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1、听力 兵 法,第一章 知己篇第二章 知彼篇第三章 兵法篇场景方向题-人物关系及身份题-推理判断题- 观点态度题- 题型攻防策略-,第一章 知己篇,学生做听力时的主要问题,有些词句感到听不清,每个词都听清楚了,但合在一起的意思却不明白。,听力理解时中间反应的环节过多,掌握正确的语音,熟悉文化背景,全面理解全 文的大意, 克服紧张心理,加强训练, 用英语 思考问题,nervous,为什么听不懂? 为什么听不清楚? 为什么单词都知道意思却不明白?四个听力障碍,一、发音问题,1. 常见的一些语音现象:连读、弱读、失去爆破、常见的音变My pen is out of ink again ,语音专题,2、

2、英音和美音的差异 主要反映在元音字母a, o 和辅音字母r 的不同读音上:美语中的“fast”的读作/f st/,而不是/fa:st/, fast”是一个闭音节,而闭音节中的元音是要读它的短音的 。“half”读作/h f/,而“calm”和“palm”却仍然还要读成/ca:m/和/pa:m/,语音专题,3.元音上的变化: : pass cast half chance- God spot impossible hurry worry,语音专题,4.辅音上变化t d student study,语音专题,5、失去爆破 p,b,t,d,k,g n m l 两两连读Sit down-si(t) d

3、ownGood night-Goo(d) nightEnglish=En(g)lishfriendly-frien(d)lyNext door,语音专题,6、缩读 I am ai m-Im aim you haveju: hv-youveju: vGottaGot to GonnaGoing to,语音专题,7、连读 规则:前辅后元 as it is My pens out of ink. not at all once in a week rush hour half an hour,二、词汇和短语,熟词僻意 cover,make,have,go,work2. 听力习语He could ra

4、ise the roof now.现在他会大发雷霆的。,二、词汇和短语,熟词僻意2. 听力习语He could raise the roof now.,三、口语固定句型结构,Eg.1: Cant wait to do .(03全国卷)Eg.2: A: _.B: You can say that again.Q: What does B mean?,四、背景知识和文化差异,英国人的英语,相对而言,发音比较清楚,连读的部分较少,一般听起来相对比较字正腔圆;而美国人说英语,则秉持这能省则省,能连就连的原则,另外,两国在字词上的用法也有很多的不同,比如:1 美国 英国 第二层 Second floor

5、 First floor 地铁 Subway underground 电话忙音 The line is busy. The line is engaged. 学期 Semester term 假期 vacation holidays 商店 Store shop,第二章 知彼篇,一、高考英语听力对考生的要求,要求考生具备以下能力: (1)理解主旨要义的能力; (2)理解话语之间的逻辑关系,获取事实性的具体信息的能力; (3)对所听内容做出简单推断的能力; (4)从听力材料中提取信息和观点的能力; (5)理解说话者意图、观点或态度的能力; (6)能听懂委婉的建议或劝告,识别不同语气所表达的不同情感

6、的能力。,技能要求,1. 排除口音、背景音等因素的干扰2. 抓住关键词3. 听并执行指示语4. 听大意和主题5. 确定事物的发展顺序或逻辑关系6. 预测下文内容7. 理解说话人的意图和态度8. 评价所听内容9. 判断语段的深层含义,二、影响学生听力的几个因素,例题1: Where is the shoe shop? A. On the west side of the shopping centre. B. Opposite the shopping centre. C. Near the cafeteria. 录音材料: M: Could you tell me where the shoe

7、 shop is? W: Yes. The shoe shop is on the east of the shopping centre, close to the cafeteria. .kftiri自助餐厅 M: Thank you very much.,1语音知识,1语音知识,例题2:How much is the book ? A. $ 9.50 B. $ 9.15 C. $19.15 录音材料: M: Excuse me .Can you tell me how much the book is ? W: Yes, its nine fifteen . “-ty ” “-teen

8、” “thirteen” “thirty ” “fourteen ” “forty ”,数字辨音fifteen fiftyfifti:n fiftii: i 1. 鼻音 2. 重音 3.同音异形词 Fourth First see-sea flower-flour,例题 1:Where did Ted plan to go? A. To the barbers. B. To the office. C. To the centre. 录音材料: M: Hello, Lucy. This is Bob Smith in the centre. Is Ted there? W: Not yet,

9、Bob. He phoned me from the office 10 minutes ago to say that he was going to have his hair cut.,二、影响学生听力的几个因素,2词汇因素,2词汇因素,例题 2:Where does the conversation probably take place? A. On a plane. B. On a bus. C. In a taxi. 录音材料: W: Fasten your seat belt please, sir? M: Of course, I didnt realize that we

10、were going to land so soon.,例题3:Why cant the man go swimming now? A. He must meet his teacher. B. He must attend a class. C. He must go out with his girlfriend. 录音材料: W: John, do you want to go swimming with me today? M: Sure. But I cant leave now. I have an appointment with my professor at three oc

11、lock.,2词汇因素,例题4:Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a cinema. B. In a clothes shop. C. In a photo shop. 录音材料: W: Excuse me, I want to have some films developed? M: OK. Do you want it colour or black and white?,2词汇因素,例题5 :What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. Making a phone c

12、all. B. Traveling to New York. C. Getting some small change. 录音材料: M: Excuse me. Can you lend me a coin? Have to make a phone call to New York. W: Im sorry. I dont have any change. You can get some at the service desk, I think.,2词汇因素,例题:When will the man stay at 5:00? A. At home. B. At his office. C

13、. At the train station. 录音材料: M: Give me a call when you get into town. Ill pick you up at the train station. W: Shall I call your office? M: If you get in before 5:30 call the office. Otherwise, call my home.,二、影响学生听力的几个因素,3句法和语法,例题 1:What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Neigh

14、bours. B. Classmates. C. Colleagues. 录音材料: M: So, you have just moved in next door. Do you need anything? W: No, Not right now. But thanks. M: Well, let me know if you do.,二、影响学生听力的几个因素,4文化与母语,例题:What do we know about Lucy? A. She has caught a bad cold. B. She refused the mans invitation. C. She wil

15、l go dancing with the man. 录音材料: W: Did Lucy agree to go dancing with you this Friday evening? M: Well, she turned up her nose at my invitation.瞧不上我的邀请。,二、影响学生听力的几个因素,俚语:,高考听力命题特点、预测,1.语音特点,听力测试是考查学生理解口头语言能力的测试,材料内容多以口语形式出现,口头语言不同于书面语言,由于听不能像读一样可以反复,而且速度较快,因此,它的结构不像书面语那么严谨,而是句子短,重复率高,冗余信息多。此外,诸如you know, listen, well, I mean, you see等避免在书面语中出现的词语,在口语中经常使用。因此,听力测试材料比阅读材料容易,基本没有超纲词汇,但会出现陌生人名或地名,且注重提供真实的语言环境。尽管根据所选题材、内容、说话者身份、以及谈话对象不同,语体有正式、非正式和一般之分,但取材尽量趋于口语化。,


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