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1、检测委托合同书检测委托合同书篇一:检 测 委 托 合 同 书检 测 委 托 合 同 书(Contract for Test Entrust)地址:浙江省杭州市天目山路 222 号省质监局 4 号楼 邮编():址(Website):电话(TEL):0571- 传真(FAX):0571-E-mail:ywb2376: Building 4 Tianmushan Rd.,Hangzhou,Zhejiang :检号(Test Report No.):协 议 条 款(Terms and Conditions for Testing)一、承检方根据客户要求对客户提供的样品进行检测并出具检测报告,按合同约定

2、发送检测报告、处理检毕样品。客户按检测要求提供合法适用的样品并按检测合同约定的金额支付检测费用。The tester will test any sample offered by the clients subject to their requirements, issue、send the test report and dealt the sample after tested according to the contract. The client shall supply the legal sample and pay the test charge as stipulated

3、 in the contract.二、客户通过自行送达或委托他人送达(包括邮寄)的检测样品应当是完整、无损、安全及适用于检测的, 并应确保样品可在国内外合法销售、流通,不用于非法目的。如客户提供的样品系用于特殊目的,应在签订检测合同前向承检方说明。客户向承检方提供的一切资料应当是真实、完整、合法、有效的。The sample submitted by client, others or by mail shall be complete, no-destroyed, safe and fit for test. It shall be sold at home and abroad not u

4、sed for illegal purpose. If the tested sample will be used for special uses, notification shall be made before signing the contract. The information offered by clients shall be true, complete, legal, fit.三、客户对检测报告有特殊要求,包括对检测结果有测量不确定度要求时,需在检测合同中声明。The client shall notify the tester by advance in the

5、contract if they have special requirements, including the requests for measurement uncertainty of test results.四、对检测合同内容的任何变更均须以书面方式进行。由签订本合同的客户代表和承检方代表共同签字确认后方为有效。检测合同变更生效后即按更改合同执行。The contract may only be modified by a variation expressed in writing, signed and confirmed by the client and the test

6、er on behalf of. It will be tested by the revised contract.五、由承检方代为确定检测方法或需要偏离原定的检测方法时承检方需将代为确定的检测方法或所需的偏离及 时通知客户,并得到客户的确认后方可执行。The tester shall notify the client in time and make confirmation by them, if test methods are adopted by tester or there is any deviation of the test methods during the tes

7、t process.六、承检方按客户要求发放检测报告。客户自取或委托他人代取检测报告,应当凭本合同(原件)领取检测报告。若本合同遗失,可凭客户介绍信及领取人的个人身份证原件(用于出示)及复印件(留存承检方)领取检测报告.The tester will submit test report as the client requested. The client shall present the duplicate (same) for the collection of test report if they tend to take the test report by themselves

8、 or others. If they missed the contract, they should take the introduction letter of the unit or the original ID and its photocopy of the agent instead of.七、客户对检测报告结果有异议的,应及时向承检方提出。The client shall notify tester in time if they have some unclear or disagree test results.八、客户不得利用检测报告进行非法活动,不得私自涂改、变造报

9、告形式和内容。对由上述行为而造成的一切后果承检方均不负任何法律责任,并保留追究相关方责任的权利。The client shall not make any illegal activity and make any correction and amendment of the test report .Tester will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility.九、客户所需的检测报告应在本合同中予以声明。

10、报告一经发送,客户要求追加检测报告的,应当缴纳追加报告费用,由承检方调取存档报告复印后加盖承检方检测专用红章。加盖承检方检测专用红章的报告复印件与原件效力相同。对复印后未加盖承检方红章的检测报告,承检方一律不予认可。The client shall notice in advance if they need more than one report, and pay the additional fees for over reports. The tester will draw the test report filed, make the copy and print the red

11、chop on it. The test report photocopy signed the red chop on is the same as the original one. Tester will not confirm those test reports if the client reproduce without the red chop on.十、承检方作为具有独立法人资格的第三方公正权威检测机构,所出具的检测报告完全基于其第三方公正立场,不受其它方面的干预和影响。承检方对检测结果负责,对涉及客户的技术秘密、商业秘密等均承诺予以严格保密。The tester is th

12、e third party、impartial and authoritative test organization with the qualification of independent juridical person, issue test report entirely based on the third party impartial ground and shall not be interfered and affected by any party。The tester should be responsible for the test results and mak

13、e serious confidential promise for the clients technology information, commerce information concerning the test.十一、因灾害、事故等人力所不可抗拒的情况而造成样品损坏或遗失的,承检方不对样品的损坏、遗失及因此而造成的检测结果偏离负责,并可根据需要变更或解除本检测合同。In no circumstances whatsoever shall the tester be liable for any loss or damage of the sample、 the test repor

14、t deviation caused by the disaster and accident such beyond the tester control. The tester may amend or cancel the test contract if necessary.十二、因样品库存量有限,特此声明:承检方义务保管检测样品的期限为自受理样品之日起至检测报告领取或发送之日后 30 天止。承检方有义务按客户委托或有权在检测报告领取或发送后 30 天后,对检毕样品进行自由处理。For the limit of the stock place, the tester make the

15、claim as follows: The sample after tested should not be destroyed or disposed during the expiration of 30 days after the submit date of test report .However, the tester can deal with the tested samples after this deadline. 十三、本合同一式两份,承检方和客户各执一份.The contract has the duplicate , the tester 、client sha

16、ll retain their respective contract.篇二:委 托 检 测 协 议委 托 检 测 协 议(甲方)对自有实验室不能检测的项目特委托山东出入境检验检疫局检验检疫技术中心(乙方)进行委托检测。甲乙双方经友好协商,本着平等、自愿、诚信原则,达成以下协议:一、委托内容 见附件。二、甲乙双方责任和义务 1、甲方责任和义务(1) 甲方自愿委托乙方作为甲方的自检自控委托实验室,有义务提供需委托乙方检测的项目和频率及企业的抽样为保证产品安全卫生质量,提高企业的自检自控水平,计划等必要的材料,以保证协议的顺利签署。(2) 一般情况下,甲方负责样品的扦取工作。如要委托乙方代为扦样,甲方应提前向乙方提出申请,并缴纳一定的代扦样费用。(3) 甲方有义务提供给乙方数量充足、密封完好、符合检测要求的样品。(4) 甲方有义务批批填写检测业务委托联系单,并在委托单上对检测项目、样品状态、样品名称、样品标识等作出明确详细地说明。甲方应向乙方明确检测依据及限量要求,对于没有具体检测标准的项目,双方协商解决。如果甲方未指定检测依据及限量要求,则视为同意乙方所选。因检测要求不



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