2018年秋七年级英语上册 unit 4 where’s my schoolbag section b课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Section B,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?,Section B,plane,model,tape,player,clock,课前自主预习,Section B,tidy,but,our,always,everywhere,Section B,一个磁带播放机,在收音机下面,一个飞机模型,on the radio,two clocks,in our tidy room,Section B,Where English books,tidy but,are everywhere,model plane hers,Section B,F,F,F,

2、T,T,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,Section B,1 tape player 磁带播放机 model plane 飞机模型,观察This is my tape player. 这是我的磁带播放机。 Here are two model planes. They are mybrothers. 这里有两个飞机模型。它们是我弟弟的。,Section B,探究 (1)tape player和model plane都是由两个名词构成的短语,其中前一个名词作定语修饰后一个名词,用来说明后一个名词的作用或特性。 (2)这类名词短语变复数时,只将后一个名词变为复数,第一个名词保持不变。如: apple t

3、reeapple trees boy studentboy students,Section B,拓展由man和woman构成的名词短语变复数时,man和 woman要连同其后的名词一起变为复数。如: woman doctorwomen doctors man teachermen teachers,活学活用,Section B,1(1)There are 50 _ in our school. Awoman teachers Bwoman teacher Cwomen teachers Dwomen teacher,C,Section B,(2)Are those _ yours? No,

4、they arent. Atape player Btapes player Ctapes players Dtape players,D,Section B,2 everywhere adv. 处处;到处;各个地方,观察 His books are everywhere. His books are here and there. 他的书到处都是。,探究 everywherehere and there,意为“到处;处处;各个地方”。,Section B,2.The flowers are here and there.(改为同义句) The flowers are _.,everywher

5、e,Section B,3 always adv. 总是,观察He isnt always here. 他不总是在这儿。 He always asks the teacher for help. 他总是向老师求助。,探究 (1)always 属于频度副词,通常位于系动词、助动词或情态动词之_(前/后),实义动词之前。类似用法的频度副词还有usually(通常), often(经常), sometimes(有时), seldom(很少), never(从不)。 (2)always的同义短语为all the time。,后,3(1)磁带播放机总是在老师的讲桌上。 The tape player _

6、 _ on the teachers desk. (2)我的朋友总是帮助我。 My friend _ _me.,Section B,is always,Always helps,Section B,1 Im Kate, and my sister is Gina. 我是凯特,我的妹妹是吉娜。 Im tidy, but Gina is not. 我整洁,但吉娜不(整洁)。,句型透视,探究and用作连词,意为“和;并且;以及”,用来连接两个并列的单词、短语或句子,表示并列、承接或递进等关系。but用作连词,意为“但是”,用来连接两个并列的单词、短语或句子,表示前后两部分为转折关系。 I have

7、a pen _ a ruler.我有一支钢笔和一把尺子。,and,Section B,Bill is in China, _ his father is in China, too. 比尔在中国,他父亲也在中国。 My schoolbag is in the room, _ yours isnt in it. 我的书包在房间里,但是你的不在房间里。,拓展and也可用在否定句中连接并列的否定成分,但后一个成分前也需使用否定词。 The ruler is not on the desk and its not on the chair. 尺子不在书桌上,也不在椅子上。,and,but,Sectio

8、n B,活学活用,1用连词and或but填空 (1)The room is not big, _ its very tidy. (2)I dont know the girl _ I dont know her telephone number. (3)Bettys schoolbag _ cup are on the table.,but,and,and,Section B,2 I have a clock. 我有一个时钟。,探究have 在句中译为“_”。此外,have 还可以表示“吃;喝”。主语是第三人称单数时,要用has。 I _ supper at 7:00. 我七点吃晚饭。 Linda _ a new dictionary. 琳达有一本新词典。,有,have,has,Section B,2My brother _(have) a nice pen.,has,Section B,课文回顾,tapes,bed,schoolbag,On,Under,


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