2016春四年级英语下册 unit 7《at the restaurant》课件1 北师大版(三起)

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2016春四年级英语下册 unit 7《at the restaurant》课件1 北师大版(三起)_第1页
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《2016春四年级英语下册 unit 7《at the restaurant》课件1 北师大版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016春四年级英语下册 unit 7《at the restaurant》课件1 北师大版(三起)(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

Unit 7 At the Restaurant (1),Restaurant,We can eat,Do you like , Ken ?,chicken,Do you like noodles, Ann?,happy,fruit,Pair Work,(小组活动),1. Read together. 小组齐读故事。,2. Act the story. 分角色扮演。,3. Read some pictures. 朗读部分故事图片。,Do you like ,Todays Homework,(1)please tell the story to your friends. (2)Can you guess? What does father like? And what does mother like?,food,fruit,vegetables,chicken,a hot dog,fried rice,French fries,a hamburger,noodles,corn,a restaurant,a menu,


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