课时,我做了如下的调整:重识记新词,重模仿介绍英雄人物,重听力策略的实战运用,轻词汇的讲解,把词汇的讲解留作模板供学生在介绍心目中的英雄人物时参考。三、教学目标按新课标的要求,根据英语语言课的特点,结合本课的课型,主要确立以下教学

5、目标,并选用多媒体、录音等教学设备。Aims: (1) To get students to be familiar with the four history makers.(2) To practice listening for gist and for specific information about some history makers.(3)To express agreement or disagreement with others opinions.四、教学策略本节课的特点:听说为主,释词为辅。综合使用以下教学方法:听说相结合、启发式教学、张思中的“集中突破”法及任务型

6、教学法。学生通过听说训练,对History Makers有进一步的了解,增强运用英语介绍英雄人物的能力。为了增强课堂的吸引力,还运用多媒体素材,从网上下载一些有关History Makers的人物图片与资料供学生课后阅读。五、教学过程Step 1 Leading inRemarks about heroes and history makers and let Ss tell who are heroes and who are history makers: Yao Ming/ Dong Cunrui/ Lei Feng/ Liu Xiang/ Mao Zedong/ Deng Xiaopi

7、ng/ Sun Yat-sen/ Thomas Edison/ Martin Luther King.Step 2 Class activitiesLet students be familiar with some great history makers and heroes, and then stimulate and encourage students to say something about them by playing the guessing game: Who is she/he?Who was he? Albert EinsteinHe was born in 18

8、47 and was one of the most famous inventiors of modern times. During his lifetime, he gained 1093 patents for his inventions, such as light bulbs, photos and moving picture cameras. These were remarkable achievements for someone, but unluckly he lostalmost all his hearing at the age of 12.Who was he

9、? Lei FengHe was a hero. He was always thinking of others first and serving people heart and soul. He did a lot of good deeds in his life. Though he died long ago, he still lives in our hearts.Who is he? Liu XiangHe, a 21-year-old boy, won the gold medal of the mens 110m hurdles(跨栏)in mens track and

10、 field events in the 28th Athen Olympic Games. He broke the record of 12.91 seconds. Now he becomes one of the most brilliant sports stars all over China.Who was he? Sun Yat-senHe was born in 1866. He holds a special place in the history of modern China. He is regarded by Chinese people everywhere a

11、s the “Father fo the 1911 Xinhai Revolution (辛亥革命)”. In 1911, he successfully led a revolution which overthrew (推翻)the Qing Dynasty(清朝). Shortly afterwards, he founded the Republic of China and tried making China into a strong and unified (统一的)country.Step 3 TeamworkMatch the captions with the photo

12、s of Sun Yat-sen/ Mother Teresa/ Thomas Edison/ Martin Luther King. (It is easy for students to guess them.)Practice some new words: campain, lead, revolution, found(ed), republic, moving, picture, camera. (Read the new words aloud three times.)Ask students to say as much as possible something about

13、 the four history makers in English or in Chinese.Step 4 Listening practice (1)Learn to express their opinions by completing the function file with some words: agree, think, youre right, dont agree, in my opinion, personallySome new words: homeless, fight against/ for, racism, personallyAsk students

14、 to make some sentences orally and talk about the four history makers.Step 5 Listening practice (2)Listen to a radio program about Martin Luther King(a)Briefly talk about the listening strategies three strategies (languages points: before doing something, if possible, panic).(b)Learn and practise so

15、me key words before listening practice (experience, racism, equal, influence, organize, struggle, victory, protest, march, extremist).Guess the Chinese meaning of the underlined words.1. Have you experienced stress? ( )2. We are all against racism. ( )3. In our country women and men are equal. ( )4. Liu Xiang becomes a world sports star, and he was influenced by his father. ( )5. T


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