仁爱英语九年级上册unit 2 topic 1 section a

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1、Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems. Section A,Teaching Aims,重点短语及句型: see doing sth. What a mess ! The flowers and grass have gone. What has happened here ? What a shame ! There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream. 2. 语法:一般过去时和现在完成时的区

2、别。,Have you ever had a picnic?,Kangkang, Jane, Maria and Michael are planning a picnic for Sunday. They will go to the West Hill.,What can you see there?,We can see bees and butterflies dancing.,bee,butterfly,Is the West Hill beautiful?,Guess,a place with,beautiful flowers,Brainstorm,many hills,gree

3、n trees,What a shame/mess! The flowers and grass have gone!,The flowers and grass have gone!,Oh, my goodness. What a mess!,Look! There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.,= have disappeared.,Is it beautiful now? What has happened there?,P27 1a mp3,1b Listen to 1a and

4、mark the words with P (Past) or N (Now). _ beautiful _ butterflies _ dirty _ grass _ terrible _ factory _ bees _ fresh _ clean _waste water,P,P,N,P,N,N,P,P,P,N,1a Listen, look and say.,1c Read 1a and complete the sentences in the table. Then retell 1a to your partner.,beautiful place,lots of flowers

5、 and grass,fresh and the water was clean,bees and butterflies dancing,The flowers and grass,so dirty,terrible,chemical factories,waste water,Everything,The flowers and grass have gone!,Oh, my goodness. What a mess!,Look! There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.,= hav

6、e disappeared.,Is it beautiful now? What has happened there?,P27 1a mp3,waste water waste paper Waste water. 浪费水。 Dont waste paper. 不要浪费纸。,waste,adj. v.,There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.有几家化工厂正在往小溪里排放废水。,There bedoing sth 有在做某事,e.g. There are some people waiti

7、ng for the bus at the bus stop.,倒出;倾泻 pour into 把倒入 e.g. Pour red wine into the glass.,Language points: plan to do sth=make a plan to do sth 计划做某事 1.several=a few +复数名词 2.waste adj. 废弃的,无用的 waste water/paper v. 浪费 (反:save) Dont waste paper. n. 浪费 Its a waste of time. 3.pollute v.污染 Human polluted th

8、e sea. The stream is polluted by waste water from the factory. n. pollution 污染water/air/noise/soil pollution 4.go vi. 不复存在,不见了;变得;进展 eg. The pain has gone.(=has disappeared) The fish is going bad. 鱼快变质了。 Everything goes well. 一切进展顺利。,Learn by yourselves,see bees and butterflies dancing(see sb/sth do

9、/doing sth) 2. What a mess ! 3. The flowers and grass have gone. 4. What has happened here ? 5. What a shame ! 6. chemical factories 7. pouring into 8. waste water 9.There be sb./sth. doing sth. . 10. cut(+代词) down,1.看见蜜蜂和蝴蝶正在跳舞 2.多脏乱啊! 3.花草都消失了。 4. 这里发生了什么事情? 5. 多么遗憾啊! 6. 化工厂 7. 把倒入 8. 废水 9. 有某人/某物

10、正在做某事。 10.砍倒,Self-check,1.看见蜜蜂和蝴蝶正在跳舞 2.多脏乱啊! 3.花草都消失了。 4. 这里发生了什么事情? 5. 多么遗憾啊! 6. 化工厂 7. 把倒入 8. 废水 9. 有某人/某物正在做某事。 10.砍倒,see bees and butterflies dancing 2. What a mess ! 3. The flowers and grass have gone. 4. What has happened here ? 5. What a shame ! 6. chemical factories 7. pouring into 8. waste

11、 water 9.There be sb./sth. doing sth. . 10. cut(+代词) down(cut-cut-cut) smell-smelt-smelt,3 A. Listen to the sentences and number the pictures.,5,3,2,1,4,6,1. People _ _ _ too many trees, so I dont have enough leaves to eat. 2. I live in trees but now many trees _ _. 3. I like leaves and grass, but n

12、ow they _ _. 4. I _ _ hungry for months because of less bamboo. 5. Human polluted the sea, so I _ _ _. 6. The water _ _ many years ago. But it _ _ _ for me to live in now.,B. Listen again and complete the sentences.,have cut down,have gone,have disappeared,have been,dont live happily,was clean,is to

13、o dirty,2 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and make up conversations similar to the example with your partner.,Example: A: There were lots of flowers and grass when I visited the village last year. B: But now the flowers and grass have gone. A: What has happened here? B: The villagers have destro

14、yed them.,lake/fish factory/ pollute,hill/ trees farmers/cut down,village/flowers and grass villagers/destroy,4 Work in groups and talk about pollution in a place you are familiar with. The following sentences may help you. ago, it was Now, have/ has gone. What has happened? Everything has changed.

15、Oh, my goodness!,Exercises,单项选择 ( ) 1. Look! There are some boys _ on the playground. A. play football B. are playing football C. playing football D. plays football ( ) 2. Im sorry I cant go shopping with you. I am ill. _ A. What a mess! B. What a shame! C. What a pity! D. B and C ( ) 3. Dont _ water. We must save every drop of it. Sorry, I wont do it again. A. waste B. throw C. play D. leave,C,D,A,Exercises,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. When I entered the room, I saw Maria _


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