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1、Unit 13 随堂小测试2. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. Dont play a joke on him about his weight its _(残忍的).2. You are supposed to know the _(法律) of your own country.3. Can these toys be _(回收利用)?4. These materials are widely used in _(工业).5. They walked because they couldnt _(负担得起) a taxi.6. To solve this problem,

2、we need to learn more _(科学的) knowledge. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。reuse, shark, ecosystem, transportation, fin1. People need to get out of their cars and use public _.2. We saw two _ in the wild zoo. They are large and have sharp (尖的) teeth.3. Things that are _ can be used more than once. 4. Do fi

3、sh use their _ to swim?5. A(n) _ is about all the plants and animals that live in a specific (特定的) area. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,用恰当的短语填空。1. One third of boys in my class _(参加) the running race last week.2. Please _(关掉) the TV. Its too noisy.3. The doctor says fruit juice _(对有害) childrens teeth.4. If you dont w

4、ork hard now, youll _(为付出代价) it later when you fail your exams.5. They had a picnic _(在顶部) of the hill.6. Last month they _(采取行动) to prevent water pollution.7. Insects are fairly low on _(食物链).8. One of his fingers was _(切掉) in the accident.9. _(的数量) trees has increased in the past few years.10. Hel

5、en _(不再) practices the piano. 将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 张丽现在在图书馆看书。_2. 这条街道过去很脏。_3. 那个国家讲什么语言?_4. 我以前从来没有乘飞机旅行过。_5. 他七岁时就会弹吉他。_参考答案:. 1. cruel 2. laws 3. recycled 4. industry 5. afford 6. scientific. 1. transportation 2. sharks 3. reusable 4. fins 5. ecosystem. 1. took part in 2. turn off 3. is harmful to 4. pa

6、y for 5. at the top of 6. took action 7. the food chain 8. cut off 9. The number of 10. no longer. 1. Zhang Li is reading in the library now.2. This street used to be dirty.3. What language is spoken in that country?4. I have never traveled by plane before.5. He could play the guitar when he was seven.4


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