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1、 Unit 1 Dialogue 1 At the Airport A: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from Boston? B: 正是。 A: Im Frank Din from Hyatt Regency Hotel. Ive come to meet you. B: 你好,Frank,谢谢你到机场来接我。 A: How are you, Mr. Smith? Let me help you with your luggage. B: 谢谢。 A: How was your flight, Mr. Smith? B: 好极了!食品不错,服务周到,而且

2、飞机还准点。 A: Anyhow, its a long way to China, isnt it? B: 噢,是的,确实很长,加上等待和转机的时间超过 20 小时了。 A: Now, Mr. Smith, if all is ready, wed better start for the hotel. B: 好的,走吧。 A: This way, please. Our car is in Parking Lot 6. Is this your first visit to Shanghai, Mr. Smith? B: 不,是第二次,上次来是三年前。这次机场看起来有些不一样,而且非常的高

3、效! A: In the past couple of years, the government has done a lot to meet the needs of the Shanghai World Expo. B: 噢,是的,世博会!难怪飞机这么满,我想有许多人都是冲着世博来的。所以你们增 大了机场的容量。 A: Yes. The airport terminals have been fully developed to receive thousands of tourists and business travelers every day. But its more tha

4、n that. The airport is not only an efficient transport hub, but also features a wide range of facilities such as shopping, leisure and conventions. B: 对。我已经注意到了。 A: Youll see more changes elsewhere. Its now very convenient to travel from the airport to the downtown area. The visitors can take a shut

5、tle bus as well as the subway. They can even take the Shanghai magnetic levitation train, which travels at a stunning speed. There is even a shuttle bus especially for Expo visitors. It leaves every half an hour. B: Frank,你知道,上次我来上海,完全忙于公务,不过这次可能有些空闲时间。如果 我想四处逛一逛的话,你有什么可推荐的吗? A: Well, theres a lot t

6、o see in Shanghai these days. The World Expo is a must-see site and its convenient to go there. Subway Lines 6, 7, 8 and 10 all go to the Expo site. You may also book a car in our hotel if you like, or dial 96822 for the Expo taxi system to request a taxi. B: 世博园肯定是很好的去处,不过我听说那儿的人特别多,许多国家馆都要排几个小时 的长

7、队,我想我没那么多时间。 A: Thats true. Then what about the former Frenchtown? The architecture there is cool. The Oriental Pearl Tower is also a frequently visited place. The Shanghai Bund may be a good choice in the evening. B: 听上去很有趣。 A: Do you like museums, Mr. Smith? B: 当然了,非常喜欢。 A: The Shanghai Museum has

8、 a fantastic collection of ancient Chinese art. B: 太棒了!我至少可能会在那里呆半天。你推荐哪里去购物呢? A: If you want to go shopping, you can go to the shopping areas in Xujiahui, Wujiaochang, East Nanjing Road, West Nanjing Road, Huaihai Road, North Sichuan Road, the Municipal Commercial Center, and Zhongshan Park. There

9、are several large department stores in each location. If you want to buy some local specialties, you may go to Chenghuang Miao, i.e. the City God Temple, where you will find many Shanghaiese specialties and snacks. B: 你知道哪儿可以买到世博会的纪念品吗?既然我不打算去世博园,我最好能给孩子们 买些东西回去。 A: If you want to buy the Expos lice

10、nsed products, you may log onto their official website: www.eshop-, or dial 4008851519 for details. Ill write the website and phone number for you once we arrive at the hotel. B: 太好了。吃的方面你有什么好介绍的吗? A: Do you like spicy food? B: 我很喜欢吃辣的! A: You should try the Hunan cuisine at Dishuidong. B: 听起来真不错!滴水

11、洞在哪里呢? A: Its at 56 Maoming Road. Ill write the address down for you later, together with the website and phone number of the Expo licensed products. B: Frank,非常感谢。你提供了很多非常有用的信息。 A: My pleasure, Mr. Smith. Here we are. This is Hyatt Regency Hotel. B: 太好了,我们很快啊! Dialogue 2 Dragon Boat Festival A: Dan

12、iel, have you heard about the Dragon Boat Races to be held this afternoon? B: 知道啊,是为了庆祝什么节日对吧? A: Yup, Duan Wu Festival, which officially falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Its also called the Dragon Boat Festival. Its among the three major traditional holidays celebrated by Chinese. T

13、he other two are the Mid-autumn Festival and the Chinese New Year. That you already know. B: 我好像记得我们的中文老师曾经说过,这个节日跟一位古代诗人有关,是这样的吗? A: Well, there are many legends regarding the origin of the festival, but the most popular and widely accepted version relates to Qu Yuan, a well- known poet during the

14、Warring States Period (475221 BC). B: 是的,是的,屈原,现在我想起这个名字了。 A: Qu Yuan served as minister to the King of the Chu Kingdom which was then in a state of fragmentation and conflict. A wise and articulate man, he was loved and respected by the common people. He did much to fight against the rampant corrup

15、tion that plagued the court, thus earning the envy and fear of other officials. He also insisted on fight against the rival Qin Kingdom so King of Chu removed him from service. In exile, he traveled, taught and wrote for several years. Hearing that the Chu had been defeated by the Qin, he fell into

16、despair and threw himself into the Miluo River, which is in the current Hunan Province, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. B: 不过,这位诗人的自杀跟龙舟赛有什么关系呢? A: You know, he was so loved by the people, so the local fishermen rushed out in long boats to look for him, beating drums to scare the fish away, and throwing zongzi into the water to feed the fish so that they would not eat Qu Yuans body. Starting from that time to this day, people commemorate Qu Yuan thr


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