the trial that rocked the world

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《the trial that rocked the world》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《the trial that rocked the world(130页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked the World,John Scopes,Lecturer: Meng Fanyan,Understanding of the title,What rhetorical device does the author employ? - Hyperbole. What do we anticipate and predict when seeing the title? - Injustice, persecution, violation of human rights, ignorance of prevailing intel

2、ligence, etc.,1. To know the significance of this event 2. To have a clear grasp of the process of the trial 3. To appreciate the art of language 4. To learn the legal language,Teaching Aims,Major Teaching Points,1. Background information 2. Detailed study of the text 3. Discourse analysis 4. Rhetor

3、ic devices 5. Exercise,Background Knowledge,Information about religion Terms concerning trial Charles Darwin (1809-82) John Scopes American governing system,Laity: those members (Laymen俗人) of a religious group who are without the special training of priests or other religious officeholders(别于僧侣、牧师的)

4、俗人 Clergy: the people (Clergyman) who are members of esp. the Christian priesthood(牧师职位)and who are allowed to perform religious services(总称)牧师 God: the Deity(神性), the Divinity(神力), Holy One, Jehovah(耶和华), the Lord(主), Providence(天意、天命), the Almighty, and the Creator.,Terms related to religion,Three

5、 religions,There is only one God in heaven or maybe in the world. But the belief in God has developed into three religious sections, namely Christianity (基督教) Judaism(犹太教) Islam(伊斯兰教),Christianity (基督教),Christianity is divided into several sections: * the Roman Catholic(罗马天主教) * the Protestant(新教) *

6、 the Orthodox Eastern Church(东正教) Trinity: Christians believe in trinity, that is, God is the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit/Ghost, with Jesus Christ as its incarnation(化身).,The Roman Catholic Church has a very strict organization, with Pope(教皇)as its supreme leader, and cardinal(红衣主教

7、), archbishop(大主教), bishop(主教)and priest (catholic father神父、牧师) under him successively. These clergies are not allowed to get married all their lives. People who belong to Roman Catholic Church have a tradition of going to church services every week.,the Roman Catholic(罗马天主教),the Protestant(新教),For

8、Protestants, things are not so rigorous(严格的). They can worship God at home. Pastors(本堂牧师), ministers(牧师)and clergymen(牧师、教士)can get married. They dont have a supreme governing body as the Roman Catholics do. For Roman Catholics, you can only talk to God by way of a church, confessing your sins in th

9、e confessional(忏悔室)to a priest who grants you absolution(解罪、赦免) in the name of God, but the Protestants believe they can talk directly to God.,Roman Catholic and Orthodox Eastern members draw cross on their chests, while Protestants do not. Orthodox Eastern Church has another divine creature to wors

10、hip, the Blessed Virgin Mary.,the Orthodox Eastern Church(东正教),玛丽亚订婚 (Engagement),圣母加冕礼(Coronation),四使徒(Four Apostles),圣母子 (the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Son),Judaism(犹太教)doesnt believe in Jesus Christ. They believe in Moses(摩西)who led them away from persecutions of the Egyptians, and they su

11、ppose that God will come to the world one day in the future. Their prophets include King David(大卫王)and his son Solomon(所罗门)who was famous for his wealth and wisdom. They think that God had granted them a place of inhabitancy(居所), the Promised Land(乐土、福地)which is nowadays Israel. Jewish people have s

12、uffered religious discrimination by Christians over the long run of history. The Jewish people were not allowed to own land or serve at any government offices.,Judaism(犹太教),Bible,“The Monkey Trial”,The trial examines the battle over the teaching of evolution in public schools in America in 1925. The

13、 trial itself was a series of conflicts, the most obvious one being science (evolution) vs. religion or fundamentalists vs. modernists or ignorance vs. wisdom,Legendary criminal defense lawyer Clarence Darrow is pitted against (相斗,抗衡)famous Christian fundamentalist William Jennings Bryan. Darrow s d

14、efense, and particularly his cross-examination of William J. Bryan, who spoke for the biblical, antiscientific, fundamentalist side, served to discredit(羞辱;诽谤) religious fundamentalism and won national attention. This historic trial focuses Americans attention on freedom of speech, separation of chu

15、rch and state and brings to the surface issues that are still hotly debated today.,The courthouse in which the trial was held,Introduction to the counsel for the prosecution and the counsel for the defendant.,Counsel for the prosecution (起诉人),William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925): American leader, edit

16、or and popular lecturer; silver-tongued orator; leader of the fundamentalist movement; aging and paunchy. three times a nominee for the presidency of the US.; Secretary of State (1901-1913). Just before his death (1925), Bryan was figured as one of the prosecuting attorneys and a states witness against the teaching of Darwinian evolution in the famed Scopes trial held at Dayton, Tennessee. Tom Stewart : Tennessees brilliant young attorney-general his son :( also a lawyer)


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