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1、Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 1重点单词 111. prep.在.期间2. prep.反对,对着3. n.对,组 4. n.赢,获胜 5. n.加油,欢呼 6. n.足球7. v.n.练习 8. v.n.划船,一行(排) 9. adv.很,十分 10. v.参加,加入 11. n.滑冰 12. n.网球 13. n.运动员,选手 14. n.v.梦,做梦 15. v.成长,种植 16. n.科学家 17. n.将来 18. n.音乐家 19. n.飞行员 20. n.女警察 21. n.男警察 22. n.邮递员 23. n.渔民 24. v.跳 25. v.花费,度过

2、 26. v.n.锻炼;练习;体操 27. n.棒球 28. n.周末 29. n.部分,片段 30. n.健康 31. adj.流行的受欢迎的 32. n.世界 33. n.心脏 34. adj.健康的 35. adj.健康的 36. v.(使)放松 37. adj.兴奋的激动的 38. adj.著名的 39. adj.坏的 40. v.离开 41. n.遗憾,同情 词汇拓展1.win _(n.) _(过去式/过去分词)2.football _ (同义词)3.skate _ (现在分词)4.science _ (名词)科学家5.music _ (名词)音乐家6.policeman _ ( p

3、l.)男警察7.postman _ (pl.)邮递员8.fisherman_ (pl.)渔民9.spend _ (过去式/过去分词)10.healthy_ (n.)健康 (同义词)_ 健康的11. relax _ (adj.)_放松的 _ (adj.)_令人放松的12.famous _(名词)13.leave_(过去式/过去分词)短语集锦1.在暑假期间 during the summer holidays2.举行一场篮球赛3.have a basketball game(against.)4.为某人加油cheer sb on 5.练习做某事 practice doing sth 6.更喜欢做某

4、事 prefer doing sth 8.去划船 go boating 9.参加划船队 join the rowing team 10.加入某人join sb 11.打网球 play tennis 12.为队效力play for 13.长大grow up 14.在未来,今后in the future 15.半小时half an hour 16.花费做某事spend.doing sth 17.擅长做某事 be good at = do well in 18.参加take part in 19.跳高the high jump 20.跳远 the long jump 21.确信,有把握 be sur

5、e 22.让我坚强,使我强壮make me strong 23.对有益be good for 24.在全世界 all over the world 25.保持健康keep fit/healthy 26.放松自己relax oneself 27.大部分人most people 28.后天 the day after tomorrow 29.一个保持健康的好方法a good way to keep fit 30.到达 arrive at / in 31.与比赛/对抗/较量play against 32.呆很久stay for long 33.动身去某地leave for 34.真遗憾What a

6、shame/pity.35.糟糕的是Its a pity that句型集锦 1. What are you going to do? 你打算做什么? Im going to play basketball. 我打算打篮球。2.I often saw you play basketball during the summer holidays. 暑假期间我经常看见你打篮球。3.I hope our team will win. 我希望我们队会赢。4.Would you like to come and cheer us on? 你愿意来为我们加油吗? Sure,Id love to. 当然,我愿

7、意。5.What sport do you like?= Which sport do you like? 你喜欢哪种运动? Which sport do you prefer?= Which sport do you like better? 你更喜欢哪种运动? I prefer rowing.= I like rowing better. 我更喜欢划船.6.Do you often row?= Do you row much? 你经常划船吗?7.Whats your favorite sport?= What sport do you like best? 你最喜爱的运动是什么?8.What are you going to be when you grow up? 你长大了想干什么? Im going to be a scientist . 我打算成为一个科学家。9.She play baseball very well and she is good at jump


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