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1、The Meaning of Carnival Chiping No.1 Middle School Zhang Shujuan,Cultural corner,Teaching aims Knowledge aims: To learn about the meaning of carnival. Ability aims: To know how to introduce a festival. Emotional aims: To learn to respect western culture and treasure our own.,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Par

2、a 4,Para 5,Fast-reading,Match the main idea with each paragraph.,How to understand the meaning of carnival today?,A brief history of the slave trade.,carnivals of the Europeans and the slaves,carnival was taken over by the slaves,modern carnivals,Before the beginning of the 19th century,Reasons,the

3、_ of Europeans,the_of huge farms and plantations,Millions of people _by force-in Africa and _ to the New World to work as slaves for-until-,arrival,opening,meant,an immediate need,were taken,(were) transported,_ there was _ for people to work on them.,Detailed-reading paras. 1-2,Europeans,meanwhile,

4、the slaves,in Trinidad,celebrated with _,were forced _,How?,Why?,Para.3,food, drink,to watch,held,painted,imitat ing,making fun of,continued,walking round a village,wearing marks,singing,bring good luck,and marked dances,How?,_ was abolished,_ were freed,_,Freedom,took over_,more,more,were made,were

5、 created,Para.4 After abolishing the slave trade,colorful,exciting,magnifi cent costumes,musical bands,the slave trade,slaves,the former slaves,carnival,Para.5 With the passing of time / today,_ held carnival,different communities,took part in and were welcomed by,the white inhabitants,united,unite,

6、the former slavers,Life itself,1,Food,drink masked dances,1.Europeans,2.slaves,2.Paint their face white ; walking, wearing masks-,1.Make fun of their master 2.Bring good luck,the former slaves,magnificent costumes;musical bands,a celebration of freedom,former slaves and white inhabitants,eating, dri

7、nking and dancing,a way to unite different communities,visitors from all over the world,join in the fun,a celebration of life itself,More meanings of carnival,Before the Christian era,In the Roman period,In Slavery Society,The slave trade was abolished,With the passing of time,Today,The return of Sp

8、ring,Enjoying themselves,Good luck,Freedom,Unity,Life itself,More information about carnival;,The return of Spring; Have fun; Good luck; Equality; Unity ; freedom Wonderful costumes; Dance to the music ;,f,l,e,E,n,y,j,i,o,Enjoy life,More meanings of carnival,Writing-Discussion,Which Chinese festival

9、 is most like carnival?,What do you know about the Spring Festival?,red packet,fireworks,get-together,make dumplings,Which one do you prefer? Carnival or the Spring Festival?,VS,Writing-Discussion,Homework,以“Carnival vs. the Spring Festival, which do you prefer”为题。根据以下要点写作: 1. 西方节日,如狂欢节,新奇有趣,符合年 轻人

10、要求(meet / satisfy sbs need),也能帮助了解西方文化。 2. 春节是的传统节日,有着4000多年的 历史,并中华民族且也有很多有趣活动。 3. 你的观点。 要求:1. 涵盖所有要点,可适当增加细节。 2. 字数:120词左右。,Thank you!,Thank you!,festivals,festivals in China,The Dragon Boat Festival,The Double Ninth Festival,The Spring Festival,Qingming,The Lantern Festival,The Middle Autumn Fest

11、ival,The Double Seventh Festival,Ghost Festival,_ was abolished,_ were freed,_,Freedom,took over_,more,more,were made,were created,Para.4 After abolishing the slave trade,wonder ful,exciting,magnifi cent costumes,musical bands,the slave trade,slaves,the former slaves,carnival,festivals,festivals in

12、other countries,Christmas,Fools Day,Valentines Day,Carnival,Easter,Thanksgiving Day,Mothers Day,Fathers Day,Halloween,Fast-reading,Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph.,Tips: Read the first and the last sentence of each paragraph to get the main idea.,Meanings of car

13、nival,Before the Christian era,In the Roman period,In the early colonial expansion,The slave trade was abolished,With the passing of time,Today,The return of Spring,Enjoying themselves,Good luck,Freedom,Unity,Life itself,1.Carnival,history,cultures,2.history of slave trade,Europeans,slaves,3. carniv

14、al of Europeans,3. carnivals of slaves,4. carnivals taken over by the slaves,freedom,5. modern carnival,to unite people,_ was abolished,_ were freed,_,Freedom,took over_,more_,more_,_were made,_ were created,Para.4 After abolishing the slave trade,transported slaves to,Before the beginning of the 19th century,Europe,Africa,America,arrived,cotton, tobacco,


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