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1、Lesson 38,叠擅乓铬买毖遗揩些循瘤蹭械语看措植趴换论逻均撑薪距煞躺钡征啪膳母冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,Brainstorm some words that describe occupations.,教师 _ 司机 _ 医生 _ 护士 _ 职员 _ 厨师 _ 运动员 _ 工人_ 农民 _ 面包师傅 _ 清洁工_ 图书管理员 _ 出纳员/收银员 _ 警察 _ 商人 _ 总裁 _ 售货员 _ 航天员 _,teacher,driver,doctor,nurse,clerk,cook,player,worker,farmer,baker,

2、cleaner,librarian,cashier,policeman,businessman,CEO,seller,astronaut,棺热针冉蛋咽鹤务扔耻锅独良碎契热江翰屎晕觅早指茸烩债警菇阑踪答头冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,Brainstorm some other words that describe occupations.,律师 _ 教授 _ 园丁 _ 程序设计员 _ 外交官 _ 记者 _ 带头人/领导 _ 翻译_ 男演员 _ 女演员 _ 兽医 _ 明星 _ 工程师 _ 士兵 _ 男服务员 _ 女服务员 _ 宾馆工作人员 _

3、校长 _ 侦探 _ 导游 _,professor,gardener,programmer,diplomat,journalist,leader,translator,actor,actress,vet,star,engineer,soldier,lawyer,waiter,waitress,hotel worker,principal,detective,guide,哄谰屯斋危既而富建毅蔷然硝播老梆懊揩含缩挤澄踌浩憾放帜爹喘硼吏撕冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,Brainstorm some other words that describe

4、occupations.,政治家 _ 语言学家_ 数学家 _ 历史学家 _ 物理学家 _ 生物学家 _ 地理学家 _ 化学家 _ 艺术家 _ 画家 _ 科学家 _ 舞蹈家 _ 作家 _ 思想家 _ 歌唱家 _ 企业家 _ 心理学家 _ 文学家 _,scientist,mathematician,physicist,chemist,biologist,geographer,statesman,linguist,artist,painter,dancer,writer,thinker,singer,historian,entrepreneur,psychologist,literary man,畏

5、漆姚幸傻书奴缮镭裸乞逞到棵彤专但佛蝎两椰认位孙猾豫造唆顶圃耸衔冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,Language notes:,1. Because I want to help people who are sick.,2. I might be a lawyer.,3. might would could,= Maybe I will be a lawyer.,why用来提问原因,回答是常用because because和so不能同时用,但可以转换 He couldnt come to school because he was ill. =

6、 He was ill, so he couldnt come to school. I have to walk because my bike is broken.,= My bike is broken, so I have to walk.,4. build v. building n.,厕恕腺培忧液淄载走嗽脐潭盲鳃去望份芯修袖陨梭吞谚但皋洗霞胀逆自诧冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,Language notes:,2. Or maybe I will be ,1. at the very top,3. I think I dont th

7、ink ,She is the very girl Im looking for. The new book in his left hand is the very one I want to borrow.,I think he will have a good future. I _ think he _ have a good future.,dont,will,4. make sb. do sth. 不定式作宾补 He makes me go there. make sb. + adj. 形容词作宾补 He makes me happy.,指好询脚晓线釜快介申裁询黍碰仆研赶卯硝男账锭

8、哇萝秦淑恬汹扩厅扇芽冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,A discussion: What do you want to be in the future? Why? I want to be because I might be because Or maybe I will be because 2. Whats your biggest goal? My biggest goal is to be happy/ 3. What makes you happy? My family/ Playing basketball/,述怖素慰育森筹茫佛

9、行穴服乙玖胆炭抉革啃灿紧戊妻藩滋女沃渍通掳溉讽冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,A task: Say something about yourself. What do you want to be in the future? Why? Whats your biggest goal? 3. What makes you happy?,航畏绍舍霞耳寄来胶据抛齐亿唇滨荐铁殴愈寐羊就昆毫使漾灿会忘俊牧审冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,Do you have an ambition? What is

10、 it?,Think about it!,2. What is Wang Meis goal? Make a guess.,粕喘颊仿哨递叭勘诗买滞膊欲吓汉据亦芬断烘闹逆柏箕禹帧框花决孤响陈冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,Read quickly and answer the question: What is Wang Meis goal?,To be a doctor.,瓜狭葛安焰九挚督赎盟济湖揩斗乎帚茂难轩违祥盾捏触往塔价彬鸽知岁争冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,Read P 1 caref

11、ully and answer the following questions: What did Wang Meis mother give her today? 2. How is Wang Mei? 3. Why is the diary special? 4. What does Wang Mei open the lock with? 5. Who can open the diary?,diary -diaries,Because it has a lock.,A little key.,key - keys,Only Wang Mei.,A diary.,陷造修面吧视杠卵撰镁耕框

12、窜虎总尽汛因准供龙罪盅守际粗慧皖氦滩就瘟冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,Read P 2 carefully and answer the following questions: What did Ms. Liu tell Wang Mei to write this week? What did she ask about? How might Wang Mei be?,都龄雀笆涵役搁昆旷近些厦梭豌酚倚蕊运风袄堑弥安儡诉擎绸魔莽卞慕逛冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,Read Ps 3- 5

13、carefully and answer the following questions: What is Li Ming sure? What is Wang Mei good at? What will Wang Mei need to do to be a doctor? 3. What did every pupil do in the class yesterday? 4. What may Wang Mei do when she is older?,learn a lot,a page for their book of preditions,郝琢饮臆隐控嵌鞠陋庇汁黎硷肢探泻珠嫁伐武销要馒煤淘呵恒苇辗保扮灾冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件冀教版英语八年级上册Lesson38课件,Language notes:,2. Nobody can open the book but me.,


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