2016春六年级英语下册 module 7 unit 2《she couldn’t see or hear》课件4 (新版)外研版(三起)

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2016春六年级英语下册 module 7 unit 2《she couldn’t see or hear》课件4 (新版)外研版(三起)_第1页
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《2016春六年级英语下册 module 7 unit 2《she couldn’t see or hear》课件4 (新版)外研版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016春六年级英语下册 module 7 unit 2《she couldn’t see or hear》课件4 (新版)外研版(三起)(50页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、What had we learn last weekend?,主语+动词过去式+其他,描述过去发生的事情或动作。句子中,通常会出现yesterday; last; ago等,一般过去时:,基本结构:,动词变过去式,规则变化:动词后面+ed,如:play-played,不规则变化:,规则动词的过去式变化如下: 1、一般情况下,动词词尾加 -ed , 如:watch -watched play-played 2、以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾 加 -d,如: live-lived hope-hoped 3、以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词, 把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如: study-stu

2、died carry-carried 4、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节 动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed, 如: stop -stopped,am/is - was ; are-were ; do-did; go-went ; buy-bought; fall-fell; have- had; get-got learn-learnt teach-taught send-sent, give-gave can-could write-wrote drink-drank drive-drove see-saw wear-wore make -made ride-rode tell-told

3、 take-took say-said,用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1.Yesterday I_ (do ) many things. I _(go) to school, I _ (eat) two hamburgers ,after school, I_ (play) football with my friends. In the evening , I _(do) my homework, then I_ (go) to bed at ten oclock. 2.Daming _(fly) kites with his family last weekend. 3.On Sunday

4、 Lucy _ (go) to a zoo, she _(see) lots of animals, she _(spend) three hours there. 4.Sam _(buy) a book for his brother on the holiday. 5.Many years ago, Liu Hai _(is) a student , now he _ (is) a teacher.,did,went,ate,played,did,went,flew,went,saw,spent,bought,was,is,played compter games,watched TV,s

5、lept,read books,drank water,ate an apple and some candys,played toys,When I was a baby , I couldnt . I could .,stand walk talk play sit,I can _ now. But I cant _.,stand walk talk fly,can- could,cant- couldnt,Guessing game: What could/couldnt he/she do ?,What could she do?,She could sing.,He couldnt

6、walk.,What couldnt he do?,Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear.,She is Helen Keller.,Listen,then find out “ed“ words.,请你在课文中找出动词过去式的单词。,1.When and where was Helen Keller born?,Read the text and answer. .,2.Where was Helen Keller born?,Because she became blind and deaf. She couldt see or hear.,She

7、 was born in the US.,She was born in 1880 .,3.What did her teacher do? Why ?,She drew letters in Helenm hand and taught her to spell.,1.What did Helen Keller learn?,Read the text and answer. 4,5.What did she do?,She wrote a book about herself and travelled all over the world.,She learnt to read , wr

8、ite and speak.,6.Was she famous? Why ?,Yes ,she was.,Because she is a model for blind people.,She was born in 1880 in America.,born 生于,be born 生 于,Yao Ming was born in 1980,As a baby,She became blind and deaf.,as 在的时候 became(become的过去式)变成,blind (盲的)- cant see,deaf (聋的)- cant hear,drew (draw的过去式)画,le

9、tter 字母,taught (teach的过去式)教,learnt (learn的过去式)学习,learned(learn的过去式)学习,她为盲人的权利而游走,她访问了世界上许多城市.去了5个大洲39个国 She travelled all over the world.,all over 到处,world 世界,all over the world 世界各地,She travelled all over the world.,travelled (travel的过去式)旅行、旅游,Retell the text,Key word born,US,1880,couldnt see,hearl

10、earnt, read, write, speak, difficult, clever, tried hard travelled ,told her story ,wrote books ,helped famous, model,“If you give me three days light”,Helen Keller life: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart. 世界上最美好的东西是看不见

11、, 摸不着的, 你必须要用心才能感受得到!,Helens life,通过不懈的努力,海伦成功了,她用自身经历写成的书和世界巡回演讲鼓励、帮助了无数的残疾人。,这时候海伦的老师安妮沙利文出现了,安妮带领海伦感知这个世界,海伦开始有了欢笑。,海伦凯勒出生于1880年美国。他出生后19月一场疾病夺去了她的视力和听力。慢慢长大后的海伦性格变得孤僻、暴躁,这间小屋是海伦凯勒出生的地方。,这是马萨诸塞州的白金斯盲童幼儿园,教室里没有黑板,取而代之的是木制书桌,墙壁上的画,等等可以触摸的东西。,1902年,海伦笔直坐在一座旧的石墙上,正在读放在膝头上一本盲文书。,在这个地方她学会了第一个单词: water

12、水。,海伦与安妮正在下国际象棋。,Hellen分别使用三种方式交流:口语,手心写字,唇语,安妮莎莉文斜倚在沙发上,在凯勒的手心写字。,1920年,海伦安妮和汽车大王福特在一起,安妮的手放在福特的嘴上感受他讲的话,她为盲人的权利而游走,她访问了世界上许多城市.去了5个大洲39个国 She went around the world for blind people .,She says : Blind people are normal(正常的). They can learn to ,海伦凯勒与肯尼迪总统在一起,她被授予美国公民所能得到的最高荣誉-总统自由勋章.,海伦凯勒第一本书已经被翻译成种

13、语言,Hellen Kellar was famous .,“Blind people are normal people. We can learn and work , too.”,海伦凯勒身虽残但其志很坚, 她的精神感染了一代又一代的人 残疾人尚且如此 我们又该怎么样去做呢?!,She couldnt,hear.,She learnt to,read.,She could also,write.,She is a model for blind people.,They couldnt_. But they could_.,ride bikes.,walk,He couldnt_. Bu

14、t the could_.,walk,dance,(湖北 1976 ),Tai Lihua was born in_ in_. She is_. So she couldnt hear.But she could _.,1976,Hubei,deaf,dance,They are disabled(残疾人), but they try hard to live like normal people.,Homework: 1.Listen to the tape and read the story. 2.Copy the sentences. 3.Retell the story and then tell the story to others.,Thanks for your attention,


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