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1、流式细胞术在白血病诊断中的应用,四川大学华西医院血液科 朱焕玲,一 简介,FCM:集激光、电子、光电测量、计算机、荧光化学、单抗的高科技仪器。 对处在快速直线流动状态中的单个细胞或生物颗粒进行多参数的、定量分析和分选的技术。 分两类:台式机(临床型) 大型机(cell sorting).科研用。,BD FACSVantage SE,FCM的结构,FCM的结构 细胞流动室; 光源; 聚光系统; 信号检测器; 电子计算机; 细胞分选装置。,光源,细胞流动室,聚光系统,信号监测器,数据的存储、显示与分析,数据的存储:listmode 显示: 单参数直方图(histgram); :常用于分析DNA等;

2、 双参数:二维点图等(dot plot) ; 等高图:(contour) 三维等高图:3D plot 设门(gating):,Data Acquisition - Listmode,一定条件下,荧光强度与细胞内DNA含量成正比。 只反应一个参数与细胞数量间的关系,不能显示两个独立参数与细胞的关系。,Immunofluorescence,Flow Cytometry cont. Data displayed,Green Fluorescence Intensity,Number of Cells,Unstained cells,FITC-labeled cells,One Parameter H

3、istogram,Contour plot,3D plot:细胞多的地方,山峰高。,FCM检测常用参数 内部参数散射光测定,前向角散射(forward scatter FSC):与激光束平行的信号。与被测细胞大小有关。 侧向角散射(side scatter SSC):与激光束呈90的光信号。与细胞内结构和颗粒物质多少有关。 采用FSC、SSC组合,可区分淋巴细胞、单核细胞、粒细胞等群体。,FCM常用参数 外部参数荧光测量,荧光素探针标记的细胞所发荧光。 荧光信号强弱、多少与细胞的抗原量、内含物多少有关。 常用的荧光显色剂: FITC: PE:藻红蛋白 PerCP; PI:碘化丙啶,测定DNA含

4、量。 临床常用三色荧光检测,现有四色分析。,CD45 vs SSC设门,CD45为造血细胞(红系除外)的共同抗原。避免杂质细胞的沾染。,CD45: 淋巴细胞单核细胞成熟粒细胞原幼细胞,在FCM分析时特别注意:,细胞的分化成熟、细胞内部结构及其分化抗原的逐渐增减是渐进过程,非突变。故同时获知一个细胞的多种参数方能正确判断细胞属性。 当细胞发生克隆增殖后,可出现抗原量变、丢失和错译表达。 细胞抗原的阳性率及荧光强度是同等重要的指标。,FCM可采用的标本,单个细胞,新鲜标本,抗凝保存: PB; BM;(有时BM活检标本) LN(包括FNA); CSF; 组织浸润FNA 或活检标本;,急性白血病FCM

5、分析,白血病细胞的抗原表达一定程度遵循正常细胞抗原表达的规律。 白血病细胞为肿瘤性生长,可出现正常细胞表达以外的异常现象,如缺失、错译表达等。 目前未发现白血病特异性抗原,须多参数分析。 临床原/幼细胞群定性比定量更为重要。,抗体的选择:,常用抗体选择: 核心McAbs:确定淋系或髓系(系特异性) 髓系:CD33、CD13、CD14,cMPO B-cell: CD19、CD10、cCD22 CD20 T-cell:CD7、CD2、CD5、cCD3 红系:GlyA 巨核细胞:CD41、CD61 非系列特异性:CD34、DR、CD45,AL panel,CD7/CD117/CD45-protoca

6、l HLA-DR/CD13/CD45 CD14/CD2/CD45 CD19/CD5/CD45 CD33/CD34/CD45 CD20/CD10/CD45 CD64, 117,13,33,14,64myeloid 19,10,20B lineage 7,2,5T lineage DR,34 immature,AML常见CD表达,正常骨髓的FCM二维点图,Diagnosis: AML- M1 Antigen Profile: positive : DR, CD13, CD34, CD38; partially positive for CD7,negative cCD3.,Diagnosis: A

7、cute myeloid leukemia with differentiation (AML M2) with features consistent with t(8;21) Antigen Profile: Positive for CD33(dim), CD34, CD13, CD15 CD11b (partial) with CD19. Negative for CD56,CD10,CD2,72 , female . A bone marrow examination was performed.,Diagnosis: AML- M5 Antigen Profile: Positiv

8、e for CD33, CD38,CD34,HLADR, CD4(dim), CD64, CD13,CD14, CD11b and CD15.,Diagnosis: Erythroleukemia (FAB M6) Antigen Profile: Blasts positive for CD33, CD71, CD34, CD38, CD13;,Diagnosis: Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (FAB M7) Antigen Profile: Positive for CD33, CD71, CD34, CD61,ALL常见CD表达,6y. Girl,

9、Hb: 100g/L WBC:10X10G/L,LC80% Plt. 85X10G/L,Diagnosis: ALL, B-precursor type (common ALL) Antigen Profile: Positive for CD71, CD19, CD10, CD22, HLADR, CD34; dimly positive for CD33,A 15 year old girl who played for her high school soccer team noted to have difficulty breathing during her workouts. A

10、 chest x-ray revealed a large mediastinal mass, and she was found to have anemia and an elevated white blood count,Diagnosis: ALL, T-cell Antigen Profile: Positive for CD7, CD5, CD3, CD34, CD10; partly positive for CD4 and CD8,Diagnosis: B-Precursor ALL (common ALL) Antigen profile: Positive for CD1

11、9, CD10, CD34, HLADR; negative for CD20, CD45, smIg,未分化和双标白血病,AUL:仅占1% 典型的AUL:DR+,CD34+ with no lineage-specific antigens.,Biphenotypic leukemia(mixed):仅有7%能严格符合此型。过度诊断是由于: 未排除非白血病细胞; 非特异性结合; 某些抗体缺乏系特异性; 特异性抗原为: BcCD22; TCD3; MMPO;,Scoring syetem for the definition of biphenotypic AL,Points B-淋巴 T-淋

12、巴 髓系 2 cCD79a cCD3 cMPO CD22 TCRab cIgM TCRrd 1 CD19 CD2 CD117 CD10 CD5 CD13 CD20 CD8 CD33 0.5 TdT TdT CD14 CD7,Diagnosis: Acute mixed lineage leukemia with t(4;11) Antigen Profile: One population CD19+CD22+DR+CD20-CD10-; another CD33+DR+CD64+CD14+,B-LPD常见CD表达,73 , woman,mild splenomegaly ,WBC norma

13、l,with slight relative lymphocytosis, a PB specimen was sent for flow cytometry,Diagnosis: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Antigen Profile: Positive for CD19, CD22, CD5, kappa, CD23, dimly positive for CD20;,MCL,Ag profile: positive for CD19,CD5,lambda(bright),CD20(bright),FMC7.negative for CD10, CD23, CD11c. CD103. CD3.,Diagnosis: CLL. Antigen Profile: Positive for CD19, CD22, CD5, lambda, CD23, dimly positive for CD20; partly positive for CD11c,周围T-LPD常见CD表达,谢谢!,



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