高中英语《unit 4 behind beliefs readinggrammar》能力提升(无答案)牛津译林版选修

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1、一岗双责落实还不到位。受事务性工作影响,对分管单位一岗双责常常落实在安排部署上、口头要求上,实际督导、检查的少,指导、推进、检查还不到位。M9U4 Reading-Grammar 一、根据句意或者首字母填写单词。1.Through the fog we saw the _ (模糊的) outline of a ship.2.The most _ (frequently) cause of death is heart attack.3.They made a t_ search for the lost ring, but didnt find it.4.All the technical w

2、ords have been _ (加下划线) in red. 5.Buying a house often places a large financial _(负担) on young couples.6.Her _ (能力) as a teacher is unquestionable.7.It is quite _ (简单的) to get here.8.She was _ (bare) able to stand.9.This fields around had been _ (sow) with wheat.10.The eye is one of the most _ (脆弱的)

3、 organs of the body.11.In childrens minds summer is a_ with picnics.二、根据句意选择适当的短语,并注意形式上的变化。count on part of by and by in other wordshire oneself out catch on in honor of stand on ones ownhave a connection with 1.There is one China and Taiwan is _ China.2.On February 18, President Jammeh released 26

4、 prisoners _ Independence Day, no military personnel were released.3._ she met an old man with a beared.4.She must learn to _.5.Few people can _ having a job for life.6.They asked him to leave - _ he was fired.7.His resignation must _ the recent scandal.8.He invented an electric car, but it never re

5、ally _.9.He _ to whoever needed his services. 三、完成句子。1. You do not need to do all of the things _ _ _ _. (手册上罗列的)2. She bore the _ _ _ (抚养的重任) two children alone.3._ _ _ (我突然想到) how we could improve the situation.4._ _ _(这是因为) it is the most famous concert hall in the USA.5.John invited about 40 people to his wedding, _ _ _ (他们中大部分)are family members.6.The vases _ _ _(据相信) be worth over $20000 each.对分管部门的党风廉政建设抓得不够紧,找问题的多,批评教育的少,放松了对分管部门的日常监督、管理和教育。对分管部门干部发现的一些违规违纪小错提醒不够、批评教育不力,监督执纪“四种形态”作用发挥不够


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