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1、美联英语提供:牛津英语初中语法大全7关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里http:/ She was awaken by someone _knock at the door.10. Excuse me for my _be careless.11. She is busy _review her lessons.12. The workers lost no time _carry out thplar.1. meeting 2. going 3. thinking 4. opening 5.taking 6. making 7. doing 8. having 9. knocking 10.

2、being 11. reviewing 12. carrying55.现在分词的用法She stood there for two hours watching the game.她在那里站了两个小时看比赛。watching是现在分词, the game是其宾语,二者共同构成现在分词短语作句子的状语。动词的-ing 形式除了作动名词之外,还可以起到其他的作用,即称为现在分词。现在分词在句子里可以用来构成谓语、表语、定语、状语以及构成不定式的进行形式等。作为动词,它可以有自己的宾语或状语,也可以有自己的不同语态和逻辑主语。(1) I think, personally speaking, its

3、 a good idea.就我个人来说,我认为这是个好主意。语法分析:现在分词一般表示句子主语的动作,要是作句子的状语时,情况则不是这样,这样的状语是独立成分。(2) It beiing a holiday, all the shops were shut.由于是假日,所有的商店都关门了。语法分析:现在分词有自己的逻辑主语,可以称之为独立结构。(3) Having sent the children to school, he got ready to go to work.送孩子们上学之后,他就准备去上班。语法分析:现在分词有时要用完成形式,说明它表示的动作在主要谓语表示的动作之前发生,这类

4、短语可以作时间状语或原因状语。(4) I felt my heart beating fast.我感觉到心跳到得很快。语法分析:在某些动词后,复合宾语可以由现在分词构成,表示正在进行的动作。(5) She was very amusing.她很有趣。语法分析:有些表示情绪、状态或品质的现在分词可用作句子的表语。(6) We are brothers sharing weal and woe.我们是患难与共的弟兄。语法分析:用在名词后的现在分词作定语,相当于一个定语从句。1. _Suppose he cannot come, who will do the work.2. The day _be

5、 fine, we decided to go swimming.3. Its _astonish to me that he should be absent.4. Shes a _promise new painter.5. I could feel the wind _blow on my face.6. He went out, _slam the door.7. Unless _pay by credit card, please pay in cash.1. Supposing 2. being 3. astonishing 4. promising 5. blowing 6. s

6、lamming 7. paying56.过去分词的用法She sat with her arms clasped round her knees.她双手抱膝坐着。介词 with后面跟一个包含有过去分词 clasped的复合宾语,某些动词后面也可用过去分词构成复合宾语。过去分词通常由动词原形加-ed 构成,此外还有少数不规则的形式。过去分词没有时的特征,也没有体和语态的变化,除了具有动词的性之外,还具有形容词和副词的性质,在句中可以充当很多成分如谓语、表语、定语以及状语和复合宾语等。(1) She was amazed and enchanted at the sight.看到这情景她很惊奇和着

7、迷。语法分析:过去分词作表语的时候居多,大部分已变成形容词。(2) The door is broken.门破了。语法分析:“be+ 表语”结构表示一种状态,这种结构都含有 be或其他系动词加过去分词,这与被动结构是有区别的,被动语态则表示一个动作。(3) Her face wore a puzzled expression.她的脸上有一种困惑的表情。语法分析:大部分的过去分词可以用作定语,尤其是那些表示情绪的词。(4) Is there anything planned for tonight?今晚有什么活动吗?语法分析:有些过去分词短语跟在所修饰词的后面,作用相当于一个定语从句。(5) I

8、 do consider myself justified in doing so.我的确认为我这样做是有道理的。语法分析:在某些动词后面,可以跟过去分词构成的复合宾语。(6) Given good weather, our ship will reach there on Sunday evening.如果天气好,我们的船将在星期天晚上到达那儿。语法分析:在少数情况下,过去分词可以引导一个状语从句。1. _Provide that there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting there.2. She will come if _ask.

9、3. _Convince that they were trying to poison her, she refused to eat anything.4. I knew nothing about the experiment _conduct there.5. Her _embarrass manner increased his doubt.6. She was _astonish to see her father.7. How much time is there _leave?1. Provided 2. asked 3. Convinced 4. being conducte

10、d 5. embarrassed 6. astonished 7. left57.延续性动词与非延续性动词She stood there for three hours.她在那儿站了三个小时。动作可以延续,能与一段时间连用的动词叫作延续性动词,如本句中的 stand。较常见的延续性动词有 carry, exist, work, write,stay 和 talk等。如果动作是在瞬间完成,不能与一段时间连用的动词叫作非延续性动词。较常见的非延续性动词有 leave, stop, put, bring, catch, open, close, fall, kill和 lose等。但有些动词既可以作

11、延续性动词又可以作非延续性动词,其意义略有不同。(1) Well remember her name till we die.我们一辈子记住她的名字。语法分析:remember 为延续性动词。(2) I didnt sleep until 10 oclock in the evening.我晚上十点才去睡觉。语法分析:sleep 为非延续性动词。(3) I waited for him until sunset.我等他一直到太阳下山。语法分析:在肯定句中,until 或 till与延续性动词连用。(4) She didnt finish the article until midnight.她

12、半夜才写完这篇文章。语法分析:在否定句中,until 与非延续性动词连用。(5) It began to rain at four last night.昨晚四点天开始下雨了。语法分析:延续性动词不与点时间连用。(6) I was in classroom at five yesterday afternoon.昨天下午五点,我在教室。语法分析:个别延续性动词,如 be,其一般式可代替进行式,故可与点时间状语连用。(7) It is three years since she died.她死了三年了。语法分析:非延续性动词不与段时间状语连用。(8) The girl sent her moth

13、er one present after another for nearly three years.这个女孩有三年时间经常一个一个地给她妈妈送礼物。语法分析:如果非延续性动词表示不断反复的动作,则可以与段时间状语连用。1. All the other students were playing while he _ reading a book.A continued B remained C still D go on2. His parents wished him to be a doctor. But in the end he _ lawyer.A became B got C

14、changed D turned3. You may _ cheated, robbed and murdered in London.A become B burn C got D make4. Her mother died and _ her a lot of money.A gave B left C get D make5. Cheap coal _ a lot of smoke.A gives up B gives in C gives away D gives off6. I asked her to _ me a few minutes so that we should go

15、 over all the problems.A spend B save C spare D share1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C58.动词句型:主语+ 不及物动词The sun is rising.太阳在升起。该句型为主语+不及物动词结构,属于英语基本句型之一。该句型可以有其他很多修饰语,因此才变得丰富起来。这个句型还可以在其后面加上状语,也可加上副词构成成语动词谓语。另外,主语+不及物动词有时也具有被动意思。(1) The blind do not see.盲人看不到东西。语法分析:主语+不及物动词结构。(2) The temperature fel the degrees.气温下降了十度。语法分析:主语+不及物动词+ 状语。(3) The baby is coming on well.小孩长得很健康。语法分析:主语+不及物动词+ 副词构成成语动词谓语。(4) The window wont shut.窗子关不上了。语法


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