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1、,Unit 15 Lesson 3,Teachers,I was sitting in the classroom我坐在教室 trying to look intelligent尽量使自己看起来比较聪明 In case the teacher looked at me.以防她看着我 She was long and she was lean.她很高很瘦 Shes a middle-aged dream,她是中年男人的美梦 And that lady means the whole world to me.这个女生对我来说就是全世界 Its a natural achievement conqu

2、ering my homework我做完了作业,自然很有成就感 With her image pounding in my brain.她的样子仍盘旋在我脑海里 Shes an inspiration for my graduation她是我毕业的灵感 And she helps to keep the classroom sane.她还帮助我们把教室打扫整洁 Oh teacher I need you, Like a little child.哦 老师我就像一个小孩子一样的需要你 You got something in you To drive a schoolboy wild.你的内心有

3、些东西 让我变得野性 You give me education In the lovesick blues. 在爱情的忧郁里你教育了我 Help me get straight come out and say,帮助我变得敢说敢言 Teacher I, teacher I, teacher I, Teacher I need you.老师老师 我需要你,Teacher I need you.,In pairs, discuss the questions.,Who was your favorite teacher at primary and junior middle school? W

4、hy did you like him/her?,My/favorite /teacher He/She/friendly/ He/She /treated/ like His/Her class/ Thanks to/help/I /learnt/ I/never/forget,Fast-reading,1.Mr Jenkins made class lively but Graham didnt like science. 2. As a science teacher Mr Jenkins often shows and explains how something works or h

5、ow to do something. 3. Graham often phones his former teacher to ask for his advice. 4. Mr Jenkins would like to be a teacher because he is proud of his excellent students. 5. Now the number of the class is large so it is difficult for the teacher to guide them. 6. Mr Jenkins thinks teaching is a jo

6、b with less stress.,F,T,F,T,T,F,Careful-reading,1. What kind of student was Graham? 2.What kind of teacher was Mr Jenkins in Grahams eyes? 3.Why does Graham often think about Mr Jenkins? 4. Is Mr Jenkins still a great help to Graham? How? 5. How does Mr Jenkins feel about Graham now? 6. Why does Mr

7、Jenkins love teaching?,1.What kind of student was Graham?,He was a difficult and lazy student.,2. What kind of teacher was Mr Jenkins in Grahams eyes?,He was wonderful and full of enthusiasm and made everything interesting.,3. Why does Graham often think about Mr Jenkins?,Because Mr Jenkins built up

8、 Grahams confidence by making him feel that he could do things.,4. Is Mr Jenkins still a great help to Graham? How?,Yes. When hes preparing a programme, he thinks about how Mr Jenkins would have done it.,5. How does Mr Jenkins feel about Graham now?,He is proud of Graham now.,6. Why does Mr Jenkins

9、love teaching?,Because a teacher has access to childrens minds when they are open and eager to learn and its worthwhile helping to turn a child like Graham into such a successful adult.,Words and phrases,1.pour 倒,灌 Ive poured coffee into your cup by mistake. Its pouring outside.,我错把咖啡倒在你的杯子里了.,外面下着倾

10、盆大雨.,_,_,2.lack 及物动词vt. (通常不用于被动语态)缺少;没有 I dont seem to lack anything. 不及物动词vi.缺少;不足;没有(+for) They lacked for nothing. 名词n. 欠缺;不足;没有 He can not buy it because of his lack of money. 2. 缺少的东西;需要的东西 Water is a lack of this region.,我好像什么也不缺。,他们什么都不缺少。,他因缺钱买不起这个。,_,_,_,_,这个地区缺水。,习惯用语 for /by /from /throu

11、gh lack of 因缺乏.; 因无. no lack of 不缺乏, 很多 lack in 在.缺少不足,3.access(使用或见到的)机会或权利 You need a password to get access to the computer system. Students must have access to a good library. Visitors have only recently been able to gain access to the area. The legal aid system should be accessible to more peop

12、le.,_,_,_,使用这个计算机系统需要密码.,游客们最近才能进入该地区.,学生必须要有使用好图书馆的权利.,法律援助制度应该面向更多人。,_,adj.易接近的; 可理解的; 易相处的,使用/接近/进入的方法/机会/权利,4.set off 出发,引起,引发 We set off firecrackers to celebrate the coming year. We should set off early in order not to get there late. His speech set off violence in the crowd.,我们燃放鞭炮来迎新年.,为了不迟到

13、,我们应该早点出发.,他的演讲在人群中引起了轰动.,Fill in the blanks with proper words.,1.He got up and _(pour) himself another drink. 2.The _ (angle) of a triangle add up to 180 degrees. 3.It might be _ (worth) to consider your attitude to an insurance policy. 4.Despite his _ of experience, he got the job. 5.He was barely

14、 able to _ his poisoned leg behind him. 6.The Centre is easily _ (access) to the general public.,poured,angles,worthwhile,考虑一下你对投保的看法也许有所助益。,lack,drag,他极费力地拖着那条中毒的腿走路。,accessible,该中心普通大众可随意进入。,be worth doing sth. /be worthwhile to do sth.值得做某事.,Some sayings about teachers:,A candle lights others and

15、 consumes itself. Teach others to fish and they will fish for a lifetime. Like teacher, like pupil. No man is his crafts master the first day. Good pupils are to be brought up by strict teachers. Two heads are better than one. He who teaches me for one day is my father for life.,蜡烛照亮别人毁灭了自己.,授人以鱼,不如授人以渔.,什么样的老师教什么样的学生.,师傅领进门,修行在个人.,严师出高徒.,三人行必有我师.,一日为师,终身为父.,Homework,Find out all the subjunctive mood sentences and try to summarize the usage and sentence patterns. e.g. I wish I had done enough work at school. I shouldnt have been so difficult.,


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