PET听力口语 讲座PPT

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《PET听力口语 讲座PPT》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PET听力口语 讲座PPT(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、PET听力口语部分 题型分析&解题技巧,BY XXX,Q,各部分时间与分值分布,Q,Q,题型解析听力part1,考查形式:录音均为生活中的简短独白或对话。共7道各自独立的题目,每道题有3幅图片可供选择。题目前有答题示例。考查考生听短对话,抓关键信息(时间、价格、星期、数字)的能力。 高频考点: 细节区分题(衣服、发型、食物、方位、外型、人物等) 时间题(时刻、星期) 先后顺序题; 天气、活动及时态题。 做题步骤: 在播放录音前,抓紧时间审题,圈出疑问词 看三幅图的区分,找相同点和不同点(关键点) 集中注意力听音频,注意题目当中的连词,特别是表示转折的buthoweverthough和表示因果的

2、连词because、so、as、for等。 第二遍听时,检查。,cake helmet card,1. with you 2.twins 3. not any obvious difference,题型解析听力part2,考查形式:录音为稍长的独白或采访(主要有一名说话者)共6道题,每题3个选项。考查考生听录音,抓具体信息和细节的能力。出题范围为人物采访、旅游、运动、电影等。 解题步骤: 读题审题,并划出关键词; 集中注意力听音频,选出答案,同时划掉干扰项。答案基本按照音频顺序出现; 第二遍听时,检查。,I was interested in painting, drawing, everyt

3、hing like that, so for me it was just another way to be creative.,Im now doing more work for advertising, and its been incredibly challenging trying to be original,You might expect that I spend most of my time out taking photos. Well, I wish I did, but people dont realize how many hours are spent on

4、 the PC selecting and improving pictures. Theres also arranging contracts and dealing with payments thats a huge job, though I have an assistant who does all that for me now.,I always like to show my pictures to whoevers paying me as soon as I can, and nothing beats seeing the smile on their face wh

5、en they see a picture they really like.,题型解析听力part3,考查形式:录音为稍长的独白。共6个空,每空需填入一个或多个单词。考查考生抓取、理解和解读关键信息的能力。 高频考点:时间(星期、日期、月份等);数字(数量、电话号码、价格等);地点;名词(学科、出行方式、运动、爱好、人名等)。 做题步骤: 认真阅读标题,弄清楚语境及说话者对的身份; 读题,预测每个填空项的类型(人名、数字、日期、地点等); 音频中拼写的部分要仔细听,必须正确的拼写这些单词; 如果第一遍没有听到,不要慌,仔细听第二遍; 检查单词拼写,誊写答题卡时要注意单词拼写。,14. how

6、 jazz developed last century,jazz,15 is running a course on what it takes to become a top DJ,DJ,85,studio,JWILKY,0117490322,16.all it costs is 70 pounds for the evening apart from Saturday, when its 85.,17.and theres also a studio you can rent to make recordings,题型解析听力part4,考查形式:录音为稍长的非正式对话。考生需判断6句表

7、述是否正确。考查考生把握细节,辨别说话者态度和观点的 解题步骤: 先读句子,集中注意力听说话者的观点; 题目中的单词与听到的往往是不一致的,注意同义替换及反义词。 部分问题的顺序与音频中答案出现的顺序一致; 分清是谁说的; 理解两人对话的情感态度。,20. Im impressed, Jim you never used to do much round the house 21. F:I think dad could do more. M: Maybe he doesnt do much, but he gets home from work late, always exhausted,

8、 so the amount he does seems reasonable enough. 22. If shes not cleaning the bathroom, shes ironing! I dont see the point of her doing sheets and towels as well. 23. although with those, by the time youve filled it up, then opened it afterwards and put all the stuff away, you might as well just wash

9、 up the old way 24. F: not as bad as cleaning the fridge though. Thats not what Id call fun. M: Its a good way to earn pocket money, but I cant stand doing it. 25. I really like the rest of the house being tidy. My own rooms different. I dont see a problem with having stuff all over the floor, I kno

10、w where everything is. It feels like my space.,题型解析口语part1,第一部分:简单的自我介绍和个人信息陈述 详细情况:考官老师会问孩子比较简单的日常生活问题。 特别注意: 第一部分难度很小,孩子一般都应答如流。 但是在回答问题的时候,孩子一般都用过于简单的言语,没有用比较丰富的语言来完整的回答考官问题,大多孩子都只会说YES,NO,这样就拿不到分。,个人信息: Whats your name? Whats your surname/family name? How to spell it? e.g.:My name is Li Xiaohua.

11、 My family name is Li. L-I-Li (surname表示姓氏,尽量用完整的句子回答问题) Where are you from? Tell me something about your hometown. e.g.:I come from GuangZhou. GuangZhou is a beautiful city with a long history. Its in the south of China. Its very hot in summer. I love my hometown very much. 兴趣爱好: Whats your hobby i

12、n your spare time? Who do you like spending your free time with? Why? (注意尽量用丰富的词汇和正确的句型来进行回答,避免出现人称代词和语态的粗心错误) 过去经历&未来打算: what did you do for your last holiday/yesterday/on your last birthday? What are you going to do next week? (涉及到过去经历和未来打算的题目请一定要注意时态的准确性!),题型解析口语part2,第二部分:看图对话 详细情况:自我介绍后考官会给两位考生

13、1张黑白图片,该图片中有5-6个小图,孩子们要把每一个小图必须描述出来,提出建议和想法,并且交替讨论,可以同意或者反驳对方意见,最后互相达成一致完成任务。 特别注意:考试要求孩子们在对话的结尾,述说的观点达成一致,如果没有做到也会扣分。时间大概为2-3分钟,Examiner: Im going to describe a situation to you. A friend of yours is planning to spend 6 months in England to improve her English. Talk about the things she will need i

14、n England, and decide which are the most important things to take with her are. Here is a picture with some ideas to help you. 发表意见: In my opinion I think I suppose Id like to I prefer 给出建议: What/How about.? Why not? 同意: I agree with you. Thats a great ideal/What a wonderful ideal! 反对: Im afraid I d

15、ont agree. Sorry, I cant agree with you.,题型解析口语part1,第三部分:照片描述 详细情况:考官会分别给孩子两张彩色照片,让孩子们看图说话,时间为1分钟。这部分要求孩子不间断地根据图片的内容描述图片。 特别注意:不仅要说出图片的主要内容,同时还要注意图片的背景以及提供的其他辅助性信息。时间超过1分钟考官会打断孩子,若时间不足1分钟,考官只会用肢体语言提示孩子继续说,如果考生不能领会意思,继续保持沉默,就会扣掉相应的分数。,给出一个总的介绍: In this picture I can see. 描述环境: Its a nice and warm da

16、y. Theyre in a caf/restaurant/dinning hall. 描述位置 In the middle of the picture there is a table and . 描述人物:性别,年龄,外貌,衣着,职业,行为,情感 做出猜测:they might Its probably.,题型解析口语part1,第四部分:主题对话 详细情况:就是考官会根据第三部分的彩图给出一个主题,让两位考生互相对话。时长为2-3分钟。,Examiner: Your photographs showed people and the food. Now Id like you to talk together about the food you like and say where you usually eat. Stude


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