高三英语一轮复习 module 4 unit 2 sports events(三)教学案

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《高三英语一轮复习 module 4 unit 2 sports events(三)教学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语一轮复习 module 4 unit 2 sports events(三)教学案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一岗双责落实还不到位。受事务性工作影响,对分管单位一岗双责常常落实在安排部署上、口头要求上,实际督导、检查的少,指导、推进、检查还不到位。装订线Module 4 Unit 2 Sports events(三)课题 : M4U2重点单词和句型讲解 教学目标:识记并掌握M4U2 Sports events中的重点单词及句型的运用教学重难点识记并掌握M4U2 Sports events中的重点单词及句型的运用 教学过程集体备课部分(学生活动部分)个性备课部分/学生记录【导学过程】Task 1【自主学习】课内词汇:1.文明 2.商业的 3.废墟;破坏4.灾难 5.仪式,典礼 6.观众,听众 7. vt

2、. 装饰8.adj. 富裕的,有钱的 9.adj. 文化的 10.n. 残留物11.n表达;表情 12.v 爆炸;爆发 13.adj. 不幸的Task 2【合作探究】 阅读或完形小卷Task 3【知识梳理】1. make way for 给让路;让位于The people kindly the poor man,so that he could come forward.人们友好地为那个可怜的人让路,好让他走到前面来。【相关拓展】 make_ones_way 向前,一路前进;成功 push_ones_way 推挤着前行 wind_ones_way 蜿蜒向前 lead_the_way 领先 lo

3、se_ones_way 迷路 give_way_to. 被取代;让步 in_a_way 在某种程度上 in_the/ones_way 挡道,妨碍 in_no_way 一点也不,决不 on_ones_way_to 在去的路上on_ones_way_to_(doing)_sth. 渐趋于;在接近某状态on_the_way 在途中,即将到来【即时演练】I think if you are determined to make great efforts, any difficulty will have to _ you.A. get in the way for B. be on the way

4、toC. make way for D. be in the way to2. hang on紧抓不放;坚持下去;不挂断;(在逆境中)坚持 to the branch till I bring the ladder.抓住树枝,等我去拿梯子来。Professor Li and finally made this wellknown discovery. 李教授坚持不懈,最终有了这一著名发现。 , please. Jack is at home. 请别挂,杰克在家。【即时演练】 It is reported that indoor golf, relatively new, is starting

5、 to _ traditional markets, especially in urban areas in the USA and Europe.集体备课部分(学生活动部分)个性备课部分/学生记录装订线A. face up to B. look back on C. catch up on D. hang on to3. knock over推翻;把撞倒But just under a year ago, Roys father by a car.但就在不到一年前,罗伊的父亲被车撞了。【相关拓展】knock_at_. 敲 knock_down 撞倒;拆除 knock_into 偶遇某人【即

6、时演练】A block of flats are being _ to make room for a supermarket.A. knocked into B. knocked over C. knocked off D. knocked down4. under ones name under the name of以的名字Tom did the same and wrote George.汤姆也同样如此,他用乔治作为笔名进行创作。句型解剖:1.must have done意为“准是”,表示对过去情况的肯定猜测。He the news, because he looked excited

7、.他看上去很兴奋,他准是听说了这消息。【相关拓展】 ought_to/_should_have_done “本应该”,表示本应做但未做 shouldnt_have_done “本不应该”,表示本不应该做但做了 may/_might_have_done “可能” could_have_done “本可以” cant/_couldnt_have_done “不可能”neednt_have_done “本不必做”练:I _ have worried before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to

8、 me. A. mightnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. couldnt2.not onlybut (also)连接两个并列成分,也可连接句子。He , remembered what he had read.他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内容。【名师点拨】1) 在not only . but also这结构中,also可省略。2) 当not only . but also连接两个并列的分句时,若not only放在句首,它所引导的分句要用倒装结构。如: ,but it can increase their knowledge.旅游不仅让人们放松、感到愉快,而且可以增加人

9、们的知识。3) not only . but also .连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数应与but also后的主语一致。【即时演练】The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _ , but students became more interested in the lessons.A. saved was teachers energy B. was teachers energy savedC. teachers energy was saved D. was saved teachers energy【当堂检测】 检测这些词组句型的用法【课后作业】 这些词组句型,掌握用法,完成课后强化训练【课堂反思】(学生小结) 对分管部门的党风廉政建设抓得不够紧,找问题的多,批评教育的少,放松了对分管部门的日常监督、管理和教育。对分管部门干部发现的一些违规违纪小错提醒不够、批评教育不力,监督执纪“四种形态”作用发挥不够


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