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1、unit5 travelling abroad,what do people travelling abroad for?,Australia (Sydney),Sri Lanka,Cambridge,What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country.,discussion:,we can learn standard language. we can communicate with the local people we can know the manners and customs of

2、 the country better.,advantages,It would be difficult for us to communicate with the foreign people, we should adapt to the situation quickly, we cant understand the language very well, its difficult for us to do everything even some simple things. we will miss our homes, miss our parents and friend

3、s.,disadvantages,Find out the main idea of each paragraph.,Xie Lei, a Chinese girl, is studying in a foreign country-London. The general introduction to Xie Lei and her study.,Para.1,Para.2,The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London. The advantages that Xie Lei gained while living with a ho

4、st family. Xie Lei is getting used to the Western Universitys way of learning.,Para.3,Para.4,Para.5,Xie Lei is now getting along well and is living an active life. The newspaper will follow Xie Leis progress in later editions.,Para.6,Para.7,answer the following questions:,1.What is Xie Lei in Englan

5、d for? How long has she been in England? 2.Why is she doing a preparation course first? 3.What are some of the difficulties she faced when she first came to England? 4.Which two types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England? 5. Why has Xei Lei decided to join a few university cl

6、ubs? 6. Where do you think this article might have been published?,1. What is Xie Lei in England for? How long has she been in England?,2. Why is she doing a preparation course first?,Keys:,Xie Lei is in England for a degree course. She has been in England for six months.,Xie Leis preparation course

7、 can help her to get used to academic requirements of a Western university. So she first finished the course.,3. What are some of the difficulties she faced when she first came to England?,Keys:,When she first came to England, she has to face the difficulties of daily life, for example, how to use t

8、he phone, how to pay on the bus. She has to face the difficulties of learning at the university, eg, she cant understand the expressions other say.,4. Which two types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England?,Keys:,When she came to England, she lived with a host family, so the me

9、mbers of the family always helped her. The other type of people, I think, is her tutor and classmates, especially her tutor.,5. Why has Xei Lei decided to join a few university clubs? Because she thought its important to have a balance between study 6. Where do you think this article might have been

10、 published? It is possible that this article might have been published in China Daily.,Detailed reading,While studying in London, Xie Lei has some difficulties as well as benefits. Read the passage again, and try to find them according to the diagram given.,Benefits,of doing a preparation course to

11、learn how to _ Western _ _ . to get used to a new _.,get used to,academic requirements,way of life,of living with a host family 1. to learn more about _ and _. 2. to have people explain things _,everyday life,customs,not understood,of having a tutor 1. to explain about why you cannot _ other peoples

12、 work without _it. 2. to _ you to express your own ideas.,use,acknowledging,encourage,Difficulties,at the university 1.learning to read _ and _the texts. 2. _ones own opinion with _.,widely,analyze,expressing,reasons,of a new way of life finding a _ between study and a _. making new _.,balance,socia

13、l life,friends,What kind of person do you think Xie Lei is? Find evidence in the article to support your opinion?,Discuss the questions,excellent diligent brave strong minded firm determined progressing hard-working ,“ Xei Lei, who is 21 years old, has come to our university to complete a business q

14、ualification.” “ Its not just study thats difficult. You have to get used to a whole new way of life.”,“ Sometimes I feel like a child.” “ When I miss my family, its a great comfort to have a substitute family to come home to.” “ I have been so occupied getting used to everything that I havent had t

15、ime for social activities.”,Language points,1. Six months ago, Xie Lei said goodbye to her family and friends in China and boarded a plane for London. 六个月以前,谢蕾告别中国的家人和朋友,登上了飞往伦敦的飞机。,board n.&v. n. 木板,硬板,甲板, on board 在(飞机、船、车)上 V. 1) 上(船或别的交通工具) 2) 用木版覆盖vt. 3) 提供食宿 eg: Im boarding with a friend. 我向朋友提供食宿,e.g. board a plane 搭乘飞机,Some students choose to board with English families.,食宿,寄宿,与board相关的短语: on board (a ship /a train) go on board (a ship /a train) on the board board of honor,表状态,表动作,将在会上讨论,光荣榜,类似board 的词 Head n. 头 v.朝走 Face n. 面孔 v. 面对 Hand n. 手


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