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1、,新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(初级) (第三版) SUCCESS WITH BEC PRELIMINARY 电子课件 主 编 陈小慰 副主编 苏翊翔 编 著 苏翊翔 郑颖峰,Module 1,BEC Preliminary,Contents,1.1 Business topic: World of work,1.2 Business skills: Personal and professional details,1.3 Exam spotlight: BEC Preliminary Exam,World of work,1.1 Business Topic,1.1Business Topic

2、: World of Work,Reading,Listening,Grammar,Training and workshops,The present simple,What does your job involve?,Speaking,Work-life balance,Useful Words and Expressions,workshop business presentation public speaking consultant motivational client entertaining professional involve,研讨会;讲习班 工商企业;商行;商业 口

3、头报告;陈述;叙述 演说,演讲 顾问 激发积极性的 客户 有趣的;使人愉快的 专业的,职业的 包含;需要,Useful Words and Expressions,responsibility title sample account correspondence badge identify catering service gadget,责任,所负责的事情 头衔;职称 样品;试用产品 账目;账户 (往来的)信件 徽章 发现;确定 餐饮服务 小巧的器械;小玩意儿,Useful Words and Expressions,interior memo bonus catalogue positi

4、ve presence diary Athens,车内产品;内部装饰 备忘录;便条,便笺 奖金 产品目录 积极乐观的 仪态,风度,风采 记事簿 雅典(希腊首都),Training and workshops,READING,Background Information,多种多样的培训 内部培训 (internal training或称in-house training),是一种在工作场所进行的在职培训,因此也称为on-the-job training。其特点是经济实惠。 外部培训(external training),是一种将员工送往专门培训机构的离岗培训,因此也称为off-the-job t

5、raining。 网上培训(web-based training),是一种基于网络环境下的培训,尤其受到那些公司员工分布地域广的公司的青睐。,1. small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done 车间,工场;作坊 如:I will have to send the broken chair away to the workshop. 2. a brief intensive course for a small group that focuses especially on techniques and skills in

6、 a particular field 研讨会;讲习班 如:He runs a two-day workshop on management techniques.,一词多义的workshop,Business Courses 商务课程,ReadingTraining and Workshops,Business Courses 商务课程,“对感兴趣”的常用表达法,sb. is interested in sth.,sth. interests sb.,sb. finds sth. interesting,Discuss with a partner which courses interes

7、t you and explain why.,DISCUSSION,Example 2:“Public Speaking” interests me in that I aim to be a leader and that makes speaking in public an important part of my career.,Example 1:Im interested in “selling technique” because selling faces a high level of rejection and requires good skills.,Key Point

8、s,consultancy 咨询公司,如: You can start your own consultancy.,personal and professional development 个人和职业发展,Key Points,base: be based at/in a place 把基地设在,以为基地,如: Where is your company based? Its based overseas. Its a London-based firm.,Key Points,run 作动词,意思是“开办,经营,管理”,We have run a course for the local

9、teachers. Who is running this company/contest? This is a well-run/badly-run company.,Key Points,one-to-one session 一对一的培训,The one-to-one teaching situation is the strength of private tutoring.,Key Points,internationally accredited 国际公认的,Cambridge University is an internationally accredited universit

10、y.,Key Points,Pair up and discuss whether J&C can provide service to the following people. Explain why.,DISCUSSION,I want to study business English, but I cant travel to Oxford.,Our university department needs some IT training.,I want to give a speech at my brothers wedding.,Id like some help with w

11、riting a novel.,Our company would like some information on team-building weekends.,What does your job involve?,LISTENING,Pair up and explain to each other the responsibilities of the following people.,DISCUSSION,Katherine Alessi: management consultant管理咨询师,Mark Jenkins: sales representative销售代表,Kost

12、as Hadavas: personal assistant个人助理,私人助理,Suzanne Wilkes: chief financial officer财务总监,Carmen Selles: quality manager质检经理,The present simple一般现在时,GRAMMAR,Q:What do you do? A:Im a sales rep. I work for a company that supplies computer software.,Q:Do you often travel abroad? A:Yes, I go to Italy two or t

13、hree times a month.,Q:When does your train leave? A:It leaves at 14:45.,观察以下例句,你来总结一般现在时的第一个用法,观察以下例句,你来总结一般现在时的第二个用法,观察以下例句,你来总结一般现在时的第三个用法,Q:What do you do? A:Im a sales rep. I work for a company that supplies computer software.,Q:Do you often travel abroad? A:Yes, I go to Italy two or three times

14、 a month.,Q:When does your train leave? A:It leaves at 14:45.,稳定的、经久不变的情形,习惯动作或经常性的动作,作息时刻(与时间短语连用),KEY,一般现在时用于描述,写出以下动词的 第三人称单数形式,teach wash fix go fly,study buy say obey,KEY,teaches washes fixes goes flies,studies buys says obeys,词尾为ch, sh, s, x, o的动词加-es。如: teachteaches, washwashes, fixfixes, gog

15、oes,辅音字母+y结尾的动词把-y变成-i, 再加-es。如: studystudies, flyflies,但是元音字母y 结尾的动词只加-s。如: saysays, obeyobeys, buybuys,Key Points,appliance 作名词,意思是“电器、设备、工具”,如:Washing machines and refrigerators are electrical appliances. 家用电器还可用household appliances,domestic appliances表示。,Key Points,ship 作动词,意思是“运送”,Our products are shipped all over the world. How do you ship goods overseas? We charge a fee to process documents and to ship goods.,Key Points,Have a try! 试试看! 在括弧中写下以下频率副词的频率,用%表示:,GrammarAdverbs and expressions of frequency,(通常)usually( %),(经常)often( %),(有时)sometimes( %),(很少)rarely( %),(从来没有)never(


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