陕西汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《unit_1 the olympics》lesson 7dont fall off the pizzas 课件(冀教版)

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陕西汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《unit_1 the olympics》lesson 7dont fall off the pizzas 课件(冀教版)_第1页
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陕西汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《unit_1 the olympics》lesson 7dont fall off the pizzas 课件(冀教版)_第2页
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陕西汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《unit_1 the olympics》lesson 7dont fall off the pizzas 课件(冀教版)_第3页
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陕西汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《unit_1 the olympics》lesson 7dont fall off the pizzas 课件(冀教版)_第4页
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《陕西汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《unit_1 the olympics》lesson 7dont fall off the pizzas 课件(冀教版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《陕西汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《unit_1 the olympics》lesson 7dont fall off the pizzas 课件(冀教版)(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Lesson 7,Dont Fall off the Pizzas!,Warming up What events do you like? What games do you often play? Do you invent new games? What are they? How do you play?,Hello, Li Ming!,Jenny,To: Li-M From: jennycompmail.ca Subject: Classroom Olympics Date: 15/09 4:18 PM,Li Ming,Hello, Jenny,To: jennycompmail.

2、ca From: Li-M Subject: Re:Classroom Olympics Date: 15/09 4:18 PM,Jenny took part in the Olympics. Li Ming invented “Jump over Denny”. Jenny likes ping-pong very much.,Listening Task: True or False,Read and answer. 1. What did Jenny and her classmates do this week in school? They had a classroom Olym

3、pics. 2. Whats Jennys favourite event? Her favourite event is Dannys, called “Jump over the Dinosaur.”,3. Who won the Game? Who was the slowest one? Danny was the first one, and Brian lost the game. 4. Does Li Ming think “Jump over the Dinosaur” will ever be an Olympic event? No, He doesnt think so.

4、,Language notes: Our class invented five different events. invent v. “发明” discover v. “发现” Columbus discovered America in 1492. Who invented the steam engine? inventor n. 发明家 invention n. 发明,Then, everyone competed in each event, one by one. 然后大家在每个项目中,一个接一个的竞争。 one by one一个一个地,等于one after one They

5、went into the room one by one. 他们一个一个地走进房间。 衔接: in one word总而言之 one day有一天,某一天 one another 彼此 one the other一个另一个,climbed through a cardboard “donut”穿过一个硬纸板做得“面包圈” climb through爬过 through prep. 指空间上的“穿过,通过”。 Pass through the forest. 走过森林。 指时间上“从头到尾经过”。 Sit up through the night. 整通宵坐着。 指方法、手段等“经由,以”。

6、Learning of the event through Radio Beijing. 通过北京广播电台得知此事。,【辨析】:through, across与over 以上三词均可表示“通过,穿过”。 across表示从一定范围的一边到另一边,与on有关,表示动作是在某一物体的表面进行。如: We walked across the square to the store.我们穿过广场来到商店。 through表示从某物的中间通过,穿过,与有关,只在某一物体的空间里进行的。如: 我们穿过森林。 over多指在空间范围上通过,越过或者垂直在上与表面不接触。如: The birds fly ov

7、er the town. 鸟儿飞过城市。,Few of the other students were so fast. 其他的同学没有几个这样快的。 few of the other students几乎没有其他的学生。 few“很少;几乎没有”,是否定用法。其同义词是little。 few和little构成的句子视为否定句,在他们的反意疑问句中,翻译疑问部分要用肯定式。如: There is little time left, is there? 几乎没有时间了,是不是? He has few friends here, does he? 他这儿很少有朋友,是吗?,He did his b

8、est, but he kept falling off the pizzas! 他尽了努 力,但总是从比萨饼上掉下来。 keep falling off keep doing 使保持在某种状态 keep sb. doing让某人老是做某事 Dont keep sitting there. 不要一直坐在那里。 He kept the boy waiting at the gate.他让那个男孩一直在大门外等着。 fall off跌落 He kept the boy falling off the bike. 一天一个男孩从自行车上掉下来。,Please tell me about some o

9、f the others. 请告诉我其他的一些项目。 tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人某事 Please tell me about your school. 请告诉我你们学校的一些事情。,If he practises walking on pizzas, hell do better next time! 如果他练习在比萨饼上走,下次他会做得更好。 practise doing sth.练习做某事 They practise speaking English every morning. 他们每天早上练习说英语。 The girl often practises playi

10、ng the guitar in the evening.那女孩常常在晚上练习弹吉他。,Maybe I will play ping-pong in the real Olympics someday. someday = some day “将来有一天,他日,将来某时” Someday your dream _(come) true. Some day he _(turn) up again,will come,will turn,Lets do it Imagine you have a pen pal in Canada. Send an e-mail to him or her tel

11、ling about your classroom Olympics or a school sports meet.,用little, a little, few, a few 填空 1. When did John go out? - _ minutes ago. 2. I cant decide now. I need _ time to think about it. 3. Excuse me, can I ask you _ questions? 3. The weather here is very dry in spring. There is very _ rain. 4. T

12、here is _ time left. Hurry up! 5. Dont worry. We still have _ time.,A few,a little,a few,little,little,a little,用little, a little, few, a few 填空 7.There are many foreigners here, but _ can speak Spanish. 8.This physics problem is so difficult that only _ can work it out. 9.He has _ friends. He often visit them. 10. He has _ friends. He often stay at home alone.,few,a few,a few,few,Thank you!,



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