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1、系统掌握蕴含其中的马克思主义立场观点方法,要在系统学习、深刻领会、科学把握习近平教育思想上下功夫。精心组织开展学习宣传贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神知识问答活动。完形填空专练(六)议论文A(2016兰州市高三诊断考试)All parents know that one of their most important tasks is to prepare their children for a(n) _1_ life, but any parent can tell you that its hard to let _2_ of your children. That

2、_3_ between keeping your children safe and allowing them to learn from their own mistakes can be _4_.Years of experience means that parents often do know best, but _5_,the young, being less bound by tradition, are often more _6_,more able to find new solutions to old problems. _7_ are led by the you

3、ng.Good teachers make the growth of critical thinking easier in their students, _8_ that this can lead to a questioning of the teachers basic beliefs. Schools encourage parents to become _9_, but are often embarrassed when parents have doubts about some of the educational methods being used. The reb

4、ellious (叛逆的) _10_ are important in social development. They are not _11_ representatives of those they want to _12_ or not realistic in their demands, _13_ their voices must be heard.Good parents know that just forbidding particular behaviors does not prevent their children from finding ways to _14

5、_ in these forbidden activities. _15_, sometimes the forbidden fruit is more _16_,just because it is not accepted by _17_. Parents must work with their children to educate them _18_ the facts, know as much as possible about the lives of their children, provide a good example, encourage more wholesom

6、e activities _19_ support their children when they dont follow _20_ is expected of them. But the most important point is that they also need to learn how to let go.1.A.happy Bindependent Cmeaningful Deasy2A.go Bdrop Calone Dfall3A.alternative Bdifference Cbalance Ddefinition4A.heartbreaking Bheartbr

7、oken Cwarmhearted Dwholehearted5A.on one hand Bfor one thing Con the other hand Din other words6A.creative Bactive Cpassive Dunlimited7A.Destructions BRevolutions CConversations DRecognitions8A.just to find Bonly to find Cjust to know Donly to know9A.linked Battached Cincluded Dinvolved10A.young Bol

8、d Cmiddleaged Daging11A.frequently Baccidentally Ccertainly Dnecessarily12A.suggest Brepresent Cimply Drespond13A.so Band Cbut Dthen14A.engage Bresult Cpersist Dbelieve15A.Anyhow BHowever CIndeed DSomehow16A.confusing Binviting Castonishing Dshocking17A.government Borganization Cauthority Dagency18A

9、.at Bof Con Dover19A.but also Bor Cnor Dotherwise20A.whether Bthat Cwhich DwhatB(2016武汉市高中毕业生4月调研测试)Dr. Mike Schmoker is an educational author and former teacher. He shares in his book Results Now, a _1_ that found of 1,500 classrooms _2_, 85 percent of them had _3_ less than 50 percent of the stude

10、nts. _4_, only 15 percent of the _5_ kept more than half of the class paying attention to the lesson.He believes that the _6_ of teachers can tell if a student is not _7_. Most teachers act on what they see and _8_ their instruction to try to attract all of their students. _9_, no matter how hard te

11、achers work at making it interesting, a lecture is _10_ a lecture, and having students simply listen is still a _11_ action. The solution is simple:If a teacher wants to _12_ student involvement (参与), then the teacher needs to increase student _13_ ask the students to do something with the knowledge

12、 and skills they have learned. _14_ the lecture with learning tasks. Let them practice. Have them moving. Get them _15_. Make it so appealing that it will be _16_ for students not to participate.The vital _17_ to increase involvement is to put the learner in charge of learning. Create a _18_ learnin

13、g environment and a motivation to learn, and the students _19_ do all the hard work of learning, while the teacher merely offers help and support. That sounds _20_.1.A.concernBlesson Cstudy Dtreasure2A.visited Bdecorated Cused Dnoticed3A.taught Badmitted Ctouched Dabsorbed4A.In a word BAbove all CIn other words DTo be honest5A.teachers Bclassrooms Cschools Dtextbooks6A.majority Bminority Crest Dnumber7A.hardworking Bbrilliant Csatisfied Dinterested8A.organize Breceive Cadjust Dcontinue9A.Moreover BHowever CTherefore DOtherw


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