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1、Period 6 Speaking and writing,Unit 5 First aid,Read the title of the text and the headings within it.,Whats the topic of the text and how is the information organized?,Pre-reading-speaking (1m),Its about safety in the home and the information is organized according to particular rooms and also to on

2、e cause of accidents-fires.,Look at the pictures and answer the questions.,What do you think these pictures are telling us? What do you think the purpose of the picture is? Whats the purpose of the pamphlet?,Pre-reading-discussion (3m),To turn saucepan handles towards the back of a stove; Not to use

3、 a hairdryer near water; To keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.,They emphasize some points in the pamphlet.,To tell us how to keep a safe home; how to prevent accidents in the home.,Read the text and finish the table.,Reading (5m),Read the text and finish the table.,We always let the floor dry

4、after it is washed before we use the kitchen again. We keep a window open when we use gas fires.,I shouldnt stand on chairs to reach things. We shouldnt leave matches anywhere.,Read the text and finish the table.,I shouldnt light candles in my room. My father should never smoke in bed.,My mother kee

5、ps bottles of medicine on a high shelf out of the reach of children.,Read the text and finish the table.,I always unplug the hairdryer after Ive used it.,We shouldnt take an electric heater into the bathroom.,Discuss the following questions in groups of four. After the discussion, one student from e

6、ach group represent their ideas.,What things at home cat be dangerous? How to prevent us from being injured at home?,Speaking-I (5m),Students are encouraged to write down as many pieces of advice as possible.,Do the first aid quiz in groups. Give reasons for your answers. Check your answers with oth

7、er classmates.,Speaking-II (5m),Imagine that you want to provide first aid courses. In pairs, write a letter to your principle politely asking whether he or she could organize them. Use the outline and instructions to help you.,Writing (10m),Dear _, Our class had been studying a unit on first aid_ _

8、. Even though the unit has been very interesting and useful, _ _. We would like to request that _ _. We think that a first aid course at the school _. Your sincerely, _,Write your principals name.,Say why the first aid unit has been useful.,Say why you would like a first aid course.,Say what you wan

9、t the principal to do.,Summarize why a first aid course would be a good thing to do.,Sing your names.,Homework,Finish the letter and ask your partners to check it.,Take a break!,; http:/ 2028长城娱乐官网 bth42dwb 脸色前所未有的凝重。她知道丈夫说的是实话。“可是他们没有来搜。”苏小横轻轻的笑起来,“放过这个大好的机会,说明他们顾忌我们,比我们顾忌他们更多。又或者他们实力根本没那么强大,这次误打误撞



12、可明秀平日还是很得老太太欢心的呀!这样的姑娘,填进宫里头,凭良心说,可怜见的呀老太太有些妇人之仁的犹豫。苏小横由她想去,不再插嘴,倚在窗边听了一会儿:“哟,有琴声。”雨已停了,琴声却如远远泼在白石上的水声,隐约玲珑,可惜响了没多一会儿,也停了。琴声来自四 的院子。那时候,五少爷明柯、七 明蕙、还有出嫁了回来省亲的姑奶奶苏含萩一路回来,看四姐儿明秀院子最近,就先拥到明秀这儿,脱了湿衣,仗着炉火生得旺,新换了小衣、袄子,外袍都不披,裤腿扎撒着,赤足趿木屐左右地上新铺着锦毯呢!齐聚在她暖阁里吃酒作乐祛祛湿气。闹了一番,外头一个大丫头,名叫青翘,是五少爷屋里的,这时候来,给大家行了个礼,跟五少爷在旁边低低说话儿。苏含萩扬声道:“弄什么鬼呢?”明柯只是笑。青翘却是大方,屈膝道:“好叫姑奶奶晓得,不过是件狼犺物色,婢子正,



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