云南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材系统复习 第15课时 九全 units 1-2练习

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《云南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材系统复习 第15课时 九全 units 1-2练习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《云南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材系统复习 第15课时 九全 units 1-2练习(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第15课时九年级 Units 12一、单项填空1(2019原创)Dad, please dont tell Mom that I will come back next Sunday. I want to keep it a and give her a surprise.Achance BchoiceCsecret Didea2(2019原创)How did you know the news?Jane told me by me an email.Asending BsendCsends Dto send3(2018江西中考)Susan never gets upset when she

2、has to wait in line. She is very .Ashy BhonestCfunny Dpatient4(2018江西模拟五)If you want to know more information, on the Internet.Alook after it Blook at it Clook up it Dlook it up5(2019原创)Tom is so that he attends all kinds of activities after school.Aquiet BshyCactive Dhonest6(2018江苏连云港中考)The total n

3、umber of online literature website users had to 352 million by the end of June 2017. And the number is still growing.Aincreased Binfluenced Cincluded Dintroduced7(2019预测)Whats the of the car at present?Its about 70 kilometers an hour.Aplace BspeedCprice Dmark8(2019预测)The true spirit of Christmas is

4、to treat everyone with kindness and love to everywhere.Aspread BsearchCcompare Dprovide9(2018河北保定定兴三模)I love reading books because I can have much from them.Afood BknowledgeCmoney Dgrammar10(2019预测)Ive five pounds. I think I need to lose weight.Aput on Btake offCput away Dtake away二、完形填空(2018江苏徐州模拟)

5、As a student, there are several ways to have your homework done more easily. 1 , understand the task clearly. Write the task down on your notebook if you need to. Dont be 2 to ask questions. Its much easier to take a few minutes to ask the teacher during or after class 3 to try to understand them by

6、 yourself later at night! If you want, you can also ask how long it may 4 to finish the task, so you can plan your time.Second, use any spare 5 you have in the school to work on your homework. It maybe relaxing to 6 with friends during your free time, and the more homework you get done at school, th

7、e 7 youll have to do at home.Third, have a clear mind about your homework. If you dont 8 your homework in school, think about how much is still left. Many students spend three to four hours 9 their homework every night no matter how much work they have. So its really a good idea to 10 a schedule(时刻表

8、)1A.First BThenCAbove DSo2A.excited Bafraid Cnecessary Ddisappointed3A.than Band Cbut Duntil4A.spend Bpay Ccost Dtake5A.homework BtimeCteacher Dtask6A.clean out Bwork out Ckeep out Dhang out7A.more BfewerCless Dbetter8A.finish BhaveCunderstand Dask9A.with Bin Con Dfor10A.do BholdCput Dmake三、阅读理解A(20

9、18山东淄博中考改编)If you ask me what my favorite sport is, my answer is swimming. I started learning how to swim when I was five years old. I have been swimming ever since.There are many reasons why I love swimming, but Ill just share a few with you. Maybe I can even encourage you to go for a swim.The firs

10、t reason I love swimming is that I feel totally relaxed whenever I leave the pool. I love the feeling of floating on the water and feeling almost weightless.On the other hand, it can also be a competitive sport which raises your heartbeat. Its amazing pushing yourself to the challenge of beating som

11、eone else to the finish line. Its great fun racing across the pool as fast as you can!Another reason that I love swimming is that it has more styles than other sports such as running and walking. It doesnt feel like youre doing the same thing over and over again.In summer, swimming can be a nice, re

12、freshing(恢复精力的) break! Theres nothing better than jumping into the water on a hot summers day. You can choose to swim in a swimming pool or in the sea.And finally, its a life skill which everyone should have. Not only is it good for your health, but you never know when youll need your ability to swi

13、m.1When did the writer learn how to swim?AFour years old. BFive years old. CSix years old. DEight years old.2In Paragraph 3, “floating” means “ ” in Chinese.A跳跃 B漂浮 C翻滚 D日光浴3The last sentence of the passage means that Aswimming is a healthy sportBswimming is a useful life skillCeveryone should have

14、more life skillsDyou should teach your friends to swim4Which of the following is not mentioned?ASwimming is relaxing.BSwimming is competitive.CSwimming is simple.DSwimming is refreshing.5What can be the best title for the passage?AHow to Swim Better BLets Do SportsCA Swimming Star DWhy I Love SwimmingB(2018云南昆明中考)American and British people both speak English. But sometimes there are some impor



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