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1、第5期Book 2 Units 4-5 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 ABCAB6-10 CACCA11-15 BACCB16-20 BBCBC21-25 BBABA26-30 CDCAD31-35 DAACB36-40 BDGCE41-45 BACCA46-50 DBDCB51-55 ADABD56-60 ABCCD61. flying62. a63. powerful64. connected65. to control66. or67. on / upon68. is provided69. generally70. be短文改错71. . left by my parents, s

2、aid . said saying72. . happy and exciting. exciting excited73. . it is the first . is was74. . and salt including. including included75. . water was boiled . boiled boiling或去掉was76. Everything went smooth. smooth smoothly77. At the last . 去掉the78. . couldnt wait eat . wait后加to79. . a little differen

3、ce from . difference different80. . cook by me. me myself书面表达One possible version:Dear Mr. Hunter,Im delighted to know that you are interested in Chinese calligraphy. I am willing to recommend a good teacher for you. Mr. Wang, an art teacher in our school, is famous for his handwriting. He has got s

4、ome prizes for writing the best Chinese characters in our city. Not only can he teach you how to write Chinese characters, but also he can offer you some information about Chinese culture. In addition, Mr. Wang is kind and will be pleased to teach you. You will find him humorous and easy to get alon

5、g with. He will give you lessons twice a week in his office at weekends. I hope you will have fun learning Chinese calligraphy. Yours, Li Hua部分解析阅读理解第一节A篇(日常活动)本文是应用文。文章介绍了四个社区活动。21. B。细节理解题。根据Learn about Android中的The Longview Public Library . instructor Aaron Dobbins及You will learn how to make the

6、most . to the greatest advantage可知,学员可在Aaron Dobbins的课上学到如何发掘安卓操作系统的最优功能,进而最大化地利用手机或平板电脑。22. B。细节理解题。根据Little Monster Mash中的Costumes are welcome可知,该活动鼓励人们穿与活动相关的服装。23. A。细节理解题。根据An Invitation to Snow Ball中的make fun objects, including paper bag crowns and paper snowflakes可知,该活动的参与者有做手工的机会。B篇(个人情况)本文介

7、绍了加拿大公务员Steven Fletcher的一些情况。24. B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段中During this time, Fletcher got involved in student politics . this type of public service可知Fletcher的在校经历让他有了从政的想法。25. A。推理判断题。根据文章第三段的描述可知,Fletcher积极参与各种政治活动,故选A项。26. C。词义猜测题。根据画线词后的an inactive . person,以及整篇文章可知,此处指Flecher身患残疾的事实。27. D。推理判断题。通读文章第二段可知

8、,一场事故使Fletcher身体瘫痪,在医生断定他需要在收容所度过余生时,他并没有气馁,也没有向现实低头,而是经过长时间的康复治疗,重返学校,由此可推知,Fletcher是一个乐观的人。根据文章第三段可知,Fletcher活跃于政坛,由此可推知他是一个雄心勃勃、有抱负的人。根据文章第四段可知,Fletcher通过自己不懈的努力去帮助别人,由此可推知,他是一个热心的人。C篇(自然)本文是说明文。科学家依靠冲浪者、潜水者和渔民获取有关海岸线温度的信息。28. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的They are, however, less specific when it comes to measu

9、ring temperatures along the coast可知,当涉及到海岸线温度时,卫星提供的信息不可靠。29. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的The group designed a surfboard that could be their laboratory可知,以Brewin为首的科学家们把冲浪板改成了实验室。30. D。细节理解题。根据第五段中的They want surfers to check water surfaces and divers to measure temperatures deeper in the water可知,科学家希望志愿者们进入不同深度的

10、海水中进行数据收集。31. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的For example, ocean waves can ruin data-collection floats and boats可知,海浪会毁掉测量设备,这使得对海岸线温度的监测变得异常困难。D篇(学校生活)本文是议论文。作者在文中提出了自己的观点青少年团队体育项目不应该过度强调竞技结果。32. A。推理判断题。根据文中的But I think the sign is a good reminder to everyone connected with youth sports可知,作者同意牌子上所写的内容,所以应该是感到欣慰。3

11、3. A。细节理解题。根据倒数第四段中的They should make it easier for kids to play a sport for just a few months so that they can try other sports可知,作者建议成年人应该宽松对待孩子的体育训练。34. C。推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的两个数字对比可知,参加团体体育项目的孩子的数量在减少。35. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的时间2019年及建议各个运动场所向坎顿的这所学校学习的内容可知,此处作者是表达个人愿望。第二节话题:人际关系本文是说明文。文章介绍了沟通技巧之积极倾听。36. B

12、。B项中的done by two people on their own与本空前的guided by a third person构成对比关系。37. D。根据本空前一句You should avoid thinking about what to say next or whether what the speaker is saying is right可知,D项“反之,你要将注意力集中在对方说了什么上面”符合语境。38. G。G项中的that指代本空前一句中的repeat back the main points of what he or she just said。本空后一句中的It

13、指代G项内容“这样做能使说话者了解到你对其所说内容明白了多少”。39. C。根据本空后一句From there, the two people switch back and forth until they have both fully heard and understood each other可知,C项“然后,说话者与聆听者角色互换”符合语境。两者语意上为承接关系。40. E。E项中的this pattern指代本空前一句They react to each other based on what they expect the other person to say rather

14、than on what is actually said。语言知识运用第一节话题:饮食本文是记叙文。Stan Hays用烧烤来抚慰灾后生还者的心灵。41. B。根据本句中的passion及at weekend competitions可知,Stan Hays将烧烤事业视为挚爱,在周末举办的烧烤竞赛中,一试身手。put sth. to the test意为“使受检验”。42. A。本空所在句与第一段的最后一句语意上呈转折关系,故填However。43. C。Stan Hays用烧烤为人们提供食物。feed sb. 意为“给某人食物”。44. C。本空填survivors是对第三段中的disas

15、ter survivors中的survivors的原词复现。45. A。Stan Hays用烧烤救灾的方式可谓“独树一帜(unique)”。46. D。根据上文when a terrible tornado hit Joplin, Missouri, about two-and-a-half hours from Hays home可知,飓风侵袭之地距Hays家只有两个半小时的车程之遥,Stan Hays的妻子敦促他前去“施救(help)”。47. B。根据下文中的wed be there three to four days, serving maybe 5,000 meals可知,Stan Hays向一起经营烧烤事业的伙伴们传了“话(word)”,召集他们一起救灾,然后就奔赴灾后一线。48. D。根据下文But the need was there . kept coming in可知,Stan Hays一行人“原以为(thought)”他们也就在救灾现场待三到四天。49. C。need与supplies构成对照。50.


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