2018年秋九年级英语上册 unit 7 films综合能力提升七同步练习 (新版)牛津版

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2018年秋九年级英语上册 unit 7 films综合能力提升七同步练习 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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1、Unit 7Films综合能力提升七.【2016黄冈】完形填空Ladies and Gentlemen,Thank you for coming to attend the graduate ceremony. First of all, Id like to _1_ all the students who are here today. I remember _2_ all of you when you were just starting Grade 7 at this school. You were so full of energy and thirsty _3_ knowled

2、ge. And some of you were a little difficult to deal with! But today, youve all grown up so _4_ and I am so proud of you.Although youve all worked very hard over the last three years, none of you did it _5_. I hope youll remember the important _6_ in your lives who helped and supported you. Please co

3、nsider what theyve done for you. Never _7_ to be thankful to the people around you.Lastly, the end of junior high school is the beginning of a new _8_. You will have many difficult tasks _9_ you. You will make mistakes along the way, but the key is to _10_ your mistakes and never give up. But along

4、with difficulties, there will also be many _11_ things waiting for you. Learn the new things, and youll have the ability to make your own choices. Choose _12_ and be responsible for your decisions and actions. _13_ you have to go your separate ways now, I hope that youll come back to visit our schoo

5、l in a few yearstime. As you _14_ on your new journey, you shouldnt forget where you came from. The future is _15_Good luck and hope to see you again sometime soon!()1.A.introduce BcongratulateCsuggest Dsupport()2.A.meeting BmetCmeet Dto meet()3.A.of BwithCfor Din()4.A.little BmuchCfew Dmany()5.A.lo

6、nely BquicklyCalone Dcorrectly()6.A.things BmomentsCschoolwork Dpeople()7.A.fail BhopeCremember Dcontinue()8.A.job BrideClife Didea()9.A.across from Bahead ofCbehind Dabove()10.A.copy Bwrite downCfollow Dlearn from ()11.A.exciting BexcitedCboring Dbored()12.A.quickly BslowlyCwisely Dquietly()13.A.If

7、 BBecauseCUnless DAlthough()14.A.set off Bset outCset up Dset down()15.A.theirs ByoursChis Dhers.根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文In 2008, an Indian film Slumdog Millionaire(贫民窟的百万富翁) won an Oscar 1.a_. It tells the story of a poor young man who wins the top prize on a TV game show. Now, in 2.r_ life, there is a “sl

8、umdog millionaire” too. An Indian office worker has 3.b_ the first person to win the $1 million top prize on the Indian TV game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire.The 4.w_, Sushil Kumar, is 27 years old. He works as a computer operator in a government office.He earns around only $120 every month. Hi

9、s house is almost broken. He 5.e_ watched the TV game show at a neighbours house, because his family is too poor to 6.a_ a television set.People are 7.i_ in how Kumar will use the prize. Kumar said that he was going to 8.r_ his house and fulfill a few basic needs. He would also use part of the prize to study 9.f_ the civil service(公务员)exams. “I love reading,” Kumar said in an interview after his win. “Before winning the prize, I 10.c_ buy many books, but now, I will make a huge library.”详解详析.15BACBC610DACBD1115ACDBB.1.award2.real3.become4winner5.even6.afford7interested8.repair9.for10couldnt 3



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