《unit6 hows the weather in your country课件》小学英语教科eec版三年级起点五年级下册_1

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1、Unit 6 Hows the Weather in Your Country?,渤海小学 景晓丹,sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,snowy,go skiing,make a snowman,fly kites,go on a picnic,go hiking,go swimming,play soccer,play basketball,Is it.?,Guessing,Beijing,Guangzhou,Kunming,Xian,Hong Kong,Lasha,Zhengzhou,Harbin,Shanghai,Hows the weather in ?,What ca

2、n we do today?,How is the weather today?,What is he doing now?,Its sunny today.,We can play basketball.,He is playing basketball now.,Report:,Look!,What can we do today?,Hows the weather today?,What is she doing now?,Its cloudy today.,We can play soccer.,She is playing soccer now.,Report:,Look!,How

3、is the weather?,What can we do ?,What are they doing?,Which season do you like best ?,Read and choose best answer . ( ) 1.Look at the clouds !But its going to be _in a minute. A. fine B. rain ( ) 2 .Its _and _in spring. A. warm /dry B. cool /dry ( ) 3. Does it often rain in Tinos country ? A. No, it

4、 doesnt . B. Yes, it does,A,A,B,( ) 4.Which season does Tino like best ? He likes _best . A. summer B. winner . ( ) 5. Hows the weather ? Its _ now . A.snowing B. pouring,A,B,cloud,clown,clothes,beach,eat,tea,Sounds and Letters.,class,close,clock,beaf,seat,steak,/kl/,/ i:/,The own wears colorful oth

5、es. Hes looking at the ouds.,We like to drink t and t some snacks at the b ch.,cl,cl,cl,ea,ea,ea,Listen and fill in the missing letters.,Listen and check the correct picture.,True,False,True,True,False,False,1,2,3,Listen and choose True or False.,2,1,3,4,Listen and number the pictures in order.,Hows

6、 the weather?,a,b,c,Its hot and sunny.,I felt a drop of rain. Thats okay. Its not raining very hard.,a,b,C,She likes winter best. She likes fall best. She likes summer best.,Which season does she like best?,Is it snowing?,Yes,it is. No,it isnt.Its sunny. No,it isnt.Its pouring.,Its summer here. Its

7、very _ . Its going to _in aminute.,Its winter here. Its very _ and snowy . I can _a snowman.,Its spring here. Its _ and sunny . I like to take a _in the park.,clody,make,cold,warm,rain,walk,1. Look at the sun. Its a s_ day. 2.Its blowing cool wind. Its a w _day. 3.Iit will be r _tomorrow.Please put

8、on your raincoat.,unny,indy,ainy,Exercise1,4.Today is s_. The ground (操场)is all white. 5. Look at the clouds. Its c _ today. 6.-Hows the w_in Beijing? - Its rainy.,eather,nowy,loudy,中央气象台播报员杨丹的播音稿件缺失了一部分内容,你能帮她补充完整吗?,writing,Task One,Thanks for joining CCTVs weather show. Different weather is in dif

9、ferent cities . Look! Its_ in Harbin, children are_. Shanghai is _ , people are _ at home. It is _ in Hangzhou , students are _ . Guangzhou is _ ,boys are _ .,rainy,Watching TV,windy,flying kites,sunny,swimming,snowy,making a snowman,Warning (警示录),We have only one earth. 我们只有一个地球.,The earth is our home. 地球是我们的家.,活学活用,Task One,Homework,给你的笔友写一封信,介绍一下我们这一年四季的天气及活动: How is the weather in ? Its _and _in spring. I_ in spring. Summer/fall/winter.,Goodbye!,


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