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1、周围神经病,华山医院神经内科 卢家红,概述,组成(颅神经、脊神经)神经元结构,神经干 神经束 神经纤维 神经外膜 神经束膜 神经内膜,周围神经的变性 Wallerian degeneration,瓦勒变性,沃勒变性dying back neuropathy,逆行死亡性神经病 axonal degeneration,轴突变性 segmental demyelination,节段性脱髓鞘,神经病(neuropathy)、神经炎(neuritis)、神经痛(neuralgia) 周围神经病分类: 病程 突出症状 临床常用分类(部位) 对称性多发性神经病 单神经病或多数性单神经病,多发性神经病(炎)

2、polyneuropathy,病因 感染 代谢及内分泌障碍 营养障碍 药物及毒物 感染后 结缔组织病 遗传 癌性及不明原因,共同临床表现 感觉、运动、植物神经多同时受累 多为四肢远端对称性,格林巴利综合征 Guillain Barre syndrome,Guillain-Barre syndrome is a disorder in which the bodys immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. The first symptoms of this disorder include varying deg

3、rees of weakness or tingling sensations in the legs. In many instances the weakness and abnormal sensations spread to the arms and upper body. When severe, the patient is almost totally paralyzed. In these cases the disorder is life threatening-potentially interfering with breathing. Such a patient

4、is often put on a respirator to assist with breathing. Most patients, however, recover from even the most severe cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, although some continue to have a certain degree of weakness.,病因感染后自身免疫病病理神经根、周围神经脊神经、颅神经节段性脱髓鞘、轴索变性,临床表现 年龄(可发生于任何年龄,儿童、老年人) 性别(无明显差异) 前驱感染 首发症状(下肢无力、四肢远

5、端麻木) 运动(无力、反射、病理征-) 感觉(较运动障碍轻) 颅神经(、) 植物神经(心率、血压、皮肤营养、括约肌) 病程,实验室检查 电生理 神经传导速度减慢 脑脊液 蛋白细胞分离,诊断、鉴别诊断 急性脊髓炎 重症肌无力 脊髓灰质炎 周期性麻痹 治疗 静脉丙球、血浆交换 激素 呼吸机,面神经炎 Bell palsy,病因(茎乳孔) 临床表现,Facial nerve paralysis: Signs Facial asymmetry Eyebrow droop Loss of forehead &d nasolabial folds Drooping of corner of mouth U

6、ncontrolled tearing Inability to close eye Lips cannot be held tightly together: Difficulty keeping food in mouth Facial muscle atrophy (Late),鉴别诊断 格林巴利 糖尿病性 腮腺病变等 后颅窝病变 治疗,三叉神经痛 trigeminal neuralgia,病因原发性继发性 临床特征(原发性) 部位 疼痛特点 触发点 无明显阳性体征,鉴别诊断 牙痛 舌咽神经痛 继发性 治疗 药物 射频 阻滞 手术,坐骨神经痛 sciatica,L4-S2,病因(原发性、继发性)继发性 根性腰椎间盘突出、椎管狭窄、蛛网膜炎、椎管内肿瘤 干性骶髂关节、髋关节、盆腔、注射,临床表现 腰背痛(根性) 沿路疼痛(干性明显) 咳嗽、排便加剧 脊柱侧弯 Lasegue sign (干性明显) 体征,



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