新目标七年级下册unit12 section b 教学设计(附教学反思)

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《新目标七年级下册unit12 section b 教学设计(附教学反思)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标七年级下册unit12 section b 教学设计(附教学反思)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新目标七年级下册新目标七年级下册 Unit12Unit12 SectionSection B B 教学设计教学设计( (附教学反思)附教学反思)教学目标设计:一 、知识与技能:通过对目标语言的训练,调查家规、给父母制定家规,培养学生的听说读写能力。二、过程与方法:通过合作学习,学生学会与人交往,学会思考,学会发现错误。三 、情感态度与价值观:培养学生尊敬父母,学会关心父母,遵守规则的意识。学习目标:1. 能够学会使用祈使句,学会用 can 和 have to 谈论和制定规则。2. 能够读出本节课的新单词,对话和短文。3、能够听懂和读懂有关家规的对话或的短文并获取相关信息。教学重点与难点:教学重

2、点:祈使句的用法、can 和 have to 的用法。教学难点:由 have to 转换成 has to 及写信给父母。教学整体设计思路与教学策略与模式:教学整体设计思路:激趣导入、听读输入、说写输出,拓展迁移。教学策略与模式:一、播放视频,激趣导入。课开始,播放了两个视频,第一个视频可以起到复习section A 部分的作用,第二个视频是我找本班两个学生录制的,是为了导入本节课的话题,由家规到校规,过渡很自然。而且通过视频,特别是本班学生的视频,更能激发学生的学习兴趣,拉近了课堂的距离。二、听说输入,读写输出。在英语学习中,先输入后输出,听读是输入,说写是输出。本课我主要设置了听说(grou

3、pwork 调查相同的家规和 pairwork 了解同伴的家规) 、读(赵培的信) 、写(给父母写信等)四个任务,由易到难,层层深入。在学生听之前,我要学生看图片回答问题,为听做了一个铺垫。学生听后我有安排学生调查相同的家规、了解同班的家规,这既是听的输出,又是后面读的铺垫。在调查时,每个小组派一名代表汇报一下相同的家规,培养了学生的合作学习意识,很好的训练了学生口语能力。在读这一环节,学生读赵培的一封信,获取信息,知道他有什么家规,然后唤起学生关心父母,为他们好也为他们制定规则,这一环节是读的拓展,是输出。三、拓展迁移,提升能力。要学生给父母制定规则和写封信给父母,就是对本节课内容的拓展,如

4、果学生对此任务能够完成的话,就证明学生已经较好的掌握了本课内容。此外,我还教会学生会制定一些简单的图书室或实验室的规则,这是本节课的教学上一个迁移,真正提高学生使用英语的能力。教学环境:教学手段:多媒体。教学方法:视频法、情景教学法、小组合作学习法。教学资源:flash 视频,听力录音。教学过程:Step1 warming up and leading in1、Before the class,let the students watch and listen a movie “dont “(设计意图:复习 section A 有关校规的内容,还可以唤起英语课堂氛围,使学生尽早进入英语课堂。)

5、2、Ask the students the question”what rules do you have in our English class?” to review last lesson.3. Watch another movie and lead in.T: We have so many rules at school. Are you happy about these rules? (no.) Today Yang ying, her English name is Alan, very unhappy. Why? lets listen to her.(设计意图:复习校

6、规,再通过班上学生的视频导入谈论家规,很自然,贴近课堂生活实际)step2 listening task1.Ask and AnswerT: Why is Alan unhappy? What rules does Alan have in her family? What rulers do you have in your family.2. show some pictures and ask,” in our books some students also have some family rules. What are their rules? look at the pictur

7、es. What do these signs mean?3. listen and finish 2a and 2b.Emily and Dave have these rules. but what are Emilys rules and what are Daves rules. lets listen to a dialogue.(设计意图:通过前面的提问,学生根据已有的知识经验说说自己家规,为学生做听力做了铺垫, 听力的有效性。 )Step3 speaking task(groupwork and pairwork)1. groupworkT: Now I want to make

8、 a survery to know what rules you have in your familyies. please work in groups. then I will ask each group to report the same rules your group members have in front of the class.2. pairworkT: Now work in pairs to know what rules your partener has on weekend and then report it to the class.(设计意图:通过

9、groupwork, pairwork 调查相同的家规和同伴的家规并作出汇报,训练了学生的口头表达能力,也为学生后面的读做了铺垫)Step4. Reading taskT: In our book, Zhao Pei isnt happy, either. why? because he has many rules in his house.OK!please read the passage and find out his family rules. then write them down in your book.(设计意图:通过阅读,教会学生学会从短文中获取相关信息,也为写作练习做

10、了铺垫)Step5 Writing task1. Make a rules for your parents and ask them to report in front the class.T: we have many rules. what do you think of these rules. who made the rules for you? (our parents.) oh, for their health, you can also make some rules for your parents. ok?2.Write a letter to your parent

11、s, then ask them read the letterDear parents,I know you love me very much. now Ive grown up, but we have too many rules at home. I have something to tell you. will you listen to me?设计意图:通过给父母制定规则,是前面的阅读得到拓展和延伸,也提高了学生书面运用英语的能力)Step6 Exercise1.Write the rules of the school library.T: Do y

12、ou know the the rules of the school library? please make some rules according to the pictures.2: list the rules of the fraser family.Step7 Homework1.Oral work(口头)Talk to your classmates about the letters to your parents.2.Written work(笔头)Make the rules for the public places学习效果评价设计:本节课是人教版七年级下册最后一个单元,主要是要学生谈论家规,在 section A 部分已经学习谈论校规,学生已经能够很好地使用祈使句,正确使用情态动词 can, 本节课继续巩固这些内容。因此,在各方面都掌握的较好。听力练习百分之九十以上学生全对,说和写的效果是通过要学生到讲台前汇报的形式来检测的,大部分学生做的很好。通过要学生回答问题检测学生读的学习效果,发现学生基本能够从短文中获取信息。


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