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1、新员工职业健康训练,上课内容 Contents,HHSIS OH 组织图 OH (Occupational Health) Team Organization Chart 法规对 OH 有那些规定与要求? Local regulations for OH (Occupational Health) HHSIS 急救小组紧急救护组织与流程 HSIS First aid org. and flow chart 个人卫生习惯 Personal Hygiene 职业卫生介绍 Occupational hygiene introduction 其他 Others,2018/11/1,HHSIS OH 组

2、织图 HHSIS OH Team Organization Chart,HHSIS OH 组织功能图,2018/11/1,EHS,OH engineer 职业卫生工程师,Health Center 医生/护士,预防 职业病预防 职业伤害预防,急救 职业伤害急救 体检 职业体检 诊所 疾病处理 传染病预防,2018/11/1,法规对 OH 有那些规定与要求?,中华人民共和国职业病防治法,第一章 总则 CHAPTER 1 General Principles 第二章 前期预防 CHAPTER 2 Prevention before Construction of Enterprises 第三章 劳

3、动过程中的防护与管理 CHAPTER 3 Protection, Control and Management during laboring 第四章 职业病诊断与职业病人保障 CHAPTER 4 Occupational Disease diagnoses and patient assurance 第五章 监督检查 CHAPTER 5 Supervision and Inspection 第六章 法律责任 CHAPTER 6 legal Liability 第七章 附则 CHAPTER 7 Supplement,2018/11/1,立法宗旨与原则/目的和适用范围,宗旨与原则 以人为本:维护

4、劳动者健康权益 All for the People :Protecting the health right of the labours 预防为主:控制危害源头 Prevention first:Control of the risk sources 目的和适用范围 预防、控制和消除职业病危害 Prevention, control and elimination of the hazards of occupational diseases 防治职业病 Prevention & Therapy of occupational diseases 促进经济发展 Promotion of ec

5、onomic development 保护劳动者健康及相关权益 Protection of the health of the labours and their relevant rights 适用中华人民共和国领域内的职业病防治活动 It is applicable to all activities concerning the prevention and therapy of occupational diseases in PRC,2018/11/1,用人单位工作场所要求,危害因素浓度符合国家职业卫生标准 Concentrations of the hazard factors s

6、hould meet the national occupational health standard 有与职业病危害防护相适应的设施 Facilities should be able to prevent workers from being endangered by occupational diseases 生产布局合理,有害与无害分开 Production layout is reasonable, ie, relevant separation is provided between the harmful and harmless production areas 有更衣间、

7、洗浴间、孕妇休息间等卫生设施 Health facilities such as change-room, bathroom and rest room for pregnant women are provided 设备、工具、用具等设施符合保护生理、心理健康的要求 Equipments, tools and apparatus should satisfy requirements for physical and psychological health protection 其他要求(其他法律规定的要求)Other requirements(specified by other law

8、s and regulations).,2018/11/1,女职工劳动保护规定,女职工怀孕期间,不得在正常劳动日以外延长劳动时间,怀孕7个月以上(含7个月)的女职工,一般不得安排其从事夜班劳动,在劳动时间内应安排一定的休息时间。Pregnant employees cannot work overtime, and women who are seven months or more pregnant cannot work the night shift. 孕妇应避免加班加点,在工作日应适当给予工间休息。Pregnant women should not add hours or shift

9、s. During work days, they should be granted sufficient time to rest.,2018/11/1,职业健康检查,上岗前、在岗期间、离岗时均应检查 Medical examination should be done while on-job and before taking a post or leaving the post 检查结果告知劳动者 To notice the worker the results of examination 未体检不得上岗,禁忌者不得作业,有病者调离安置 Those without medical

10、examination should not get the job; those with contraindication and not adaptable to the job shall neither, those who are ill shall be re-assigned 检查费用由企业承担 The examination express should be born to the enterprise 未离岗体检不得终止合同 Labor contract should not be terminated if the worker has not been subject

11、ed to medical examination before leaving the post 建立职业健康监护档案,无偿提供给劳动者复印件 To establish occupational health monitoring file and provide its copies to the workers free,2018/11/1,特殊人群职业健康保护,未成年人不得从事危害作业 Adolescent is forbidden to be engaged in high risk operations 孕期、哺乳期女工不得从事危害作业 Women in pregnancy or

12、nursing period are forbidden to be engaged in high risk operations,2018/11/1,职业病的范围(十大分类):,尘肺 Pneumoconiosis 职业性放射性疾病 Radioactive occupational disease 职业中毒 Occupational poisoning 物理因素所致职业病 Occupational disease due to physical factor 生物因素所致职业病 Occupational disease due to biologic factor 职业性皮肤病 Occupa

13、tional dermal disiase 职业性眼病 Occupational eye disease 职业性耳鼻喉口腔疾病 Occupational ENT disease 职业性肿瘤 Occupational cancer 其它职业病 Other occupational disease,2018/11/1,2018/11/1,HHSIS 急救小组紧急救护组织与流程 HHSIS First aid org. and flow chart,HHSIS 急救流程,2018/11/1,意外事故导致人员受伤或身体不适,现场急救(医务人员到现场)或到医务室提供专业的指导与协助,送健康/医护中心,医

14、生判断 是否送医?,留在健康/医护中心进行观察并通知相关人员,恢复正常回工作岗位上班,结案,情况稳定者派车或叫TAXI并通知单位主管派受过急救训练人员陪同,严重者CALL120派救护车,陪同人员应向ERC及医疗室汇报伤患者状况及就医情形 健康/医护中心人员主动联络伤患情况,N,Y,2018/11/1,个人卫生习惯 Personal Hygiene,个人卫生习惯,一、个人卫生 常洗手、常洗澡 (上完厕所,请务必洗手) 勿用脚踩上马桶,冲洗马桶,不拿卷筒纸回家 不随意吐痰;不任意丢弃垃圾 不在非吸烟区抽烟(违反者会被开除) 二、工作单位卫生 机台的清洁 机台周围区域的清洁 机台管理者需将厂商留下来

15、的废物收拾干净,2018/11/1,工作现场就是我们的家,防脏 (Cleanliness Promotion) - 包括清扫,清洁,保持厂房,现场环境及设备清洁。 防乱 (Orderliness Promotion) - 包括整理,整顿,修养,防止零乱档案对象放置整齐,设备器材布置井然有序,防止聚众哗然.节约能源,防止浪费。 防火 (Fire Prevention) - 包括消防,做好火灾预防,严禁随意动火,组织消 防自卫队,做好消防系统维护保养。 防灾 (Incident Prevention) - 包括安全,做好安全生产,严防灾害发生.做好监 督检查,防止隐患成灾.充实安全知识,确保落实安

16、全措施。 防害 (Hygiene Protection) - 包括环保,防止污染,防止四害,防止病害,防止危 害,防止泄漏,促进员工健康。 防盗 (Security Protection) - 包括治安,保安,保密,防止盗窃,防止争斗,防止窃 听,防止盗印,平和相处,机密不外泄。,2018/11/1,2018/11/1,职业卫生介绍 Occupational hygiene introduction,2018/11/1,职业有害因素,生产过程中的有害因素 1.化学因素 毒物、粉尘 2.物理因素 气象条件、噪声、振动、电离辐 射、非电离辐射、 生物因素 劳动过程中的有害因素 1.劳动组织和制度的不合理 2.劳动中紧张度过高 3.劳动强度过大或劳动安排不当 4.长时间处于某种不良的体位 生产环境中的有害因素 1.生产场所设计不符合卫生要求或卫生标准 2.车间布局不合理,如有毒无毒工段安排在一个车间内 3.采光、照明不符合卫生要求 4.通风条件不符合卫生要求 5.缺乏必要的防尘、防毒、防暑降温、防噪声措施设备 6.安全防护设备或个人防护用品有缺陷,


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