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1、,Unit 1 Women of achievement,What makes a woman beautiful?,freshness,presence,radiance,shines,elegance,What makes a woman great?,Thinking,?,2018/12/2,4,Personal qualities of the great women,determined,brave,confident,warm-hearted,responsible,unselfish,honest,intelligent,broad-and-open minded,generou

2、s,kind,modest,hard-working,considerate,helpful,active,independent,Brainstorm : What qualities do you think a great woman should have?,2018/12/2,5,A Chinese saying goes:,Women can hold up half of the sky.,2018/12/2,6,I will introduce some great women who are very famous to you.,2018/12/2,7,She was th

3、e only female monarch(君主) of China, and remains the most remarkable(非凡的), influential(有影响的) and mysterious(神秘的) woman in Chinese history.,Empress(女皇) Wu Zetian (624 - 705) in Tang Dynasty,2018/12/2,8,She was Dr Sun Yat-sens wife. She was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history. She concerne

4、d herself with welfare projects, leading China Welfare Institute especially for women and children.,Soong Chingling (1893-1981), China,2018/12/2,9,A doctor who became a specialist in womens illnesses. She devoted all her lift to medical work for Chinese women and children. Her work encouraged many o

5、ther women to become doctors.,Lin Qiaozhi (1901-1983), China,2018/12/2,10,She was an inventor and a scientist from Poland.,She went to Paris and studied physics and chemistry there.,She is the only woman scientist who was awarded two Nobel Prizes.,Marie Curie (1867-1934),On July 4,1934, she died in

6、Paris, killed by her own experiments. She died of radiation poisoning(放射物中毒).,2018/12/2,11,A girl from the countryside who dressed as a man and went to fight for the French and to drive the English out of France. She was caught and put to death by the English.,Joan of Arc (1412-1432), France,2018/12

7、/2,12,Elizabeth Fry,Song Qingling,Jane Goodall,Jody Williams,Joan of Arc,Lin Qiaozhi,Who is she?,2018/12/2,13,Reading,2018/12/2,14,2018/12/2,15,2018/12/2,16,2018/12/2,17,2018/12/2,18,2018/12/2,19,2018/12/2,20,After a glance at the pictures, where do you think they are taken?,Predicting,2018/12/2,21,

8、简古多尔(Jane Goodall, 1934)生于伦敦。自幼即对动物行为极感兴趣。18岁离开学校,到赴非洲为止,她曾先后担任过秘书以及影片制作助理。此后,她在非洲担任古生物学家路易斯利基的助手,与利基的合作经验使她能于1960年在贡贝溪动物保护区设立一个营区,得以观察该地黑猩猩的行为。1965年获剑桥大学动物行为,2018/12/2,22,学博士学位。1977年她建立了“简古多尔人、动物与环境研究所”。1991年,她倡议并成立了“根与芽”组织,目的是使从幼儿园到大学的年轻一代都能够行动起来,为了环境、动物和他们自己的社区创造一个更加美好的世界。1995年,被英国女王授予勋爵士。简古多尔撰有许

9、多书籍和论文,最著名的是,2018/12/2,23,生活在人类的阴影中(1971), 此著作已被翻译成15种文字。 菲利普伯曼(Phillip Berman), 具有哈佛大学神学院比较宗教学学位。他的获奖作品有信念的勇气、探索意义和回家的旅程。,2018/12/2,24,Listen to the passage and then choose the correct answers after listening.,Task 3.,2018/12/2,25,A student of African wildlife,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,A day in t

10、he park.,Janes way to study chimps and her achievements.,Janes attitude and feeling to the animals.,Jane has achieved everything she wanted to do. (a short summary to her),2018/12/2,26,The whole day,A family of chimps wake up and move off.,Wander into the forest(feed,clean each other),The mother chi

11、mp and her babies play in the tree,Go to sleep together in their nest,The first paragraph,Task 5 Details-reading,The bond is as strong as in a human family.,2018/12/2,27,How did Jane Goodalls study chimp behaviours?,She spent years following and recording chimps daily life.,What did she discover abo

12、ut chimp behaviours?,She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat.,She observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it.,She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other.,The second paragraph,2018/12/2,28,The third paragraph,True or false:,She hopes that chimps can be left in

13、 the forest.,Once she stop working, all the scenes of chimps in the laboratories will appear in her mind.,She has spent about forty years helping people understand her work.,She has helped build many homes for the wild animals to live in.,(True),(True),(True),(True),2018/12/2,29,Working with animals

14、 in their own environment.,Gaining a doctors degree.,Showing that women can live in the forest as men can.,The fourth paragraph,Janes achievements:,2018/12/2,30,only if we understand can we care; 唯有了解,我们才会关心 ; only if we care will we help; 唯有关心,我们才会行动; only if we help shall all be saved. 唯有行动,生命才会有希

15、望。 Jane Goodall 珍妮古道尔,2018/12/2,31,Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. 将only及其后面的状语提前放在句首,句子要用部分倒装语序,即将be动词、助动词或情态动词放在主语之前。,2018/12/2,32,only+状语“+部分倒装 只有这样,我们才能学好英语。 Only in this way_. 到那时我才意识到我的错误。 Only then_.,did I realize my mistak

16、es,can we learn English better,但Only +主语时不倒装 只有你了解我。 Only you_,understand me.,2018/12/2,33,1. 只有当你明白我的意思了, 你才能认识到你的错误. 2. 只有当战争结束之后,他才重新回来工作. 3. 只有用这种方法,我们才能按时完成任务.,Only when you understand what I mean, can you realize your mistake.,Only after the war was over did he come back to work.,Only in this way can



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