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1、毕业实习总结毕业实习总结俸翠红0901 班SummaryOur graduation internship has been completed for these six weeks and combined the expertise knowledge with the company production and operation. In a word, this practice that helps us to improve the business negotiation, writing skills, office management and the translati

2、on training related the practical internship situation and so on.From the form of the internship, our business English students go further the basic level of the company to grasp the disciplines of the general entrepreneur. Meanwhile, many students develop their all kinds of practical skills from th

3、e presenting companies that they are interested in, that is, they prefer to choose their expertise position to perform their responsibility for their major and occupation. And then, we could strengthen our knowledge learned so that we could finish our internship smoothly.First of all, we are divided

4、 into several groups which are organized very well that we sometimes could communicate with each other,. Especially, when we go out for the job we are considered the security problem we keep the relationship between classmates and our teacher. Sometimes, we could find more opportunity for others, wh

5、ich is helpful for many classmates who do not find the internship company.And then, we continue to finish the internship work according to the outline-related introduction list so that we could not ignore the requirements of our foreign language school in our university. However, we could face to th

6、e difficulties that must be overcome in the whole process to some extent we could perform the challenge of the society. Even if some of us could be curiosity when they firstly step into the new environment never suffer from too much but we are not stranger for the social practice, we are certainly c

7、onfidence and brave to receive the necessity task.Next, with the development of the internship, many classmates are more and more concentrated on our work because we all treasure our opportunities which arenot very easy for us. At the same time, we all hope to make full use of time study the social

8、experience for preparing our graduation. In fact, when we really involved into the internship work and are conscious to our school work we feel so tired but satisfy for the achievements obtained a little, and I have the capability to solve the practical problems after I train all kinds of skills thi

9、s time with several years experience in the real job.Finally, I receive many results from the internship work, especially the translation task becoming the main major skills. So it is very important for English major students to relate the translation to the internship job. We can say the translatio

10、n could be played a key role on the internship because we can know the greatest meaningful of the inner relationship. It is no doubt that we do not forget the target and the duty by taking activity in the practice.Therefore, I have finished the graduation internship successfully when I collect all t

11、he valuable materials. Fortunately, I could prepare advance plan for my graduation by the meaningful work as I feel more confidence naturally to the promising future.第二篇:毕业实习总结 2900 字二月份过完年就马上开始历时三个月的实习生涯,我所在的实习单位叫龙岩市易佰特节能照明有限公司,该公司是一家集研发、生产、销售节能系列产品于一体的高新技术企业。产品涉及家居照明、商业照明、工矿照明、道路照明等领域,年产能 20xx 万套。

12、拥有员工 230人。能够找到实习单位我也是经历了千辛万苦,本来就是抱着要学到真本事的心态去找单位的,所以一开始就没有考虑是否有工资的问题,我所希望的是可以找到是会有老会计教我做帐的单位,然而不尽人意的是在网上投简历虽然接到很多单位打来电话通知面试,但是面试的过程确实让我备受打击,可谓是处处碰壁。一般单位一听到我还是学生还没有毕业也没有足够的工作经验便不考虑了。因为很多单位都是急需可以马上上手的会计人员,经验就变得很重要,然而虽说在学校也完整的模拟做过几套完整的账了解整个账套的基本流程,但是毕竟现实的做帐和在学校做的账上还是有很大不同的,所以要马上就上手还是有点困难。果然初出茅庐的孩子伤不起啊,

13、不过皇天不负有心人凭借着我打不到的小强精神在茫茫人海中寻寻觅觅,犹如海底捞针般终于找到了实习的单位。实习单位地址在永定县莲花高薪工业园区,离家有点远,但是这算什么?我还是义无反顾的去上班了,我非常珍惜这来之不易的实习机会。暗暗告诉自己一定要好好把握机会认真努力的学习。来单位报道的第一天我怀着既兴奋又忐忑的心情来到办公室,财务部总共有 6 个人,做完简单的自我介绍后,经理给我安排好了办公桌,随后便有同事带我去录指纹,因为上下班要有指纹打卡,同时带我去看看安排好入住的宿舍。放好行李,不得不说单位的宿舍条件真的非常好,我是一个人住的单身公寓啊,房间里空调,热水器,衣柜都配备齐全。跟然我惊喜的是原来我

14、实习还是有工资的,尽管工资不高这又何妨?本来就是来赚钱的,再说了还包吃包住,已经是很好的福利了。熟悉完宿舍后我便到厂房溜达了一圈,将公司环境熟悉一遍后回到办公室开始第一天的工作。当然了第一天上班经理是不可能给我安排工作的,而我要做什么呢?总不可坐着发呆吧,是的,身为会计人员首要做的事就是熟悉公司的各项业务,翻看过去的账本是必然的,所以我认认真真的翻看了 20xx 年整年的会计凭证,看的途中做笔记是必不可少的,单位是采用 ERP 做帐系统,而在学校我学习了用友做帐系统和金碟的电子做帐系统,但是这些做帐系统的操作流程基本是差不多的,老会计发给我一份 ERP 系统操作流程的文件,我细细的琢磨了一遍脑

15、子里也存有一定印象大体了解的基本流程,当然了光是看着死板的文字说明是学不到精髓 的,但是我相信在日后的实习过程中亲自操作了便会有更深刻的了解。其实真正的上班和自己想的情况还是有很大的不同的,第一周的上班时间不咸不淡的过着还没有实际的开始做账,主要是在翻看过去的凭证中度过。不过接下来的日子就过的很充实了,老会计开始用 ERP 系统开帐了,当然了我肯定是不能闲着的,我要做的就是录数据。将上年的期末数据录入进去作为本年的期初余额,虽然操作起来很简单只要将数据信息准确的录入就好了,但是不能小看啊,我需要录入的是应付账款,预付账款,应收账款,预收账款就这么四个科目就花了我两天时间在录入。由于会计的谨慎性

16、,录入的数据是不容有半点错误的,数据真的很多,看着 excel 表格里密密麻麻麻的数据真的是头晕脑胀啊,果然做会计的细心很重要啊,不是将数据完整的录入后就可以完事了,要确保信息数据没有半点的错误,检查便是必要的,一定要保证所有信息数据确认无误。录完数据还真是有点累啊。开帐完毕后就开始正式做帐了,首先将原始单据分门别类,我最先编制的是差旅费和费用报销单的会计凭证。差旅费的会计凭证如何编制呢?当然不是简单的就借:管理费用差旅费 贷:现金/银行存款 这个还是有讲究的。公司一共有 12 个部门即:总经理办公室,开发部,工程部,品管部,采购部,仓库,生产中心,市场部,海外市场部,财务部,人力行政部和后勤.。差旅费会根据是哪个部门人员出差而在管理费用和营业费用两个科目中选择编制到哪个科目下。除了市场部和海外市场部人员出差的费用通过营业费用这个科目编制外,其他部门人员出差都是通过管理费用编制的。同时如果差旅费报销单上有电话费的话要分开来计入到营业费用/管理费用明细科目“通讯费”上。刚到单位对每个部门人员都不熟悉所以编制凭证时每张原始凭证的出差人员所属的部门我都要一个一个的查找,所以编制凭证的时间也


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