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1、Look at Me,教师:,卢欣,Teaching Plan,I. Pupil Description A class of 45 primary school grade three,. Level of English Learned Eenglish for 2 years in school,. Teaching ObjectivesAt the end of lesson,pupils can:1 read,listen,spell and writer these words:head,ear,eye,face, mouth,nose.2 understand and use s

2、entencespattern: This is my head.Its a nose.They are eyes., Key Points Pupils are able to read, listen,spell and write six words: head,ear, eye,face,mouth,nose., Difficult Point The pronunciation of “mouth“, Teaching Aids:Teachers aids:multi-media courseware,a tape recorder,tapes,new words cardsStud

3、ents aids:notebook, Main activities of the lesson: Listening and reading,singing a song and playinga game., Teaching Methods: Games Teaching Method;ActionMethod and trinity Teaching., Teaching Time: 40 mintes., Teaching StepsStep One: Lead in1. a) Greetings,b) Review c) Warming up:Sing a song d) Int

4、oduce the topic,Step Two :Presentationa) Teaching draws a heads outline, then drow a pair of eyes,write down the word “eye“ on the blackboard. b) Look at the blackboard and let the students read the word together follow the teacher and a tape recorder.,c) Let the students read the word “eye“ togethe

5、r again and again. d) Ask the students to read this word.(repeat) e)Let the students write down word “eye“ on the notebook fives times. f)Teaching spells the word “eye“ “e-y-e,eye“, the students repeat. g) Teacher sets an exanple“This is my eye.“,and students imitate. h) Let the students do the acti

6、on two times. i) Ask one student do the action .(repeat),2. Use the same method to learn the words: ear,eye,face,mouth, nose.,Step Three:Practurea) Reading and actingb)Asking students to draw downthe head,ear,eye,mouth,face,nose on the notebook,makinga match.,Step Four: Consolidation a) Playing a ga

7、me: Whats missing?,b) Teaching a new song“Teddy Bear“,Step Five: Homework a) Singing the new song to your family.,Layout,Look at me,This is my,eye. Touch your eye.,ear. Touch your ear.,nose. Touch your nose.,mouth. Touch your mouth.,face. Touch your face.,head. Touch your head.,My Reflection,The maj

8、or task in this lesson is in order to students who can listen,spell,read and write the six words: eye,ear,nose,mouth,face,head. How can get the students learned the new words in the relaxed invironment?Based on the cognitive level and the psychological characteristics of the grade three pupils,I hav

9、e planed some teaching steps:1.Making some greetings can close the emotion with students.2.Singing a song can mobilize all shudents positive factors,3. After the learning new words ,doing some actions can approach reality,the education with reality close to students mentality.4. Playing a game can l

10、et students feel relaxcedmeanwhile learn some knowledges.On the contory,there are some defects:1. On the step two “Presentation“, the teachingmethod was single,have not enough activities.2.The lessin just in the minds eye,mot true.I cant imagine the true scene.,Look at Me,Now,lets begin our lesson:,

11、Unit 2,Lets Sing,Hello!,Next Page,eye,Look at me . This is my eye.,close your eye,ear,Look at me . This is my ear .,touch your ear .,nose,Look at me . This is my nose .,touch your nose .,mouth,Look at me . This is my mouth .,open your mouth .,face,Look at me . This is my face .,touch your face .,hea

12、d,Look at me . This is my head .,touch your head .,mouth,eye,ear,face,head,nose,This is my,Hello ! Im Teddy bear(玩具熊) .,What are missing?(没了什么?),They are _. A:eyes B:ears,A,What are missing?(没了什么?),They are_. A:eyes B:ears,B,Whats missing?,It s a _.,mouth,Lets do,I say ,you do,(我说,你做),Lets do,Touch your head. Touch your nose. Touch your eye. Touch your mouth. Touch your ear. Touch your face.,Hello ! Im Teddy bear(玩具熊) .,Teddy Bear,Lets sing,Homework:,Singing the new song to your family.,Goodbye!,


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