国际交流英语视听说听力原文 电子版b3u1

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1、国际交流英语视听说 Unit 1 Gender and Society Book 3 A | & B | OK, so today were going to continue on the topic of how children are socialized. Well be looking at gender socializationin other words, how, how children learn their gender roles. Gender is something that we learn first from our parents, then from

2、 our peers, from school, and from the culture we live in. OK, lets start with our parents. Generally, our gender roles are pretty clear to us by the time were around three years old. So how do we, how do we learn these roles so quickly? Well, one way is simply by what our parents say to us. Parents

3、give female children a lot of compliments on how they lookon their appearance, right? We say things like, “What a pretty girl!” or To be continued Listening 1 “Thats a nice dress youre wearing.” Girls might get compliments on other things, too, but they, they soon learn that being feminine has somet

4、hing to do with being attractive or pretty, right? Boys, in contrast, are complimented on what they do. We say things like, “Look how fast little Timmy can run! Good for you, Timmy!” So over time, boys learn that being, being masculine has something to do with their behaviour and with being active.

5、Our peers, when were childrengirls and boys around the same age as we arealso teach us about gender roles, and sometimes theyre not very nice about this either. They make fun of children who arent following the rules. Can you remember kids from your childhood who didnt follow the gender rules? Schoo

6、ls continue, schools To be continued Listening 1 continue the process of gender socialization. Some schools have separate classes for girls and boys, and, um, of course school uniforms are different pants for boys, and skirts or dresses for girls. Finally, the culture we live in has a lot to teach u

7、s about gender roles. Listening 1 C | As you know, one of the first questions when a baby is born is, “Is it a boy or a girl?” We think its important to know this because when children grow up, their role in the world depends on their genderat least to some degree. But nowadays, gender roles are cha

8、nging, and besides, there have always been a few people who are not average, who do not follow the usual gender pattern. One person from history who did not follow her usual gender role was Hatshepsut. Around 150 years before Tutankhamen ruled ancient Egypt as pharaoh, or king, Hatshepsut ruled for

9、21 years as the female king of Egypt. Thats rightfemale king, because there was no such thing as a queen as leader. A few women had filled the role To be continued Listening 1 of leader when their sons were too young to rule, but Hatshepsut stayed in power even after her stepson, Tutmose III, was ol

10、d enough to rule. And she accomplished a lot while she was king! Up and down the Nile River we can still see the monuments and buildings that were constructed or repaired while Hatshepsut was king. It seems that she did not want to be forgotten. Besides the buildings and monuments, we have a lot of

11、art from the time of Hatshepsut. And whats interesting is that at first, Hatshepsut is shown with female characteristicsshe was clearly a woman, but with the clothing and symbols of a king. For example, in one statue, she is seated and has the body of a woman but is wearing the headdress of a king.

12、In later years, we see the reverse. All of the later artwork shows her as a man, with male characteristics. Were not To be continued Listening 1 sure why Hatshepsut had her artists do this, but it may have helped her to keep power. It might have been easier for Egyptians to accept a man as kingor at

13、 least someone who looked like a man. Listening 1 Mia: Hey, Dylan! Long time, no see! Dylan: Yeah, its been ages! I was gone all summer. I had a job working for my uncle, so I stayed with him in Toronto for two months. What about you, Mia? Howve you been? Mia: Great! I just spent the time right here

14、 because I was taking a course in summer school. I want to graduate early. Dylan: Wow, youre really working hard! So,. What do you think about this class were in? Mia: Oh, I think its going to be great! Its such an interesting topic “Gender and Sociology”. Dylan: Hmmph. I suppose. I can see that Pro

15、fessor Henley is very knowledgeable on the subject. But I can also see that I disagree with her about a lot of things. Mia: Such as. ? Listening 2 B | Dylan: Well, I think some jobs just arent good for women like firefighters for instance. Mia: What? You think women arent brave enough or something?

16、Dylan: Hey, I never said that! But, well, they arent as strong physically, I mean. Do you think a woman could carry me out of a burning building? Come on, everyone knows men are stronger than women. Mia: Ha! So, you think youre stronger than the female athletes in the Olympics, just because youre a man? Dylan: Well, no, of course not . Mia: Then you cant say that all men are stronger than all women. Here, let me draw you a graph . Listening 2 To be contin


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