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1、“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线2017上海高考压轴卷英 语I. Listening Comprehension(Omitted)II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given w

2、ord, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Most children love being told about Nursery Rhymes. The most (25)_(popularity) rhymes are listed here. Even elders love to hear these rhymes that are sweet to our ears fore

3、ver. These rhymes speak volumes about the interest (26)_(show) by the education department (27) _(ensure) the children to speak out. The list is clearly not exhaustive but it (28)_(believe) that a good cross section of famous poems for children have been included. We have selected the most famous Nu

4、rsery Rhymes for children. We have done (29)_best to collect all the Nursery Rhymes from all sources and add them here for your reference.The (30)_(add) of more and more rhymes is going on every day. These Nursery Rhymes for children have been passed down over the years and due to the short nature o

5、f the verse can easily be remembered by most children from a very age. Analysis of these Nursery Rhymes will reflect the (31)_(history) background (32)_these Nursery Rhymes were written. (B)A Minnesota police force has threatened to punish drink drivers with Justin Biebers dance moves if they get be

6、hind the wheel while intoxicated. Police in Wyoming tweeted that drink drivers would be forced (33)_(watch) Biebers Super Bowl advert “the entire way to jail”. The pop star (34)_(see) performing celebratory end zone dances.(35)_(fortunate), no drink driving arrests were made. Biebers advert aired du

7、ring the Super Bowl,(36)_he is heard saying:”This guys got the shimmedy sham-sham shimmedy shake right there”. Twitter users praised the police (37)_the tongue-in-cheek tweet,which was retweeted nearly 10,000 times.Wyoming Police Chief Paul told the Pioneer Press that (38)_tweet helped push the publ

8、ic service announcement about (39)_(irresponsible) drinking during the Super Bowl”. It gets people to actually stop and read the message”. Paul said. After the New England Patriot (40)_(win) the game in a 34-28 comeback,the Wyoming police changed their message. They made fun at the way many American

9、s love to hate the Patriots.Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. repeatedB. voiceC. howD. teachE. focusF. moreG. dogH. timeI. asJ. happyK. trainingRecently, as I was passing

10、a park, I heard a male voice. A man was 41 his young dog. With a clear, strong, yet tender 42, he was teaching his dog to sit and the dog did 43 he was commanded. Then after they walked a few steps, they 44 the process. He praised his dog and the dog was very 45.Actually the man was teaching the dog

11、 46 than that. He taught the dog focus and discipline. What really struck me was that he took the 47 and got the most from that dog. As I continued my journey I reflected on what I had witnessed, thinking 48 that man took the time to teach his dog. He was there, getting the most out of that dog. How

12、 lucky that 49 was. How often do we take the time to 50 our own children? We constantly hear, “Im so busy. I feel like Im always running. Im so stressed.”III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill

13、 in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.I had a high fever and was admitted to a hospital. In the room, there was another bed_51_by a student who was admitted for some _52_. He was wearing an oxygen mask the whole night and surprisingly there was nobody to help him in any w

14、ay._53_, his parents were staying elsewhere. He was all _54_.The next day, after the oxygen mask was _55_ , we saw some people visiting _56_ and they spoke a language we didnt understand. All we could understand was that he was_57_something and was _58_making and getting calls. We heard the nurse as

15、king him to go for a bottle of blood infusion, which was against his _59_. The student demanded discharge against medical service. We called the nurse, who told us he was _60_ from a rare disease, which _61_extreme weakness. _62_, he refused treatment as he had no money for the minimum costing $4,000.The doctors feared the risk of death _63_blood infusions were not given. All that his friends could _64_ was only $2,000. We found this student sitting on a chair very _65_, weeping for the amount.51.A.fe



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