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1、关于珍惜时间的演讲稿英语关于珍惜时间的演讲稿英语 篇一:珍惜时间的英语演讲稿 time is valuable hello, ladies and gentlemen! it is my honor to share my topic with you here. and my topic is time is valuable. time flies. the article cong cong of zhu ziqing also tells us time is rare. we all know that :time is life, at home we have parents a

2、dvisement, at school we have teachers advisement. but who treasures time as lifenow lets enjoy a story: one day a young man visited great educator banjieming. when banjieming opened the door, to the young mans great surprise.: his house was very dirty. “im sorry, its too dirty. wait a minute please.

3、 banjieming said and closed the door. “ok, you may go now. banjieming said , “but i , i havnt remit to you”. the young man asked. “isnt it enough looking at the room, “ banjieming said. “you have been here for one minute.” “one minute one minute, oh i know. you tell me a truth: we can do many things

4、 in a minute.” the young man left with story is short but meaningful. just like the story says: one minute isnt long. but our life is made of such minutes. in fact only treasure time , will you succeed, only treasure time, will you realize your ideal. only treasure time will you achieve what you wan

5、t. we should make good use of time to study hard or to do something meaningful for yourself. so, we should plan the time to study and relax,especially at we have more free time at home,so that we can use that time to do a lot of is the need for practical action. if you want to change a difficult sit

6、uation, if you want to change yourself, if you want to make good use of time to study, you must put into not, your plan will be not dear fiends, please treasure every minutes of your life. only like this will you have an excellent future. thank you verymuch.篇二:珍惜时间英语演讲稿 today i should treasure time

7、well hello everyone,time, was a strange thing, it makes all sickness and death. when there is something born of time, from that moment the beginning of time has passed. how to we do we can only seize the opportunity to seize life, to do the masters of their own destiny. time is of the essence, time

8、is gone forever, and we must treasure this good time, study hard, grow up, the effectiveness of the motherland. it is also the so-called one inch by one inch gold time, gold-inch inch time. let us cherish the time with it! thanks for your attention to my speech. 班 级:过控 13-4 姓名:胡守庭 学号:XX 篇三:珍惜时间英语演讲

9、珍惜时间 古人云“光阴似箭,岁月如梭” ,朱自清匆匆里的 叹息也使我们颇感时间的可贵。 “时 间就是生命” ,相信这句话同学们并不陌生在家中, 有父母的叮咛;到学校,有老师的教 诲。可是,有多少人真正引起重视,去自觉珍惜,像 对待生命一样对待时间呢?.下面,请听小故事“一分钟” 著名教育家班杰明曾接到一个青年人的求教电话,并约好 了见面的时间和地点。待那个 青年人如约而至时,眼前的景象却令他颇感意外,大 教育家的房间里竟然乱七八糟,狼藉一 片。没等青年人开口,班杰明就招呼道:“你看我这 房间,太不整洁了,请你在门外等一分钟, 我收拾一下你再进来吧。 ”说着,他就关上了门。(转 载于:珍惜时间

10、的英语演讲稿) 一分钟后,班杰明又打开了房门,并热情地把青年人 让进客厅。这时,青年人的眼前展 现出另一番景象房间内的一切已变得井然有序。 可是,没等青年人把问题讲出来,班杰 明就非常客气地说:“好吧,你可以走了。 ”青年人一 下子愣住了,既尴尬又非常遗憾地说: “可是,我,我还没向您请教呢。 ” “这些,难道还不 够吗?”班杰明一边扫视着自己的房间, 一边微笑地说, “你进来已有一分钟了。 ” “一分钟? 一分钟, ”青年人若有所思地说, “噢,我懂了,您让我明 白了一分钟的时间 可以做许多事情,也可以改变许多事情的深刻道理。 ” 向班杰明道谢后,青年人开心地走了。故事讲完了,很简 单,却很

11、耐人寻味。正象故事里所说的那样“一分钟里, 我们可以丢 掉很多事,一分钟里,我们也可以完成很多事。 ”一分 钟看起来并不起眼,可是我们的人生就 是这样由一个个一分钟组成,现在的一分钟很快就会 成为过去,将来的一分钟也很快就会变 成现在。所以同学们,珍惜时间,就必须从珍惜你的 每一分钟做起,从现在做起。只有把握 好你生命的每一分钟,你才能踏上成功之路,攀上理 想之巅。到达成功的彼岸。 篇二:珍惜时间英语演讲稿 Time Is Valuable Hello, everyone, It is my honor to share my topic with you here. And my topic

12、 is Time Is Valuable. Time flies. The article cong cong of Zhu Ziqing also tells us time is rare. We all know that :Time is life, at home we have parents advisement, at school we have teachers advisement. But who treasures time as life Now lets enjoy a story: One day a young man visited great educat

13、or Banjieming. When Banjieming opened the door, to the young mans great surprise.: his house was very dirty. “Im sorry, Its too dirty. Wait a minute please. Banjieming said and closed the door. One minute later, Banjieming opened the door again and said: come in please . This time what the young man

14、 saw was a clean and clear sitting room. “OK, You may go now. Banjieming said , “But I , I havnt remit to you”. The young man asked. “Isnt it enough Looking at the room, “ Banjieming said. “You have been here for one minute.” “One minute One minute, Oh I know. You tell me a truth: We can do many thi

15、ngs in a minute.” The young man left with satisfaction. The story is short but meaningful. Just like the story says: one minute isnt long. But our life is made of such minutes. In fact only treasure time , will you succeed, only treasure time, will you realize your ideal. Only treasure time will you

16、 achieve what you want. So, everyone ,please treasure every minutes of your life. Only like this will you have an excellent future. Thank you very much. 篇三:珍惜时间英语演讲稿 Today I should treasure time well Hello everyone,Time, was a strange thing, it makes all sickness and death. When there is something born of time, from that moment the beginning of time has passed. How to we do We can only seize the opportunity to seize life, to do the masters of their own destiny. I have tho


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