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1、 English精品牛津译林中考英语综合复习(苏州中考试卷:笔试总分100分;考试时间100分钟)1、 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)解题时间:10分钟单项选择解题注意事项单项选择属于考查各项基础知识的传统题型,此题内容涉及语法、词汇、惯用法、句型等方面。此题灵活,答题时要注意:1.读懂全句,首尾照应。Youdbetter_snacks to the party, for the teachers may take them away. A.takeB.totakeC.not take D.not to take【解析】根据had better not do sth最好不做某事

2、,选C。2.注意习惯用语,看清句意。-Hello,mayIspeaktoAmy?-Yes,_. A.mynameisAmyB.ImAmy C.thisisAmyspeakingD.Amysname【解析】根据所给的情景,我们可以看出这是打电话的开头语。按照打电话的习惯用语,此题应补上自我介绍的答语。故应选C。3.排除干扰,认真分析。答题时一定要认真审题,排除干扰,不要只根据表面形式,而轻易地选取答案。要仔细分析整个句子所要表达的真正内容,对答案进行逐个筛选,直到找出正确答案。ShewasgoingtoarriveinSuzhou_Tuesday,butshedidntreachChangshu

3、 Wednesday. A.on;onB.on;beforeC.on;afterD.on;until有些同学一看题目就立刻选A做答案,其实只要我们具体分析一下,就不难看出后半句是notuntil句式,所以此题答案应选D。对于“单项填空”题应从习惯用语、固定句式、句意、语境、语法等方面进行推理、排除、选择。单选例题如下:单选-考查时态与语态Her son _ the army for two months.She misses him very much.A.has joined B.has been in C.joined D.was in 【解析】答案B;考查时态及非延续性动词及延续性动词替

4、换。在肯定句中,与for连用通常是延续性动词,常见非延续性动词与延续性动词替换:leave - be awayborrow - keepbuy - have begin/start - be ondie - be deadfinish-be overjoin -be in+组织机构/ be a member of+组织机构 open-be open fall ill/asleep-be ill/asleep get up-be upcatch a cold /virus-have a cold/virus get to/ arrive/reach /come/go -be there beco

5、me-beleave-be away( from)close-be closed表示“第几次做某事,”或在 “It is the best (worst, most interesting ) +名词 that” 后面跟现在完成时。This is my first time that I have visited China.常见现在完成时的时间状语:recently/just/already/yet/ up to now/ till now/so far/ these daysThe oil has risen sharply since last month.在表示“最近几世纪/ 年/ 月

6、以来”时间状语中,谓语动词用现在完成时。in/over/during the past few years/months/weeks/days;This listening material, together with its CDs, _well. A sells B sell C is sold D are sold【解析】答案A;考查动词三单以及固定词组sell well-Why are you worried?-Im expecting a call from my daughter.She _ New York for three years.A has gone to B has

7、 been to C has been in D has come in【解析】答案C;考查现在完成时的词组辨析have gone to去了,没回have been to去过某地have been in 一直呆在某地have come in无此结构,排除.因为句子当中有提示词for three days,说明肯定是一直呆在某地Helen encouraged me to speak English as much as possible because practice _ perfect. A.becomes B.became C.will make D.makes【解析】答案D;考查动词时

8、态。句意:海伦鼓励我尽可能多地说英语,因为熟能生巧。practice makes perfect熟能生巧,是一句固定表达的谚语。故选D。Sherlock Homes asked the suspect what he_when the murder took place. A.was doing B.has done C.is doing D.would do【解析】答案A;考查时态。句意:夏洛克福尔摩斯问嫌疑犯谋杀案发生时,他正在干什么。根据语境,应用过去进行时。故选A-Can Mr.King spare some time for the charity show?-If he _, he

9、 will try his best to make it. A.will be invited B.is invited C.invites D.invited【解析】答案B;考查时态和语态。句意:如果他被邀请,他会尽全力的。根据条件状语从句中的“主将从现”的时态规则,if从句应用一般现在时;invite与he之间为被动关系,应用被动语态。I was about to leave the office_ the telephone rang. A.when B.after C.before D.while单选-考查宾语从句In the U.K., a lady usually doesnt

10、like to be asked .A.whether has she got married B.how old is sheC.where she comes from D.How much she weighs【解析】答案D.考查宾语从句。句意:在英国,女性通常习惯不喜欢被问到体重的问题。从句应用陈述语序,排除A、B选项;C项不是隐私性的问题;故选D。-Hi, Tom.I hear that youve just come back from Sanya.Im calling to ask . A.how did you visit the city B.how many days yo

11、uve spend there C.which hotel you stayed in Sanya D.how you found the seafood there 【解析】答案D-I dont know Kates address.Do you know_? -Sorry, I dont know, either.A.why she lives there B.why does she live there C.where she lives D.where does she live 【解析】答案C.宾语从句通常采用陈述句语序,故排除B、D。由题干:I dont know Kates a

12、ddress可知答案C。-How soon will you start your journey? -Im not sure.I havent decided _. A.when shall I ask the boss for leave B.where I will go to spend the holiday C.whether I would go by train or by plane D.who could invite me to go【解析】答案B.首先宾语从句中用陈述语序,排除A;又因为havent是现在时,所以排除C;而D明显不符合句意.I am not sure_

13、my aunt will come here. _ she comes here, please let me know. A. that ; When B. that ;If C. if; Whether D. whether; When单选-考查定语从句-What are you doing? -Im reading the book _you lent me last week.A.what B.who C.when D.that 【解析】D。先行词the book是物,题目中做lend宾语,因此用that.单选-考查状语从句及连词 my poor English,Im afraid I

14、 cant make myself_. A.Because of;understood B.As;to understand C. Because;understand D.Because of;to understood I was writing a diary _ my brother was watching TV yesterday evening.A.before B.after C.until D.while【解析】答案D;while当.时,通常与延续性动词连用,表示两个动作同步发生。while还有“然而”的意思,表示对比。单选-考查形容词及比较级等用法-The stuntman is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane. -What?! Ive never heard of idea


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