高考英语大一轮复习 module 5 a lesson in a lab单元知识检测课件 外研版必修

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《高考英语大一轮复习 module 5 a lesson in a lab单元知识检测课件 外研版必修》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语大一轮复习 module 5 a lesson in a lab单元知识检测课件 外研版必修(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单元知识检测,教材回扣,.课文缩写填空,答案:1.substances 2.reaction 3.heated 4.to form 5.rusts 6.preparations 7.equipment 8.to make 9.to 10.conclusion,Different metals have different uses.When we use metals,it is important to know how they react with different 1. (substance). The 2. (react) of metals with these substanc

2、es can be put in order.From the table we can find that sodium reacts both with oxygen and water while copper doesnt react with water.When 3. (heat) in oxygen,calcium burns 4. (form) an oxide. In the second part of the experiment,our aim is to find out if iron 5. (rust) in dry air,in air-free water a

3、nd in ordinary water.Having made full 6. (prepare),we need different pieces of 7. (equip).In order to finish the second stage of the experiment,we have to boil the water 8. (make) sure there is no air in it.We add some oil 9. the water and this can keep air out of it.During each stage we will get di

4、fferent results and draw the 10. (conclude) that iron doesnt rust in dry air and in air-free water but it rusts in ordinary water.,.用本单元所学短语完成句子,答案:1.add;to 2.in the area of 3.to be proud of 4.used to be 5.are supposed to,1.We need to exert our imagination and art . (往加入) our teaching. 2.Theyve been

5、 working . (在领域) trademark for 20 years for our foreign friends. 3.Your achievements are something . (为感到骄傲). 4.You should bear in mind that he is not so strong as he (过去常常). 5.Teenage is an especially important stage for us,where we (应当;理应) go all out to improve ourselves because anything can happe

6、n.,答案: 1.Jack used to play computer games and his grades were going from bad to worse. 2.With the help of his teachers,he realized that he was supposed to put his study before everything. 3.The more he learns chemistry,the more interested he becomes in it.,.微写作,1.杰克过去经常玩电脑游戏,因此学习成绩越来越差。,2.在老师的帮助下,他意

7、识到他应该把学习放在第一位。,3.现在他越学化学,越觉得对化学有兴趣。,答案: 4.He dreams of becoming a chemist and making a breakthrough in the area of chemistry. 5.We all feel proud of the progress he has made.,4.他梦想着成为一名化学家,并在化学领域有所突破。,5.我们都对他所取得的进步感到自豪。,.单句语法填空,答案:1.healthier 2.expansion 3.to chair 4.with 5.height,语境活用,1.The more ex

8、ercise you take,the (healthy) you will become. 2.NATOs (expand) to the east,toward the borders of Russia,has raised Russian concerns. 3.Its your turn (chair) the meeting. 4.A few years earlier,he left for Poland the aim of finding a job. 5.The Tower of London is three times the (high) of the Church

9、tower.,6.Over the years Ive come to the (conclude) that shes a very great musician. 7.Some were collecting firewood,while others were just . (aimless) walking or standing by the road. 8.After (balance) the advantages and the disadvantages, he accepted the task. 9.What recreational (facility) are now

10、 available? 10.The black baby boy is at the stage he can only say a few simple words but not yet full sentences.,答案:6.conclusion 7.aimlessly 8.balancing 9.facilities 10.where,1.Bill used to being a couch potato and now he has a healthy lifestyle. 2.It was her job to keep the room in orders. 3.Iron r

11、eact with water and air to produce rust. 4.In the conclusion,walking is a cheap,safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise. 5.After all things had been discussed, the meeting was concluding with the applause.,答案:1.将being改为be 2.将orders改为order 3.将react改为reacts 4.去掉the 5.将concluding改为conclu

12、ded,.单句语法改错,6.To our astonish,they arrived on time. 7.Its awfully nice for you to come all this way to see me. 8.It makes sense to eat a reasonably balance diet when slimming. 9.Burdened with so many equipment,I climbed with difficulty. 10.The more learned a man is,the modest he usually is.,答案: 6.将astonish改为astonishment 7.将for改为of 8.将balance改为balanced 9.将many改为much 10.modest前加more,



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