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1、走向高考 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,人教版(课标卷地区) 高考总复习,Unit 2 The Olympic Games,必修二,第一部分 基础知识聚焦,1applaud v鼓掌欢迎 2influence n& v影响 3lack n& v缺乏 4fitness n健康 5championship n锦标赛 6event n事件,大事 7champion n冠军 8athlete n运动员 9coach n教练员,10judge n裁判 11ancient adj.古代的 12unhealthy adj.不健康的 13a close game 势均力敌的比赛 14break the

2、record 打破纪录 15show (an) interest in. 对产生兴趣 16physical exercise 体育锻炼 17get the first place(win the first prize)获得第一名 18physical development 身体发育,(2014合肥模拟)按下面提示写一篇短文介绍你最喜欢的体育运动。 1你最喜欢的体育运动是足球; 2父亲是个足球队员,参加过各种比赛;正是在他的影响下,你对足球表现出了兴趣;1998年的法国世界杯(World Cup)对你也产生了影响。至今你仍记得其主题曲(theme song),于是喜欢上了足球;,3去年被一支

3、足球队选中成为它的一员,现在担任队长(captain),司职前锋(forward);每天写完作业后你跟朋友一起踢球;足球值得你投入; 4最喜爱的球员是阿根廷(Argentina)的梅西(Messi),最大的愿望是能成为像他一样的足球超级明星。 要求:包括所有要点,可适当发挥。 Of all the sports,I like playing football best.,影响因素一My father is a footballer and has taken part in all kinds of competitions.It was under his influence that I

4、began to show (an) interest in it. 影响因素二Besides, I was also deeply influenced by the 1998 World Cup in France, whose theme song I still remember.我的足球世界Last year, I was admitted into a football team, in which I play as a forward as well as being captain. I play football with my friends after finishin

5、g my homework every day. Football is worth my devotion.偶像与愿望My favorite player is Messi from Argentina and my greatest wish is to be a football superstar like him in the future.,.完成句子 1体育锻炼直接有助于一个人的身体健康。 Physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness. 2上周他在世界锦标赛上打破了纪录。 He broke

6、 the record in the World Championship last week.,.句式仿写 1正是在他的影响下我开始对学习英语感兴趣。(根据句仿写) It was under his influence that I began to show (an) interest in learning English. 2我深深地被他的电影所影响,至今仍然记得它的主题曲。(根据句仿写) I was deeply influenced by his movie, whose theme song I still remember.,.单词速记 A识记单词 1_ (adj.) 古代的;

7、古老的 2_ (n.) 志愿者;志愿兵 (adj.) 志愿的;义务的 (vt. & vi.) 自愿 3_ (vt.) 做东;主办;招待 (n.) 主人 4_ (vt.) 取代;替换;代替,ancient,volunteer,host,replace,5_ (adj.) 快的;迅速的 6_ (vt. & vi.) 收费;控诉 (n.) 费用;主管 7_ (adj.) 物理的;身体的 8_ (vi.) 讨价还价;讲条件 (n.) 便宜货 9_ (vi. & vt.) 应受(报答或惩罚);值得,charge,physical,bargain,deserve,swift,B联想串记 10_ (vi.)

8、比赛;竞争_ (n.)竞争 _ (adj.)竞争的,有竞争性的_ (n.)竞争者 11_ (adj.)规则的;定期的;常规的_ (n.)规则;规章制度 12_ (n.)基础;根据_ (pl.)基础;根据_ (adj.)基本的;基础的,compete,competition,competitive,competitor,regular,regulation,basis,bases,basic,13_ (vt. & vi.)容许;承认;接纳_ (n.)准入;准许 14_ (n.)责任;职责_ (adj.)有责任心的 15_ (vt. & vi.)做广告;登广告_ (n.)广告商_ (n.)广告,a

9、dmit,admission,responsibility,responsible,advertise,advertiser,advertisement,.短语互译 1主管;看管 _ 2故意地;蓄意地 _ 3与某人达成协议 _ 4拾起;接收;搭车;恢复;好转;(偶然)学会 _ 5计算出;理解;解决;锻炼 _ 6陆续地;一个接一个地 _ 7compete in _ 8take part in _ 9stand for _ 10as well _,in charge,on purpose,make a bargain with sb.,pick up,work out,one after anot

10、her,参加(比赛,竞赛),参加;参与,代表;象征;表示,也;又;还,.典句析练 1nor放于句首的倒装句 No other countries could join in, _ (奴隶和妇女也不能参加!) 【仿写】她不会说这种语言,也不会写这种语言。 She couldnt speak the language, _.,2not only.but (also) 不仅而且 Women are _(不但被允许),_ _(而且在中发挥重要作用) gymnastics, athletics, team sports and. 【仿写】生活包含的不仅仅是阳光,还有艰苦岁月。 _,3as much不可数

11、名词as.“和(在程度上)是一样的” Theres _ among countries to host the Olympics _ (跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈) 【仿写】他没有收集到写书所需要的那么多信息。 He didnt collect _ he needed for his book.,4the比较级(.),the比较级(.)越就越 This is important because _ _(你说英语越多,你的英语就越好) 【仿写】他越是这样想,越是感到不开心。 _,答案:1.nor could slaves or women; nor could she write in it 2no

12、t only allowed; but play a very important role in; Life consists of not only sunshine but (also) hard times. 3as much competition; as to win Olympic medals;as much information as 4the more you speak English, the better your English will become; The more he thought like this, the more unhappy he beca

13、me.,.课文缩写语法填空 Suppose a writer living 2,000 years ago is _1_(interview) Li Yan, a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games. He wants to know more information about _2_ modern Olympics. First he asks how _3_ we hold our Games and he is surprised to know about the Winter Olympics. When _4_ comes to the at

14、hletes, he is happy to find every country has _5_(equally) right to compete in the Olympics. And _6_ his surprise, women are not only allowed to take part, but play a very important _7_ in the competition.,答案:1.interviewing 2.the 3.often 4.it 5.equal 6.to 7.role/part 8.of 9.In 10.over,1compete 比赛;竞争,Tom competed _ five other athletes _ the fir


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